Ad senatus consultum Orphitianum liber singularis
Dig. 38,17,6Idem libro singulari ad senatus consultum Orphitianum. Filii mater ex hoc senatus consulto, etiamsi in aliena potestate sit, ad hereditatem admittitur. 1Filius, qui se nolle adire hereditatem matris dixit, an potest mutata voluntate adire, antequam consanguineus vel adgnatus adierit, videndum propter haec verba ‘si nemo filiorum volet hereditatem suscipere’, quia extensiva sunt. et cum verba extensiva sint, paenitentia eius usque ad annum admittenda est, cum et ipsa filii bonorum possessio annalis est.
The Same, On the Orphitian Decree of the Senate. Under the terms of this Decree, the mother of the son is entitled to his estate, even if she is under the control of another. 1Let us see whether a son who has stated that he does not wish to accept the estate of his mother, can, by virtue of these words, “If none of them desires to accept the estate,” enter upon it after having changed his mind, before a blood-relative or an agnate does so; because these terms have a broader meaning. And, as they have a broad meaning, a year should be granted him in which to change his mind, as he has a year in which to accept prætorian possession of the estate.
Dig. 50,16,230Idem libro singulari ad senatus consultum Orfitianum. ut sunt iudicio terminata, transactione composita, longioris temporis silentio finita.
The Same, On the Orphitian Decree of the Senate. Among these are questions which have been judicially decided; are those with reference to which a compromise has been made; and those prescribed by lapse of time.