Enchiridii libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 26,1,13Pomponius libro secundo enchiridii. Solet etiam curator dari aliquando tutorem habenti propter adversam tutoris valetudinem vel senium aetatis: qui magis administrator rerum, quam curator esse intellegitur. 1Est etiam adiutor tutelae, quem solet praetor permittere tutoribus constituere, qui non possunt sufficere administrationi tutelae, ita tamen ut suo periculo eum constituant.
Pomponius, Enchiridion, Book II. It is sometimes customary for a curator to be appointed for a ward who has a guardian, either on account of the ill health of the latter, or because of his old age; but he is understood to be rather a business manager than a genuine curator. 1The Prætor is accustomed to permit guardians to appoint an assistant in the administration of the guardianship, where they cannot satisfactorily administer it themselves, but this assistant is appointed at the guardian’s own risk.
Dig. 46,3,107Pomponius libro secundo enchiridii. Verborum obligatio aut naturaliter resolvitur aut civiliter: naturaliter veluti solutione aut cum res in stipulationem deducta sine culpa promissoris in rebus humanis esse desiit: civiliter veluti acceptilatione vel cum in eandem personam ius stipulantis promittentisque devenit.
Pomponius, Enchiridion, Book II. An oral obligation is discharged either naturally or civilly. It is discharged naturally, for instance, by payment, or where the property mentioned in the stipulation has ceased to exist without the fault of the promisor. It is discharged civilly, for example, by a release, as where the rights of the stipulator and the promisor become united in the same person.