Sententiarum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 1,7,37Idem libro secundo sententiarum. Adoptare quis nepotis loco potest, etiam si filium non habet. 1Eum quem quis adoptavit, emancipatum vel in adoptionem datum iterum non potest adoptare.
Dig. 9,2,56Idem libro secundo sententiarum. Mulier si in rem viri damnum dederit, pro tenore legis Aquiliae convenitur.
Dig. 12,1,34Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Praesidis provinciae officiales, quia perpetui sunt, mutuam pecuniam dare et faenebrem exercere possunt. 1Praeses provinciae mutuam pecuniam faenebrem sumere non prohibetur.
Dig. 13,5,6Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Idem est et si ei qui bona fide mihi servit constitutum fuerit.
Dig. 13,5,30Idem libro secundo sententiarum. Si quis duobus pecuniam constituerit tibi aut Titio, etsi stricto iure propria actione pecuniae constitutae manet obligatus, etiamsi Titio solverit, tamen per exceptionem adiuvatur.
Dig. 13,7,7Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Si autem tardius superfluum restituat creditor id quod apud eum depositum est, ex mora etiam usuras debitori hoc nomine praestare cogendus est.
Dig. 14,2,1Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Lege RhodiaaaDie Großausgabe liest Rodia statt Rhodia. cavetur, ut si levandae navis gratia iactus mercium factus est, omnium contributione sarciatur quod pro omnibus datum est.
Dig. 14,6,17Idem libro secundo sententiarum. Filius familias si in id acceperit mutuam pecuniam, ut eam pro sorore sua in dotem daret, pater eius de in rem verso actione tenebitur: ipsi enim mortua in matrimonio puella repetitio dotis datur.
Dig. 16,1,30Idem libro secundo sententiarum. Si decipiendi animo vel cum sciret se non teneri mulier pro aliquo intercesserit, exceptio ei senatus consulti non datur: actionem enim, quae in dolum mulieris competit, amplissimus ordo non excludit. 1Procurator si mandatu mulieris pro alio intercesserit, exceptione senatus consulti Velleiani adiuvatur, ne alias actio intercidat.
The Same, Sentences, Book II. Where a woman becomes surety for another with the intention to deceive, or when she knew that she could not be held liable, an exception based on the Decree of the Senate will not be granted her; for the most Noble Order of the Senate does not exclude the action which will lie on account of fraud committed by a woman. 1If an agent obligates himself for another by the direction of a woman, he can have recourse to the exception based on the Velleian Decree of the Senate, lest, otherwise, the right of action may be extinguished.
Dig. 16,3,29Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Si sacculum vel argentum signatum deposuero et is penes quem depositum fuit me invito contrectaverit, et depositi et furti actio mihi in eum competit. 1Si ex permissu meo deposita pecunia is penes quem deposita est utatur, ut in ceteris bonae fidei iudiciis usuras eius nomine praestare mihi cogitur.
Paulus, Sentences, Book II. If I make a deposit of silver in a bag or sealed, and the person with whom I deposited the same makes use of it without my consent, I will be entitled to an action on deposit, as well as one for theft against him. 1Ad Dig. 16,3,29,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 379, Noten 2, 6.If he with whom the deposit was made uses it with my permission, he will be compelled to pay me interest on this account, just as in other bona fide actions.
Dig. 17,1,24Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Seu ob inanes rei actiones.
Dig. 19,2,55Idem libro secundo sententiarum. Dominus horreorum effractis et compilatis horreis non tenetur, nisi custodiam eorum recepit: servi tamen eius cum quo contractum est propter aedificiorum notitiam in quaestionem peti possunt. 1In conducto fundo si conductor sua opera aliquid necessario vel utiliter auxerit vel aedificaverit vel instituerit, cum id non convenisset, ad recipienda ea quae impendit ex conducto cum domino fundi experiri potest. 2Qui contra legem conductionis fundum ante tempus sine iusta ac probabili causa deseruerit, ad solvendas totius temporis pensiones ex conducto conveniri potest, quatenus locatori in id quod eius interest indemnitas servetur.
