Ad senatus consultum Tertullianum et Orphitianum liber singularis
Dig. 32,28Idem libro singulari ad senatus consultum Tertullianum. Si fidei meae committatur, ut, quod mihi relictum fuerit supra quod capere possum, alii restituam, posse me id capere constat.
The Same, On the Tertullian Decree of the Senate. If I should be charged with a trust to deliver to another person all over and above the share that I can legally take, it is established that I can also receive the said amount.
Dig. 38,17,5Paulus libro singulari ad senatus consultum Tertullianum. Aequissimum visum est omnes filios matri praeferri, etiamsi per adoptionem in familiam relicti essent. 1Sed et nepos ex adoptivo filio natus ex verbis senatus consulti matri obstabit. 2Si ex filio nepotem avus manumiserit isque patre et avo et matre superstitibus decesserit, potest quaeri, quis potior esse debeat. nam si mater excluserit avum manumissorem, qui patri anteponitur, edicto praetoris inducetur pater defuncti, quo admisso desinit senatus consulto locus esse et rursus avus vocabitur. itaque rectius est avo ius suum conservare, qui et contra scriptos heredes bonorum possessionem accipere solet.
Paulus, On the Tertullian Decree of the Senate. It is considered perfectly just for all the children of the deceased to be preferred to the mother, even if they should be members of another family by adoption. 1A grandson, born to an adopted son, will exclude his mother from the succession, according to the terms of the Decree of the Senate. 2If the grandfather manumits his grandson by his son, and the former should die leaving his father, his grandfather, and his mother, it may be asked which of these is entitled to the preference? For if the mother excludes the grandfather, who was the emancipator, and who takes precedence of the father, the father of the deceased will then be admitted to the succession, by the Edict of the Prætor. This being the case, the Decree of the Senate will no longer apply, and the grandfather will again be called to the succession. It will, therefore, be more equitable to preserve the right for the grandfather, who is ordinarily entitled to prætorian possession of an estate even against the appointed heir.
Dig. 38,17,7Idem libro singulari ad senatus consultum Tertullianum et Orphitianum. Et orphit si quis intestatus decesserit relicta matre et fratre consanguineo vel sorore quamvis per adrogationem quaesitis, eadem iura in persona matris servantur, quae et naturalibus extantibus liberis.
The Same, On the Tertullian and Orphitian Decrees of the Senate. When anyone dies intestate, leaving a mother, and a brother, or a sister related by blood, although they are such from being arrogated, the same rights will be preserved, so far as the person of the mother is concerned, as in the case where natural children survive.
Dig. 50,16,231Idem libro singulari ad senatus consultum Tertullianum. Quod dicimus eum, qui nasci speratur, pro superstite esse, tunc verum est, cum de ipsius iure quaeritur: aliis autem non prodest nisi natus.
The Same, On the Tertullian Decree of the Senate. When we say that a child, who is expected to be born, is considered as already in existence, this is only true where his rights are in question, but no advantage accrues to others unless they are actually born.