Ad Vitellium libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 31,12Paulus libro secundo ad Vitellium. Si pecunia legata in bonis legantis non sit, solvendo tamen hereditas sit, heres pecuniam legatam dare compellitur sive de suo sive ex venditione rerum hereditariarum sive unde voluerit. 1Quod ita legatum est: ‘heres cum morietur Lucio Titio dato decem’, cum incerta die legatum est, ad heredes legatarii non pertinet, si vivo herede decesserit.
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book II. Where money left by a legacy is not found among the property of the testator, but his estate is solvent, the heir will be compelled to pay the amount bequeathed out of his own pocket, or by selling some of the assets of the estate, or by obtaining it from any other source that he pleases. 1Where a legacy is bequeathed as follows, “Let my heir, when he dies, pay ten aurei to Lucius Titius,” as the bequest is to take effect at an uncertain time, it does not pass to the heirs of the legatee if he should die during the lifetime of the heir of the testator.
Dig. 32,46Paulus libro secundo ad Vitellium. Ea tamen adiectio legatum alias exiguius, alias plenius efficit. augetur, cum sic scriptum est: ‘quaeque eius causa parata sunt’: id enim significat et si quid praeter ea quae dicta sunt eius causa paratum est: minuitur detracta coniunctione, quia ex omnibus supra comprehensis ea sola definiuntur, quae eius causa parata sunt.
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book II. The addition of the clause above mentioned sometimes diminishes, and sometimes increases the legacy; it increases it when it is written as follows, “And whatever has been acquired on her account,” for this signifies that something else has been acquired for her benefit in addition to what has already been mentioned. It is diminished when the conjunction “and” is omitted, because, then it signifies that those things alone of all the articles previously designated have been procured for her benefit.
Dig. 32,78Paulus libro secundo ad Vitellium. Quaesitum est Stichum servum ex eo fundo ante annum mortis testatoris abductum et disciplinae traditum, postea in eum fundum non reversum an deberetur. responsum est, si studendi causa mississet, non quo de fundo eum aliorsum transferret, deberi. 1‘Maevi fili, quod iam tibi maximam partem facultatium dederim, contentus esse debes fundo Semproniano cum suis inhabitantibus, id est familia, et quae ibi erunt’. quaesitum est de nominibus debitorum et nummis. eadem epistulam talem emisit: ‘argentum omne et supellectilem, quodcumque habeo, tibi dono et quidquid in praedio Semproniano habeo’. an supellex, quae in aliis praediis vel domibus esset, ad Maevium pertineret? et an servi, quos ex eo fundo aliis legavit? responsum est nomina et nummos non videri deberi, nisi manifeste de his quoque legandis voluntas defunctae adprobaretur. servos ex isdem fundis aliis datos deminuisse filii legatum. de argento et suppellectili quae alibi esset eum cuius notio est aestimaturum, ut id optineat, quod testatori placuisse a legatario adprobabitur. 2Praedia quidam reliquit adiectis hisaaDie Großausgabe lässt his aus. verbis: ‘uti a me possessa sunt et quaecumque ibi erunt cum moriar’: quaesitum est de mancipiis, quae in his praediis morata fuerunt vel operis rustici causa vel alterius officii, ceterisque rebus, quae ibi fuerunt in diem mortis, an ad legatarium pertinerent. respondit ea omnia, de quibus quaereretur, legata videri. 3‘Peto, ut fundum meum Campanianum Genesiae alumnae meae adscribatis ducentorum aureorum ita uti est’. quaeritur, an fundo et reliqua colonorum et mancipia, si qua mortis tempore in eo fuerint, debeantur. respondit reliqua quidem colonorum non legata: cetera vero videri illis verbis ‘ita uti est’ data. 4Illud fortasse quaesiturus sit aliquis, cur argenti appellatione etiam factum argentum comprehendetur, cum, si marmor legatum esset, nihil praeter rudem materiam demonstratum videri posset. cuius haec ratio traditur, quippe ea, quae talis naturae sint, ut saepius in sua redigi possint initia, ea materiae potentia victa numquam vires eius effugiant. 5Coccum quod proprio nomine appellatur quin versicoloribus cederet, nemo dubitavit. quin minus porro coracinum aut hysginum aut melinum suo nomine quam coccum purpurave designatur? 6Cum vir ita legasset: ‘quae uxoris causa parata sunt, ei do lego’, ego apud praetorem fideicommissarium petebam etiam res aestimatas, quarum pretium in dotem erat, nec optinui, quasi testator non sensisset de his rebus. atquin si in usum eius datae sint, nihil interest, ab ipsa an ab alio comparatae sunt. postea apud Aburnium Valentem inveni ita relatum: mulier res aestimatas in dotem dederat ac deinde maritus ei legaverat his verbis: ‘quae eius causa comparata emptaque essent’. dixit emptorum paratorumque appellatione non contineri ea, quae in dotem data essent, nisi si maritus eas res, posteaquam ipsius factae essent, in uxoris usum convertisset. 7Rebus quae in fundo sunt legatis accedunt etiam ea, quae tunc non sunt, si esse solent: nec quae casu ibi fuerunt, legata existimantur.
