Ad Vitellium libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 28,5,59Idem libro quarto ad Vitellium. Nemo dubitat recte ita heredem nuncupari posse ‘hic mihi heres esto’, cum sit coram, qui ostenditur. 1Qui frater non est, si fraterna caritate diligitur, recte cum nomine suo sub appellatione fratris heres instituitur.
The Same, On Vitellius, Book IV. No one doubts that an heir can legally be appointed as follows: “Let him be my heir,” where the party indicated is present. 1If a person is not a brother of the testator, but entertains fraternal affection for him, he can legally be appointed his heir, by mentioning his name with the appellation of brother.
Dig. 31,14Paulus libro quarto ad Vitellium. Si idem servus et legatus et liber esse iussus sit, favor libertatis praevalet: sin autem et in posteriore scriptura legatus est et evidens ademptio libertatis ostenditur, legatum propter defuncti voluntatem praevalebit. 1Servo alieno herede instituto post mortem domini eius cui adquisita hereditas et libertatem fideicommissariam dari posse constat.
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book IV. Where the same slave is bequeathed and ordered to be free, the favor shown to freedom takes precedence of the legacy. If, however, the slave is bequeathed in another part of the will, and it is clearly shown that it was intended to deprive him of his liberty, the legacy will take precedence on account of the intention of the deceased. 1Where a slave belonging to another is appointed an heir, it is established that his freedom can be conferred upon him after the death of his master for whom he acquired the estate.