Ad senatus consultum Turpillianum liber singularis
Dig. 23,2,68Paulus libro singulari ad senatus consultum Turpillianum. Iure gentium incestum committit, qui ex gradu ascendentium vel descendentium uxorem duxerit. qui vero ex latere eam duxerit quam vetatur, vel adfinem quam impeditur, si quidem palam fecerit, levius, si vero clam hoc commiserit, gravius punitur. cuius diversitatis illa ratio est: circa matrimonium quod ex latere non bene contrahitur palam delinquentes ut errantes maiore poena excusantur, clam committentes ut contumaces plectuntur.
Paulus, On the Turpilian Decree of the Senate. Where any man marries a female relative, either in the ascending or descending line, he commits incest according to the Law of Nations. He who marries a female relative in the collateral line, (where this is expressly forbidden), or some woman is connected with him by affinity, and he does this publicly, he will incur a lighter penalty, but if he commits such an act clandestinely, he will incur a more severe one. The reason for this difference with reference to marriage improperly contracted with a relative in the collateral line is, that those who publicly commit the offence are not subjected to a more grievous penalty because they are considered to be ignorant, but those who commit it secretly are punished severely as being contumacious.
Dig. 48,6,12Paulus libro singulari ad senatus consultum Turpillianum. Qui nova vectigalia exercent, lege Iulia de vi publica tenentur.
The Same, On the Turpillian Decree of the Senate. Those who impose new taxes arbitrarily are liable under the Julian Law relating to Public Violence.
Dig. 48,10,21Paulus libro singulari ad senatus consultum Turpillianum. Qui duobus in solidum eandem rem diversis contractibus vendidit, poena falsi coercetur, et hoc et divus Hadrianus constituit. is adiungitur et is qui iudicem corrumpit. sed remissius puniri solent, ut ad tempus relegentur nec bona illis auferantur.
Paulus, On the Turpillian Decree of the Senate. Anyone who has sold the same entire property to two different persons under separate contracts is punished with the penalty for forgery of wills; and this was decided by the Divine Hadrian. He also is placed in the same category who has corrupted a judge; but it is usual to punish such persons less severely, as they are relegated for a certain time, and are not deprived of their property.