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book II. The question arose, where the slave Stichus had been removed from the land to which he had been attached, and given instruction, but had not afterwards been returned, whether he should be delivered to the legatee with said land. The answer was that if he had been sent for the purpose of studying, and not to be transferred to some other land, he must be delivered to the legatee. 1“My son, Mævius, as I have already given you the greater part of my property, you should be content with the Sempronian Estate, and all who live thereon; that is to say, with the slaves who are there.” The question arose as to the disposition of certain notes of debtors, and sums of money which were found on said land. The same testatrix wrote the following letter: “I give you all the silver plate and furniture which I have, and whatever I possess on the Sempronian Estate.” Will the furniture which is on other estates or in other houses belong to Mævius, and will he be entitled to the slaves which the testator bequeathed to others, and which formed part of the Sempronian Estate? The answer was that the notes and the money should not be considered as included, unless the intention of the deceased to bequeath them was positively proved, and that the legacy of the son should be diminished through the bequest to others of slaves attached to the said Estate. With reference to the silver plate and furniture which were elsewhere, their disposition must be left to the judge, who will determine to whom they should belong, in order that the intention of the testator may be carried out by the legatee. 2A testator left certain lands as follows, “Just as they were held by me, together with whatever property may be there at the time of my death.” The question arose with reference to the slaves who dwelt on said lands either for the purpose of cultivating them, or for other purposes, as well as with reference to other property which was there at the time of the testator’s death, whether they belonged to the legatee. The answer was that all the property in question should be held to have been bequeathed. 3“I desire that my Campanian Estate be given to Genesia, my foster-child, the said Estate being of the value of two hundred aurei, and that it be enjoyed by her as is customary.” The question arose whether the remaining rents of the tenants, and the slaves which were on the ground at the time of the death of the testator, were also due to the legatee. The answer was that whatever was due from the tenants was not bequeathed, but that everything else should be held to have been given by the words, “As is customary.” 4It might, perhaps, be asked by someone why, under the term “silver plate” manufactured silver should be included; when, where marble is bequeathed, nothing except the rough material can be considered to have been indicated. The reason for this is that articles of such a nature that they can be readily reduced to their former condition are subject to the power of the material of which they are composed without ever losing their force. 5There is no doubt that scarlet, which is designated by its peculiar name, is not included in wool whose color has been changed, any more than dye made from the blood of crows, or those known as hysginus and melinus are called scarlet or purple. 6Where a man made a bequest as follows: “I give and bequeath to my wife those articles which have been acquired for her use,” I asked the Prætor, who had jurisdiction of the trust, that the property which the wife had given to her husband, and which had been appraised, might be surrendered, so that its value might be included in the dowry, but I failed to obtain his consent, as he held the testator did not have this property in his mind at the time when he made his will. If, however, the said property had been given to her for her use, it would make no difference whether it had been obtained by herself, or by another. I afterwards found the following case mentioned in Aburnius Valens. A woman gave certain property, which had been appraised, by way of dowry to her husband, and the latter afterwards left it to her, described as follows, “The articles which have been acquired and purchased for her.” This authority held that what is given by way of dowry is not included in the category of property purchased and acquired, unless the husband, having afterwards become the owner of said property, devotes it to the use of his wife. 7Where property, which is on land, is bequeathed, the legacy also includes things which, if not on it at the time, are usually there, and any articles that are there by chance are not considered to have been bequeathed.
Dig. 33,4,16Paulus libro secundo ad Vitellium. Qui dotem a matre uxoris acceperat et stipulanti ei promiserat, testamento uxori dotem legavit. cum quaesitum esset, an uxor dotis summam consequi posset, respondit Scaevola non videri dari uxori, quod necesse sit matri reddi. alias sic respondit non videri, nisi manifeste uxor docuisset eam testantis voluntatem fuisse, ut onerare heredes duplici praestatione dotis vellet.
