Sententiarum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 7,1,59Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Arbores vi tempestatis, non culpa fructuarii eversas ab eo substitui non placet. 1Quidquid in fundo nascitur vel quidquid inde percipitur, ad fructuarium pertinet, pensiones quoque iam antea locatorum agrorum, si ipsae quoque specialiter comprehensae sint. sed ad exemplum venditionis, nisi fuerint specialiter exceptae, potest usufructuarius conductorem repellere. 2Caesae harundinis vel pali compendium, si in eo quoque fundi vectigal esse consuevit, ad fructuarium pertinet.
Paulus, Opinions, Book III. Where trees are overthrown by the force of a storm without any negligence of the usufructuary, it has been decided that he is not required to replace them. 1Whatever is grown upon the land or is gathered therefrom belongs to the usufructuary, as well as the rent of fields already leased, if these things are expressly included. But as in the case of a sale, unless the rents are expressly reserved, the usufructuary can eject the lessee. 2Whatever is obtained from the cutting of reeds or stakes belongs to the usufructuary, wherever it has been customary to consider this a portion of the income of the land.
Dig. 22,5,15Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Repetundarum damnatus nec ad testamentum nec ad testimonium adhiberi potest. 1Hermaphroditus an ad testamentum adhiberi possit, qualitas sexus incalescentis ostendit.
Dig. 27,10,15Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Et mulieri, quae luxuriose vivit, bonis interdici potest. 1In bonis curatoris privilegium furiosi furiosaeve servatur: prodigus et omnes omnino, etiamsi in edicto non fit eorum mentio, in bonis curatoris decreto privilegium consequuntur.
Paulus, Sentences, Book III. The management of her own property can be forbidden to a woman who lives extravagantly. 1A privilege over the property of the curator is reserved for the benefit of an insane person of either sex. Spendthrifts, and all other persons, even though no mention is made of them in the Edict, are, by a decree, entitled to a similar privilege with reference to the property of a curator.
Dig. 28,1,10Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Qui manus amisit testamentum facere potest, quamvis scribere non possit.
Dig. 28,1,17Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. In adversa corporis valetudine mente captus eo tempore testamentum facere non potest.
Dig. 28,1,30Idem libro tertio sententiarum. Singulos testes, qui in testamento adhibentur, proprio chirographo adnotare convenit, quis et cuius testamentum signaverit.
Dig. 28,2,26Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Filius familias si militet, ut paganus nominatim a patre aut heres scribi aut exheredari debet, iam sublato edicto divi Augusti, quo cautum fuerat, ne pater filium militem exheredet.
Paulus, Decisions, Book III. Where a son under paternal control is serving in the army he should, just as any civilian, be appointed an heir, or be disinherited by his father by name; for the Edict of the Divine Augustus, by which it was provided that a father should not disinherit his son while in the army, has been repealed.
Dig. 29,2,93Idem libro tertio sententiarum. Pater quotiens filio mandat adire, certus esse debet, an pro parte an ex asse, et an ex institutione an ex substitutione, et an testamento an ab intestato filius suus heres existat. 1Mutus pater vel dominus filio vel servo heredibus institutis magis est, ut, si intellectu non careat, nutu iubere possit adire hereditatem, ut ei iure eius commodum quaeri possit: quod facile explicari possit scientia litterarum. 2Mutus servus iussu domini pro herede gerendo obligat dominum hereditati.
The Same, Decisions, Book III. Every time that a father directs his son to enter upon an estate, he must be certain whether his son is an heir to a portion, or to the whole of it; and also whether his right is derived from an appointment as heir, or from substitution, or by virtue of a will, or through intestacy. 1Where the father or the master is dumb, the better opinion is, that if a son or a slave has been appointed heir, he can, by a nod, direct him to enter upon the estate; provided he has sufficient intelligence to enable him to legally acquire the estate, which can be the more readily ascertained if he knows how to write. 2A slave who is dumb, and acts in the capacity of heir by the direction of his master, renders the latter liable for the debts of the estate.
Dig. 29,7,17Idem libro tertio sententiarum. Litterae, quibus hereditas promittitur vel animi affectus exprimitur, vim codicillorum non optinent.
Dig. 32,66Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Avibus legatis anseres phasiani et gallinae et aviaria debebuntur: phasianarii autem et pastores anserum non continentur, nisi id testator expressit.