The Same, Sentences, Book II. Where a granary has been broken into and plundered, the owner will not be liable, unless he was charged with the safe-keeping of its contents. But the slaves of the person with whom the contract was made can be demanded for the purpose of being tortured, on account of the knowledge of the building which they possess. 1Where a tract of land is leased and the lessee makes some addition to the same, by means of his labor, which is either necessary or useful, or erects a building, or makes some improvement which had not been agreed upon, he can proceed by an action on lease against the owner of the property for the recovery of the amount which he has expended. 2Where a lessee, contrary to the provisions of his lease, abandons the land without just or reasonable cause before his term has expired, he can be sued in an action on lease for the payment of the rent for the entire term, and for the indemnification of the lessor to the extent of his interest.
Dig. 20,2,8Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Cum debitor gratuita pecunia utatur, potest creditor de fructibus rei sibi pigneratae ad modum legitimum usuras retinere.
Dig. 22,3,7Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Cum probatio prioris fugae deficit, servi quaestioni credendum est: in se enim interrogari, non pro domino aut in dominum videtur.
Dig. 22,4,1Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Instrumentorum nomine ea omnia accipienda sunt, quibus causa instrui potest: et ideo tam testimonia quam personae instrumentorum loco habentur.
Dig. 23,2,38Idem libro secundo sententiarum. Si quis officium in aliqua provincia administrat, inde oriundam vel ibi domicilium habentem uxorem ducere non potest, quamvis sponsare non prohibeatur, ita scilicet, ut, si post officium depositum noluerit mulier nuptias contrahere, libeataaDie Großausgabe liest liceat statt libeat. ei hoc facere arris tantummodo redditis quas acceperat. 1Veterem sponsam in provincia, qua quis administrat, uxorem ducere potest et dos data non fit caduca. 2Qui in provincia aliquid administrat, in ea provincia filias suas in matrimonium collocare et dotem constituere non prohibetur.
The Same, Sentences, Book II. While anyone is discharging the duties of an office in a province, he cannot marry a woman who has either been born or resides therein, although he is not forbidden to betroth himself to her; but if, after his term of office has expired, the woman refuses to marry him, she can do so, after having returned any nuptial gifts which she may have received. 1Where anyone discharges the duties of an office, he can marry a woman to whom he has previously been betrothed, if the dowry given is not about to be confiscated. 2He who exercises a public office in a province is not prevented from marrying his daughters there, and bestowing dowries upon them.
Dig. 23,2,66Idem libro secundo sententiarum. Non est matrimonium, si tutor vel curator pupillam suam intra vicesimum et sextum annum non desponsam a patre nec testamento destinatam ducat uxorem vel eam filio suo iungat: quo facto uterque infamatur et pro dignitate pupillae extra ordinem coercetur. nec interest, filius sui iuris an in patris potestate sit. 1Curatoris libertum eam pupillam, cuius patronus res administrat, uxorem ducere satis incivile est.
The Same, Sentences, Book II. Where a guardian or a curator marries his ward before she has reached the age of twenty-six (if she has not been betrothed by her father, or allotted by him to anyone in his will), or if he gives her in marriage to his son; both parties will become infamous on this account, and shall be arbitrarily punished, depending upon the rank of the ward. It makes no difference, in this case, whether the son is his own master, or is under the control of his father. 1It is very improper for the freedman of a curator to marry a ward of his patron who is administering the affairs of the curatorship.
Dig. 23,3,73Idem libro secundo sententiarum. Mutus surdus caecus dotis nomine obligantur, quia et nuptias contrahere possunt. 1Manente matrimonio non perditurae uxori ob has causas dos reddi potest: ut sese suosque alat, ut fundum idoneum emat, ut in exilium vel in insulam relegato parenti praestet alimonia, aut ut egentem virum fratrem sororemve sustineat.
The Same, Sentences, Book II. A person who is dumb, deaf, or blind, is liable on account of a dowry, because each of them can contract a marriage. 1While marriage exists, the dowry can be returned to the wife for the following reasons, provided she does not squander it, namely: in order that she may support herself and her children, or may purchase a suitable estate, or may provide sustenance for her father banished to some island, or may relieve her brother or sister who is in want.
Dig. 24,1,59Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Si quis uxori ea condicione donavit, ut quod donavit in dotem accipiat, defuncto eo donatio convalescit.
Dig. 25,3,4Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Necare videtur non tantum is qui partum praefocat, sed et is qui abicit et qui alimonia denegat et is qui publicis locis misericordiae causa exponit, quam ipse non habet.
