De usuris liber singularis
Dig. 22,1,17Idem libro singulari de usuris. Cum quidam cavisset se quotannis quincunces usuras praestaturum et, si quo anno non solvisset, tunc totius pecuniae ex die qua mutuatus est semisses soluturum, et redditis per aliquot annos usuris mox stipulatio commissa esset, divus Marcus Fortunato ita rescripsit: ‘Praesidem provinciae adi, qui stipulationem, de cuius iniquitate questus est, ad modum iustae exactionis rediget’. haec constitutio ad finitum modum excedit: quid ergo? sic temperanda res est, ut in futurum dumtaxat ex die cessationis crescat usura. 1Divus Pius ita rescripsit: ‘Parum iuste praeteritas usuras petis, quas omisisse te longi temporis intervallum indicat, qui eas a debitore tuo, ut gratior apud eum videlicet esses, petendas non putasti’. 2In tacito fideicommisso omne emolumentum heredi auferendum et fisco praestandum divus Pius rescripsit: ergo et usurarum emolumentum aufertur heredi. 3Si pupillo non habenti tutorem fideicommissum solvi non potuit, non videri moram per heredem factam divus Pius rescripsit. ergo nec ei debetur, qui quod rei publicae causa afuit vel ex alia causa iusta impeditus, ex qua restitutio indulgetur, petere non potuit: quid enim potest imputari ei, qui solvere, etiamsi vellet, non potuit? nec simile videri posse, quod placuit minoribus etiam in his succurri quae non adquisierunt: usurae enim non propter lucrum petentium, sed propter moram solventium infliguntur. 4Ex locato qui convenitur, nisi convenerit ut tardius pecuniae illatae usuras deberet, non nisi ex mora usuras praestare debet. 5Fiscus ex suis contractibus usuras non dat, sed ipse accipit: ut solet a foricariis, qui tardius pecuniam inferunt, item ex vectigalibus. cum autem in loco privati successit, etiam dare solet. 6Si debitores, qui minores semissibus praestabant usuras, fisci esse coeperunt, postquam ad fiscum transierunt, semisses cogendi sunt praestare. 7Eos qui ex administratione rerum civitatium conveniuntur usuris obnoxios esse satis notum est. idem observatur in operum curatoribus, si pecunia apud eos remansit. sed in ea quam redemptoribus commisserunt, etiamsi neglegenter dederint, usura eis remittitur: haec autem ita sunt, si nulla fraus arguitur: alioquin etiam usurae adplicabuntur. 8Si dies non sit ab his, qui statuas vel imagines ponendas legaverunt, praefinitus, a praeside tempus statuendum est et nisi posuerint heredes, usuras rei publicae usque ad tertiam centesimae pendent.
The Same, On Interest. Where a man bound himself to pay interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, and if he failed to do so for any one year, he would then pay six per cent on the entire sum of money from the day on which he borrowed it, and after paying the interest for some years the stipulation finally became operative; the Divine Marcus stated in a Rescript addressed to Fortunatus: “Go to the Governor of the province who will reduce to the measure of its just requirements the stipulation whose injustice you complain of.” This Constitution far exceeds the proper limit. What course should then be pursued? The matter must be adjusted so that, in the future, the interest will only increase from the day of default. 1The Divine Pius stated in a Rescript: “You are claiming accrued interest due with very little justice, as the interval of a long time indicates that you have neglected to collect it, for the reason that you intended, by not demanding it from your debtor, to render yourself more agreeable to him.” 2In the case of an implied trust, the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that the heir should be deprived of all profits, and that they should be turned over to the debtor; and therefore that the heir should be deprived of the benefit of the interest. 3Where a trust cannot be executed for the benefit of a ward because he has no guardian, the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that the heir is not considered to be in default. Therefore, nothing is due to him who has been absent on public business, or has been prevented by any other just cause from bringing an action for restitution. For how can a party be to blame who cannot pay, even if he wishes to do so? The same principle does not apply in this case as in that where relief is given to minors who have failed to obtain an advantage, for interest is not imposed on account of the gain to the plaintiff, but because of the delay of those who should make payment. 4Where a party makes a contract with reference to a lease, unless it is agreed that interest shall be due on rent which is not promptly paid, the lessee will not be obliged to pay interest except in case of default. 5The Treasury does not pay interest on account of any contract entered into by it, but collects it; as is customary in the case of the keepers of public privies who are slow in paying their rent; and also in the case of those from whom taxes are due. But where the Treasury takes the place of a private individual, it is the custom for it also to pay interest. 6Where debtors pay interest under six per cent, and they then become debtors to the Treasury, after their obligations have been transferred to the Treasury, they will be compelled to pay six per cent. 7It is very well known that those who are sued on account of their mismanagement of public funds are liable to the payment of interest. The same rule is observed where persons have charge of public works, if money remains in their hands; but with reference to what they have paid to contractors, even though they paid it negligently, the interest will be remitted to them. This is the case, however, where no fraud exists, otherwise interest will also be due. 8Ad Dig. 22,1,17,8Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 259, Note 2.Where no definite time has been specified by persons who have bequeathed statues or paintings to be erected or hung in some public place, the time shall be fixed by the Governor; and if the heirs do not comply, they must pay to the Government interest at the rate of one-third of one per cent a month.