Dig. 33,5,19Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. ‘Illud aut illud, utrum elegerit legatarius’: nullo a legatario electo decedente eo post diem legati cedentem ad heredem transmitti placuit.
Dig. 33,7,22Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Fundo legato ‘ut optimus maximusque est’ retia apraria et cetera venationis instrumenta continebuntur: quod etiam ad instrumenta pertinet, si quaestus fundi ex maxima parte in venationibus consistat. 1Fundo legato cum mancipiis et pecoribus et omni instrumento rustico et urbano peculium actoris ante testatorem defuncti, si ex eodem fundo fuerit, magis placet ad legatarium pertinere.
Paulus, Opinions, Book III. Where land is devised, “In the very best condition in which it may be found,” the nets, and all other apparatus for hunting which refers to the equipment, are included in the devise, if the revenue of the land is principally derived from the chase. 1Where a tract of real property was devised, “Together with the slaves and cattle, and all its rustic and urban equipment, the peculium acquired by the steward before the death of the deceased, if it was derived from the same land, is held by the greater number of authorities to belong to the legatee.”
Dig. 34,4,29Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Libertus, qui in priore parte testamenti legatum acceperat et ingratus postea eadem scriptura a testatore appellatus est, commutata voluntate actionem ex testamento habere non potest.
Dig. 35,2,39Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Aeris alieni loco deducuntur non solum pretia eorum, quibus libertas data est, et eorum, qui supplicio sunt adfecti, sed et eius, quem praetor propter indicium proditae mortis vel detectae eorum coniurationis libertate donavit.
Paulus, Decisions, Book III. Not only the value of those slaves to whom freedom was granted, but also that of those who have been condemned to death, is deducted from the assets of the estate, just as the value of those whom the Prætor has liberated on account of their having given information of projected assassination, or for having revealed a conspiracy, is also deducted.
Dig. 36,4,10Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Si nullae sint res hereditariae, in quas legatarii vel fideicommissarii mittantur, in rem quidem heredis mitti non possunt, sed per praetorem denegatas heredi actiones ipsi persequuntur.
Paulus, Sentences, Book III. Where there is no property belonging to an estate of which the legatees or beneficiaries of a trust can be placed in possession, they shall not, for this reason, be given possession of property belonging to the heir; but they can bring any actions with reference to the estate, and such actions will be denied to the heir by the Prætor.
Dig. 37,1,16Idem libro tertio sententiarum. Quotiens is, cui bonorum possessio ab altero postulata est, furere coeperit, magis probatum ratum eum videri habuisse: rati enim habitio ad confirmationem prioris postulati pertinet.
Dig. 37,14,20Idem libro tertio sententiarum. Sicut testamento facto decedente liberto potestas datur patrono vel libertatis causa imposita petere vel partis bonorum possessionem, ita et cum intestato decesserit, earum rerum electio ei manet.
The Same, Sentences, Book III. Where a freedman dies after making his will, power is given to his patron to demand either payment of whatever was due for granting him his freedom, or prætorian possession of a part of his estate; and even if the freedman should die intestate, the patron will still have the choice of these two things.
Dig. 38,2,49Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Liberto per obreptionem adrogato ius suum patronus non amittit.
Dig. 40,9,28Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Heres servum proprium, quem testator legaverat, manumittendo nihil agit, quia scientiae vel ignorantiae eius nullam placuit admitti rationem.
Dig. 46,8,7Paulus libro tertio sententiarum. Si is, cui ignoranti petita est bonorum possessio, decesserit, heres eius intra tempora petitionis ratam eam habere non potest.
Dig. 48,10,18Idem libro tertio sententiarum. Uxori legatum in alieno testamento scribere non prohibemur. 1Qui se filio testatoris impuberi tutorem adscripsit, etsi suspectus esse praesumitur, quod ultro tutelam videbitur affectasse, tamen, si idoneus esse adprobetur, non ex testamento, sed ex decreto tutor dandus est. nec excusatio eius admittetur, quia consensisse videtur voluntati testatoris.
The Same, Sentences, Book III. We are not forbidden to write a bequest for the benefit of a wife in another’s will. 1He who appoints himself the testamentary guardian of a minor child of the testator, although he is considered liable to suspicion for the reason that he seems to have aimed at the guardianship, still, if he is approved as being suitable, he should be appointed guardian, not under the will but by a decree of the magistrate; nor should any excuse given by him be accepted, because he is held to have consented to the wishes of the testator.