Ad Dig. 33,4,16Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 658, Note 3.Paulus, On Vitellius, Book II. A certain man received a dowry from the mother of his wife, and, after having entered into a stipulation with her, left the dowry to his wife by his will. The question having arisen whether the wife could recover the amount of the dowry, Scævola was of the opinion that it did not seem to be necessary to return to the mother what had been given to the wife; or in other words, he held that unless the wife could clearly prove that this was the wish of the testator, it did not appear that he intended to burden the heirs with a double payment of the dowry.
Dig. 33,7,14Idem libro secundo ad Vitellium. continetur autem et fornicator.
The Same, On Vitellius, Book II. The slave employed in the vaults to keep up the fire is also included.
Dig. 33,7,18Paulus libro secundo ad Vitellium. Cum de lanionis instrumento quaeritur, semota carne mensas pondera ferramentaque laniandae carnis causa praeparata, item trutinas cultros dolabras instrumento relinquimus. 1Instrumento legato aliquando etiam personas legantium necesse est inspici. ut ecce pistorio instrumento legato ita ipsi pistores inesse videri possunt, si pater familias pistrinum exercuit: nam plurimum interest, instrumentum pistoribus an pistrino paratum sit. 2Asinam molendariam et molam negat Neratius instrumento fundi contineri. 3Item caccabos et patinas in instrumento fundi esse dicimus, quia sine his pulmentarium coqui non potest. nec multum refert inter caccabos et aenum, quod supra focum pendet: hic aqua ad potandum calefit, in illis pulmentarium coquitur. quod si aenum instrumento continetur, urcei quoque, quibus aqua in aenum infunditur, in idem genus rediguntur, ac deinceps in infinitum primis quibusque proxima copulata procedunt. optimum ergo esse Pedius ait non propriam verborum significationem scrutari, sed in primis quid testator demonstrare voluerit, deinde in qua praesumptione sunt qui in quaque regione commorantur. 4Cum de vilico quaereretur et an instrumento inesset et dubitaretur, Scaevola consultus respondit, si non pensionis certa quantitate, sed fide dominica coleretur, deberi. 5Idem consultus de meta molendaria respondit, si rusticis eius fundi operariis moleretur, eam quoque deberi. est autem meta inferior pars molae, catillus superior. 6De bubulco quoque ita respondit, sive de eo, qui bubus ibi araret, sive de eo, qui boves eius fundi aratores pasceret, quaereretur, deberi. 7De putatoribus quoque ita respondit, si eius fundi causa haberentur, inesse: 8Pastores quoque et fossores ad legatarium pertinere. 9Item cum fundus ita legatus esset: ‘Maevio fundum Seianum, ita ut optimus maximusque est, cum omni instrumento rustico et urbano et mancipiis quae ibi sunt’ et quaereretur, an semina deberentur, respondit verius esse deberi, nisi aliud testatorem sensisse heres probaret. idem respondit de frumento reposito ad mancipiorum exhibitionem. 10In instrumento medici esse collyria et emplastra et cetera eius generis Cassius scribit. 11Cui fundum instructum legaverat, nominatim mancipia legavit: quaesitum est, an reliqua mancipia, quae non nominasset, instrumento cederent. Cassius ait responsum esse, tametsi mancipia instructi fundi sint, tamen videri eos solos legatos esse, qui nominati essent, quod appareret non intellexisse patrem familias instrumento quoque servos adnumeratos esse. 12Sabinus. cui fundus quaeque ibi sint legata sunt, ei fundus et omnia, quae in eo solita sunt esse quaeque ibi maiore parte anni morari et hi, qui in eum manendi causa recipere se consueverunt, legati videntur: at si qua consulto in fundo congesta contractave sunt, quo legatum cumularetur, ea non videntur legata esse. 13Quidam cum ita legasset: ‘villam meam ita ut ipse possedi cum suppellectile mensis mancipiis, quae ibi deputabuntur, urbanis et rusticis, vinis, quae in diem mortis meae ibi erunt, et decem aureis’, et quaereretur, cum in diem mortis ibi libros et vitreamina et vesticulam habuerit, an eadem omnia legato cederent, quoniam quaedam enumerasset: Scaevola respondit specialiter expressa, quae legato cederent. 14Domum instructam legavit cum omnibus adfixis: quaeritur de instrumentis debitorum, an ea legatarius habere potest. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur non posse.
