Ad senatus consultum Silanianum liber singularis
Dig. 29,5,7Idem libro singulari ad senatus consultum Silanianum. Et in libertos extraordinarium auxilium habebit.
The Same, On the Silanian Decree of the Senate. And in this instance, he will enjoy an extraordinary privilege with reference to his freedman.
Dig. 29,5,10Paulus libro singulari ad senatus consultum Silanianum. Si exheredatus filius, antequam adiretur patris hereditas, occisus sit, ex eventu inspicietur, ut, si adita fuerit hereditas, quasi alieni fuisse videantur: si vero irritum testamentum factum sit, quia ipsius essent si viveret, omnia perinde aguntur ac si dominus esset. 1Sub divo Traiano constitutum est de his libertis, quos vivus manumiserat, quaestionem haberi.
Paulus, On the Silanian Decree of the Senate. Where a disinherited son is killed before the estate of his father has been entered upon, consideration must be paid to what takes place, so that, if the estate is accepted, the slaves will not be held to belong to another; but if the will should become void, measures must be taken just as if the son had been their master, because they would have belonged to him if he had lived. 1It was established by a Constitution of the Divine Trajanus that freedmen whom the deceased had manumitted could be put to the question.
Dig. 29,5,12Paulus libro singulari ad senatus consultum Silanianum. Si servus a testatore occiso legatus sit et praetor pro praemio statuerit liberum eum esse, dicendum est non impediri libertatem.
Paulus, On the Silanian Decree of the Senate. Where a slave has been bequeathed by a testator who was murdered, and the Prætor decides that he was entitled to his freedom by way of reward, it must be said that his freedom cannot be prevented.