De tacitis fideicommissis liber singularis
Dig. 49,14,49Idem libro singulari de tacitis fideicommissis. Cum tacitum fideicommissum is cui datum erat capere se nihil posse detulisset, in quaestionem venit, dodrantis an totius assis partem dimidiam ex beneficio divi Traiani recipere debeat. de qua re exstat rescriptum imperatoris Antonini in haec verba: ‘Imperator Antoninus Iulio Rufo. qui tacitam fidem accommodavit, ut non capienti restitueret hereditatem, si deducta parte quarta restituit, nihil retinere debet. quadrans autem qui heredi imponitur ipsius eripiatur et ad fiscum transferatur’. unde dodrantis semissem solum capit qui se detulit.
The Same, On Implied Trusts. He to whom a secret trust has been left, having given information that he had no right to receive it, the question arose whether, according to the privilege of the Divine Trajan, he was entitled to three-fourths of the amount of the trust, or only half of it. A Rescript of the Emperor Antoninus on this point is extant as follows: “The Emperor Antoninus to Julius Rufus. If he who has secretly pledged his faith to deliver an estate to someone not legally qualified to receive it should deliver it after having deducted the fourth part of the same, he cannot retain anything; for the fourth belonging to the heir himself will be taken from him and transferred to the Treasury. Wherefore, the person who gave the information can only receive the half of three-fourths.”
Dig. 50,16,229Idem libro singulari de tacitis fideicommissis. ‘Transacta finitave’ intellegere debemus non solum quibus controversia fuit, sed etiam quae sine controversia sint possessa:
The Same, On Implied Trusts. We should understand by the expression “matters transacted or completed,” not only such as are in dispute, but also those with reference to which no controversy exists.