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book II. Whenever, in the case of the bequest of the implements of a butcher, any question arises, after excluding the meat, we leave the tables, the weights, the cleavers, the balances, the knives, and the axes as the equipment. 1Where the equipment of anything is bequeathed, it is sometimes necessary to take into consideration the persons of those who leave the legacy; as, for instance, where the equipment of a mill is bequeathed, since the slaves who are the millers will only be included when the head of the household conducted the business of the mill himself; for it makes a great deal of difference whether the utensils were intended for the use of the millers, or for that of the mill. 2Neratius says that the ass which turns the wheel of the mill and the millstone are not included in the equipment which goes with the transfer of the land. 3Likewise, we say that pots and pans are included in the equipment of a tract of land, because, without them, cooking cannot be done, nor is there much difference between the pots and the cauldrons which are suspended over the fire; as in the latter drinking water is heated, and in the former food is boiled. If, however, the cauldrons are included in the equipment, the pitchers also, with which water is poured into the cauldrons, come under the same head; and thus one vessel follows another in regular succession. Therefore, Pedius says that it is best not to adhere too closely to the literal meaning of words, but above all things to find out what the testator intended to designate, and then ascertain the opinion of those residing in different districts of the province. 4Where a question arises with reference to a farmer who is a slave, as to whether he is included as part of the equipment of the land, and there is any doubt on the subject; Scævola, having been consulted, held that the slave should be included, where he was the confidential agent of his master, and did not cultivate the land for a certain amount of the income from the same. 5The same authority, having been interrogated with reference to the lower millstone of a mill, answered that it also was included, if it was operated for the benefit of the slaves employed in the labors of the farm. The lower part of a millstone is called meta, and the upper part catillus. 6Where inquiry was made with reference to a plowman, the answer was that, no matter whether one who actually tilled the land, or one who fed the oxen used in cultivating it, was meant, he was included in the legacy. 7He also answered that trimmers of trees were included, if they were specially considered to be attached to the land. 8Shepherds and excavators also belong to the legatee. 9Likewise, where a tract of land is devised as follows, “I give to Mævius the Seian Estate in the very best condition in which it may be found, together with all the implements, rustic and urban, and the slaves who are there,” the question was asked whether grain for seed would be included. The reply was that it certainly would be, unless the heir could prove that the intention of the testator was otherwise. The same authority rendered a similar opinion with reference to grain reserved for the maintenance of slaves. 10Cassius says that in the equipment of a slave-physician eyewashes, plasters, and other things of this kind are included. 11A testator left certain of his slaves, whom he mentioned by name, to a person to whom he had devised a tract of land with its equipment. The question arose whether his remaining slaves, whom he did not enumerate, were included in the equipment. Cassius says it was decided that, although the slaves constituted part of the equipment of the land, only those who were designated by name were considered to have been bequeathed, as it is evident that the head of the household did not intend that the others should also be classed as such. 12Sabinus says that where a tract of land with everything thereon is devised, the soil itself, and whatever is ordinarily kept there, and remains for the greater part of the year, as well as those slaves who are accustomed to betake themselves thither for the purpose of residing on the land, are held to have been left, but anything which has been designedly conveyed there for the purpose of increasing the amount of the legacy will not be considered to have been bequeathed. 13Where a testator made a bequest as follows, “I leave my country-house in the same condition as I myself possessed it, together with the furniture, tables, and the urban and rustic slaves which shall be sent there, and the wines that may be in said house at the time of my death, and ten aurei in addition,” as upon the day of the testator’s death he had books, articles of glass, and a small clothes-press in the house, the question arose whether these articles should be included among those enumerated in the bequest. Scævola answered that only such articles as were specifically mentioned formed part of it. 14A testator left his house furnished, together with everything attached to the same. The question arose whether the legatee was entitled to the obligations of debtors. The answer was that, in accordance with the facts stated, he was not entitled to them.
