Ad Vitellium libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 7,1,1Paulus libro tertio ad Vitellium. Usus fructus est ius alienis rebus utendi fruendi salva rerum substantia.
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book III. Usufruct is the right to use and enjoy the property of others, at the same time preserving intact the substance of the same.
Dig. 7,1,50Paulus libro tertio ad Vitellium. Titius Maevio fundum Tusculanum reliquit eiusque fidei commisit, ut eiusdem fundi partis dimidiae usum fructum Titiae praestaret: Maevius villam vetustate corruptam necessariam cogendis et conservandis fructibus aedificavit: quaesitum est, an sumptus partem pro portione usus fructus Titia adgnoscere debeat. respondit Scaevola, si priusquam usus fructus praestaretur, necessario aedificasset, non alias cogendum restituere quam eius sumptus ratio haberetur.
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book III. Titius left the Tusculan Estate to Mævius, and appointed him a trustee for the transfer to Titia of the usufruct of half of the said estate. Mævius rebuilt a house which was ruined by age, and which was required for the collection and preservation of the crops. The question then arose, whether Titia was obliged to assume part of the expense in proportion to her usufruct? Scævola answered that if it was necessary to rebuild the house before the usufruct was transferred, Mævius would not be compelled to deliver it, unless an action for the expense was allowed.
Dig. 7,8,3Paulus libro tertio ad Vitellium. et clientes:
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book III. And his clients.
Dig. 7,8,19Idem libro tertio ad Vitellium. Usus pars legari non potest: nam frui quidem pro parte possumus, uti pro parte non possumus.
The Same, On Vitellius, Book III. A portion of an use cannot be bequeathed; for we can enjoy a portion, but we cannot use one.
Dig. 26,1,11Paulus libro tertio ad Vitellium. Furiosus si tutor datus fuerit, potest intellegi ita dari, cum suae mentis esse coeperit.
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book III. If an insane person should be appointed a guardian, the appointment must be understood to have been made under the condition that he becomes of sound mind.
Dig. 35,1,46Idem libro tertio ad Vitellium. Si in diem exempli gratia centensimum imperatum est statulibero, ut pecuniam solveret, neque initium temporis eius quod futurum esset, adscriptum est, adita hereditate cedere dies incipit, quia absurdum visum est ante diem praeterire, quam is existeret, quem oportet accipere. et hoc in omnibus, qui heredi dare iussi sunt, dicendum est: igitur et legatario ex adita hereditate ad parendum condicioni tempus computabitur.
The Same, On Vitellius, Book III. If, for example, a slave who is to be free under the condition of paying a certain sum of money in a hundred days, and the beginning of the term is not mentioned, it will begin to run from the day that the estate is entered upon, because it is absurd to hold that it would begin before the time arrived when he who was entitled to the legacy would be able to receive it. This rule will apply to all legatees who are directed to pay the heir under such circumstances. Therefore the time for complying with the condition by the legatee will be computed from the day when the estate was entered upon.
Dig. 40,7,22Paulus libro tertio ad Vitellium. Qui pecuniam dare iussus est, nisi adiectum sit, cui det, heredibus dare debet pro partibus hereditariis: pro ea enim parte quisque accipere debet, pro qua dominus est. 1Si quidam ex heredibus, quibus dare debeat, nominati sint, dabit his pro hereditariis portionibus. 2Si heredibus nominatis etiam extraneus iunctus sit, extraneo virilis, ceteris hereditariae dari debent: et si non solum Titium, sed etiam alios adiecisset, hos virilem partem habituros, coheredes autem hereditarias Iulianus scribit.
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book III. Where a slave was ordered to pay a certain sum of money, and the person to whom he was to pay it was not mentioned, he must pay it to the heirs in proportion to their respective shares of the state, for each one of them must receive a share in proportion to his ownership of the slave. 1Where certain heirs are mentioned by the testator as those to whom the slave is required to make payment, he must do so in proportion to their respective shares of the estate. 2If a stranger is joined with the heirs who are mentioned, the full share must be paid to him, and amounts in proportion to their respective shares of the estate should be paid to the others. If the testator not only added Titius, but others besides, they will each be entitled to a full share, and their co-heirs to amounts in proportion to their interest of the estate; as is stated by Julianus.
Dig. 45,1,93Idem libro tertio ad Vitellium. Si sic stipulatus fuero: ‘per te non fieri, quo minus hominem ex his, quos habes, sumam?’ electio mea erit.
The Same, On Vitellius, Book III. If I stipulate as follows: “Do you promise that you will do nothing to prevent me from taking one of the slaves which you have?” I will be entitled to the choice.
Dig. 50,17,182Idem libro tertio ad Vitellium. Quod nullius esse potest, id ut alicuius fieret, nulla obligatio valet efficere.
The Same, On Vitellius, Book III. When the title to property cannot vest in anyone, no obligation can cause it to do so.