Dig. 25,7,5Idem libro secundo sententiarum. Concubinam ex ea provincia, in qua quis aliquid administrat, habere potest.
Dig. 26,7,15Idem libro secundo sententiarum. Si tutor constitutus quos invenerit debitores non convenerit ac per hoc minus idonei efficiantur, vel intra sex primos menses pupillares pecunias non collocaverit, ipse in debitam pecuniam et in usuras eius pecuniae quam non faeneravit convenitur.
The Same, Opinions, Book II. Where a person who is appointed a guardian does not bring suit against those whom he ascertains to be the debtors of his wards, and on this account their solvency is affected; or if he does not invest the money belonging to his ward within six months after his appointment, he himself may be sued for the money due, as well as for the interest on that which he did not invest.
Dig. 26,7,49Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Ob faenus pupillaris pecuniae per contumaciam non exercitum aut fundorum omissam comparationem tutor, si non ad damnum resarciendum idoneus est, extra ordinem coercebitur.
Dig. 27,1,38Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Quinquaginta dierum spatium tantummodo ad contestandas excusationum causas pertinet: peragendo enim negotio ex die nominationis continui quattuor menses constituti sunt.
Dig. 27,1,40Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Post susceptam tutelam caecus aut surdus aut mutus aut furiosus aut valetudinarius deponere tutelam potest. 1Paupertas, quae operi et oneri tutelae impar est, solet tribuere vacationem.
Dig. 27,3,24Idem libro secundo sententiarum. Postumo tutor datus non nato postumo neque tutelae, quia nullus pupillus est, neque negotiorum gestorum iudicio tenetur, quia administrasse negotia eius quia natus non esset non videtur: et ideo utilis in eum actio dabitur.
The Same, Decisions, Book II. Where a guardian is appointed for a posthumous child, who is still unborn, an action on guardianship will not lie, for the reason that there is no ward, nor will he be liable as a party acting as a guardian because such a proceeding has no significance, nor can he be sued on the ground of voluntary agency, as he is not considered to have administered the affairs of an individual who is unborn, and therefore an equitable action will be granted against him.
Dig. 34,5,8Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Si inter virum et uxorem donatio facta fuerit, priore defuncto cui donatum est ad eum res redit qui donaverat: quod si simul tam is cui donatum est quam is qui donaverit, quaestionis decidendae gratia magis placuit valere donationem, eo maxime, quod donator non supervivat, qui rem condicere possit.
Paulus, Sentences, Book II. Where a donation is made between husband and wife, and the one to whom it was made dies before the other, the property reverts to the one who gave it. If both parties should die at the same time, in order to decide the question, it was held that the donation was valid, and that this was especially the case, because the donor who could claim the property did not survive.
Dig. 47,2,83Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Fullo et sarcinator, qui polienda vel sarcienda vestimenta accepit, si forte his utatur, ex contrectatione eorum furtum fecisse videtur, quia non in eam causam ab eo videntur accepta. 1Frugibus ex fundo subreptis tam colonus quam dominus furti agere possunt, quia utriusque interest rem persequi. 2Qui ancillam non meretricem libidinis causa subripuit, furti actione tenebitur et, si subpressit, poena legis Fabiae coercetur. 3Qui tabulas cautionesve subripuit, in adscriptam summam furti actione tenebitur: nec refert, cancellatae nec ne sint, quia ex his debitum magis solutum esse comprobari potest.
Paulus, Opinions, Book II. A fuller or a tailor who receives clothing for the purpose of cleaning and repairing it and makes use of it is, by doing so, considered to have committed a theft, because the clothing was not received by him for that purpose. 1Where crops are stolen from land, the tenant, as well as the owner, can bring the action for theft, because it was to the interest of both of them to recover the property. 2Anyone who steals a female slave, who is not a prostitute, for licentious purposes, will be liable to an action for theft; and if he conceals her, can be punished under the Favian Law. 3Anyone who steals accounts or notes is liable to an action for theft, for the amount contained in them. It does not make any diiference whether they have been cancelled or not, because, by means of them it can be proved that the debt was paid.
Dig. 50,16,223Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Latae culpae finis est non intellegere id quod omnes intellegunt. 1‘Amicos’ appellare debemus non levi notitia coniunctos, sed quibus fuerint in iura cum patre familias honestis familiaritatis quaesita rationibus.