Dig. 34,2,32Paulus libro secundo ad Vitellium. Pediculis argenteis adiuncta sigilla aenea ceteraque omnia, quae ad eandem similitudinem redigi possunt, argento facto cedunt. 1Auro facto adnumerantur gemmae anulis inclusae, quippe anulorum sunt, cymbia argentea crustis aureis illigata. margaritae, quae ita ornamentis muliebribus contextae sunt, ut in his aspectus auri potentior sit, auro facto adnumerantur. aurea emblemata, quae in lapidibus apsidibus argenteis essent et replumbari possent, deberi Gallus ait: sed Labeo improbat. Tubero autem, quod testator auri numero habuisset, legatum deberi ait: alioquin aurata et inclusa vasa alterius materiae auri numero non habenda. 2Argento potorio vel escario legato in his, quae dubium est cuius generis sint, consuetudinem patris familias spectandam, non etiam in his, quae certum est eius generis non esse. 3Quidam primipilaris uxori suae argentum escarium legaverat: quaesitum est, cum pater familias in argento suo vasa habuerat, quibus et potabat et edebat, an legato haec quoque vasa continerentur. Scaevola respondit contineri. 4Idem, cum quaereretur de tali legato: ‘hoc amplius filia mea dulcissima e medio sumito tibique habeto ornamentum omne meum muliebre cum auro et si qua alia muliebria apparuerint’, cum testatrix negotiatrix fuerit, an non solum argentum, quod in domo vel intra horreum usibus eius fuit, legato cedit, sed etiam quod in basilica fuit muliebre: respondit, si testatrix habuit proprium argentum ad usum suum paratum, non videri id legatum, quod negotiandi causa venale proponi soleret, nisi de eo quoque sensisse is qui petat probet. 5Neratius Proculum refert ita respondisse vasis electrinis legatis nihil interesse, quantum ea vasa, de quibus quaeritur, argenti aut electri habebant, sed utrum argentum electro an electrum argento cedat? id ex aspectu vasorum facilius intellegi posse: quod si in obscuro sit, inspiciendum est, in utro numero ea vasa is, qui testamentum fecit, habuerit. 6Labeo testamento suo Neratiae uxori suae nominatim legavit ‘vestem mundum muliebrem omnem ornamentaque muliebria omnia lanam linum purpuram versicoloria facta infectaque omnia’ et cetera. sed non mutat substantiam rerum non necessaria verborum multiplicatio, quia Labeo testamento lanam ac deinde versicoloria scripsit, quasi desit lana tincta lana esse, detractoque verbo ‘versicolorio’ nihilo minus etiam versicoloria debebuntur, si non appareat aliam defuncti voluntatem fuisse. 7Titia mundum muliebrem Septiciae legavit: ea putabat sibi legata et ornamenta et monilia, in quibus gemmae et margaritae insunt, et anulos et vestem tam coloriam: quaesitum est, an haec omnia mundo continentur. Scaevola respondit ex his quae proponerentur dumtaxat argentum balneare mundo muliebri contineri. 8Item cum inaures, in quibus duae margaritae elenchi et smaragdi duo, legasset et postea elenchos eisdem detraxisset et quaereretur, an nihilo minus detractis elenchis inaures deberentur: respondit deberi, si maneant inaures, quamvis margarita eis detracta sint. 9De alio idem respondit, cum quaedam ornamentum mamillatum ex cylindris triginta quattuor et tympanis margaritis triginta quattuor legasset et postea quattuor ex cylindris, etiam sex de margaritis detraxisset.
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book II. Where manufactured silver is bequeathed, the legacy will include the brazen ornaments added to the feet of silver vessels, and all other articles which can be brought under the same category. 1Under the term “manufactured gold” are included jewels set in rings, even though they belong to the rings. Small cups encrusted with gold, and pearls which are set in the jewelry of women in order that the brilliancy of the gold may be enhanced, are also included under the head of manufactured gold. Golden ornaments which are inserted in precious stones and silver plates, and which can be unsoldered, Gaius says are included in the legacy; but Labeo does not adopt his opinion. Tubero, however, says that the legacy includes everything that the testator classed as gold, otherwise articles of silver gilt and vases of any other material enclosed in gold should not be classed as gold. 2Where silver vessels used for eating or drinking are bequeathed, and any doubt arises as to which of these classes they belong, the custom of the testator must be taken into consideration; but this is not the case where it is certain that an article does not belong to either class. 3A certain officer of the triarii left his wife some silver articles to be used while eating, and, as the testator included among his silverware vessels used both for eating and drinking the question arose whether these also were embraced in the legacy. Scævola gave it as his opinion that they were. 4Likewise, where a question was raised with reference to the following legacy, “Let my dear daughter, in addition, take from the bulk of my estate, and let her have for her use my entire wardrobe, together with the gold, and everything else destined for the use of women,” as the testatrix was engaged in business, it was asked whether not only the silver which was in her house or her wareroom for her own use was left, and also whether that which she had in her place of business could be considered silver for the use of women, and would be included in the legacy. The answer was if the testatrix had silver plate destined for her own use, that which she kept for the purpose of sale would not be held to have been bequeathed, unless the party who claimed it could prove that she also had this in her mind when she made the bequest. 5Neratius relates that Proculus was of the opinion that where vases of electrum were bequeathed, it made no difference how much silver or electrum the vases in question contained. But how could it be decided whether the silver was accessory to the silver, or the silver to the electrum? This could be readily determined from the appearance of the vases. If the question should still remain in doubt, it should be ascertained in what class the party who made the will was accustomed to include the said vases. 6Labeo, by his will, made a special bequest of her wardrobe to his wife Neratia, as follows: “All her toilet articles, and all her ornaments intended for the use of women, all wool, linen, and purple cloth dyed of various colors, both finished and unfinished, etc.” This unnecessary multiplication of terms does not change the nature of the property, because Labeo mentioned the wool, and afterwards many different colored woolen articles, just as if wool ceased to be such after it was dyed, for even if the expression “of various colors” had been omitted, the wool of different colors would still be due, if it was not clear that the intention of the deceased was otherwise. 7Titia bequeathed her toilet articles intended for the use of women to Septicia. The latter understood that the jewelry and necklaces set with gems and pearls, and the rings, together with the garments of one color as well as those of different colors, were left to her. The question arose whether all these things were included under the head of toilet articles. Scævola answered that, in accordance with the facts stated, only such silver vessels as were employed in the bath would be included in toilet articles for the use of women. 8Again, where a testator bequeathed earrings set with two large pearls and two emeralds, and afterwards removed the pearls, the question arose whether the earrings would be due after the pearls had been removed. The answer was that they would still be due if the earrings remained, even though the pearls had been removed from them. 9He also rendered a similar opinion in another case, where a man made a bequest of a necklace composed of thirty-four cylindrical stones, and an equal number of circular pearls, and afterwards removed four of the cylinders, and six of the pearls.
Dig. 36,2,21Paulus libro secundo ad Vitellium. Si dies adposita legato non est, praesens debetur aut confestim ad eum pertinet cui datum est: adiecta quamvis longa sit, si certa est, veluti kalendis Ianuariis centesimis, dies quidem legati statim cedit, sed ante diem peti non potest: at si incerta, quasi ‘cum pubes erit’ ‘cum in familiam nupserit’ ‘cum magistratum inierit’ cum aliquid demum, quod scribenti comprehendere sit commodum, fecerit: nisi tempus condiciove optigit, neque res pertinere neque dies legati cedere potest. 1Si sub condicione, qua te heredem institui, sub ea condicione Titio legatum sit, Pomponius putat perinde huius legati diem cedere atque si pure relictum esset, quoniam certum esset herede existente debitum iri: neque enim per condicionem heredum fieri incerta legata nec multum interesse tale legatum ab hoc ‘si heres erit, dato’.
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book II. If a day is not fixed for the payment of a legacy, it will be payable at once, or it belongs immediately to the person to whom it was given. Where a term is prescribed, even though it may be a long one, provided it is certain (as, for instance, after a hundred Kalends of January), the legacy vests immediately on the death of the testator, but it cannot be collected before the time which was fixed arrives. If, however, the time is uncertain (for example, when the boy arrives at puberty, or when he marries into my family, or when he obtains the office of magistrate, or finally, when he does something which it suited the testator to insert into his will), if the time does not arrive, or the condition take place, the property will not belong to the legatee, nor can the legacy take effect. 1Where a bequest is made to Titius subject to the same condition under which I have appointed you my heir, Pomponius thinks that the legacy will begin to take effect just as if it had been left absolutely, as it is certain that it will be payable whenever there is an heir; for a legacy does not become uncertain on account of a condition that there shall be an heir, since a bequest of this kind does not differ greatly from one dependent upon the following condition, “Let payment be made to him, if he should become my heir.”
Dig. 50,16,84Paulus libro secundo ad Vitellium. ‘Filii’ appellatione omnes liberos intellegimus.
Paulus, On Vitellius, Book II. By the term “sons” we understand all children to be meant.