Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 1,7,3Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Si consul vel praeses filius familias sit, posse eum apud semet ipsum vel emancipari vel in adoptionem dari constat.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Where the son of a family becomes a consul, or governor, he can be emancipated, or given in adoption before himself.
Dig. 1,7,11Idem libro quarto ad Sabinum. Si is qui filium haberet in nepotis locum adoptasset perinde atque si ex eo filio natus esset, et is filius auctor factus non esset: mortuo avo non esse nepotem in potestate filii.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book IV. If anyone who has a son adopts a person as a grandson, just as if he was the son of his son, and the latter does not consent; if the grandfather should die, the adopted grandson does not come under the control of the son.
Dig. 1,14,2Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Sed etiam ipsum apud se emancipari vel in adoptionem dari placet.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. It is also settled that he himself can be emancipated or give in adoption in his own tribunal.
Dig. 15,1,8Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Non statim quod dominus voluit ex re sua peculii esse, peculium fecit, sed si tradidit aut, cum apud eum esset, pro tradito habuit: desiderat enim res naturalem dationem. contra autem simul atque noluit, peculium servi desinit peculium esse.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Any of his own property which the master desires to belong to the peculium, he does not at once render such, but only after he has delivered the same, or, if it was in the possession of the slave, has treated it as delivered; for property requires actual delivery. On the other hand, however, whenever he manifests unwillingness, the possessions of the slave cease to be peculium.
Dig. 30,52Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Si cui servi omnes cum peculio legati sint, etiam hi servi debentur, qui nullum peculium habent. 1Si a filio inpubere sub condicione legatum sit et filius heres exstitit, deinde mortuus est, potest dici patrem familias, qui a filio sub condicione legavit, a substituto pure repetit, statim voluisse a substituto dari, si filius pendente condicione decessisset.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Where all the slaves of the testator, together with their peculium are bequeathed to anyone, those slaves also are due who have no peculium. 1Where a son under the age of puberty is charged with a legacy dependent upon some condition, and he becomes his father’s heir, and afterwards dies, it can be said that the intention of the father who left the legacy to be discharged by his son under a condition, and charged a substitute absolutely with its payment, was that the legacy should be paid by the substitute without delay, if his son should die before the condition was fulfilled.
Dig. 32,48Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Nam ne id quidem quod traditum est, si postea ademptum sit, legato cedet.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. For no article is included in the legacy if, when it has been given to the wife, she is afterwards deprived of it by her husband.
Dig. 32,51Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Si filiae familias ita legatum sit ‘cum in tutelam suam pervenerit’, tunc debebitur, cum viripotens facta fuerit.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Where a bequest is made to a daughter under paternal control, “When she becomes her own guardian,” it will be due when she is marriageable.
Dig. 32,53Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Argento legato constat arculas ad legatarium non pertinere. 1Item anulis legatis dactyliothecae non cedunt.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. It has been established that where silver plate is bequeathed, small money boxes of that metal do not pass to the legatee. 1Where rings are bequeathed, jewel-cases are not included.
Dig. 32,56Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Pali et perticae in numero materiae redigendi sunt, et ideo lignorum appellatione non continentur.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Beams and poles should be classed as building material, and therefore are not included in the term firewood.
Dig. 32,72Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Eadem in omnibus rebus, quas suas quis legaverit, dicenda sunt.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. The same must be said with reference to all other property which anyone can bequeath as his own.
Dig. 33,6,4Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Cum certum pondus olei non adiecta qualitate legatur, non solet quaeri, cuius generis oleo uti solitus fuerit testator aut cuius generis oleum istius regionis homines in usu habeant: et ideo liberum est heredi, cuius vellet generis oleum legatario solvere.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Where a certain quantity of oil, without mentioning the quality, is bequeathed, it is not the practice to ask what kind of oil the testator was accustomed to make use of, or what kind of oil men ordinarily use in that neighborhood. Therefore the heir is at liberty to give to the legatee oil of any kind that he may wish.
Dig. 33,6,12Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. nam aliter observantibus quis finis aut quod initium veteris vini sumeretur?
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. For where persons do not concur in this opinion, any end, or any beginning, can be taken to designate the age of wine.
Dig. 33,7,1Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Sive cum instrumento fundus legatus est sive instructus, duo legata intelleguntur. 1Fundo cum instrumento legato et alienato instrumentum non vindicabitur ex sententia defuncti.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Where a tract of land furnished with everything is devised, or where it is devised with its equipment, two separate and distinct legacies are understood to have been left. 1Where land is devised with its equipment, and it has been alienated, the equipment cannot be recovered in accordance with the will of the deceased.
Dig. 33,7,9Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. De grege ovium ita distinguendum est, ut, si ideo comparatus sit, ut ex eo fructus caperetur, non debeatur: si vero ideo, quia non aliter ex saltu fructus percipi poterit, contra erit, quia per greges fructus ex saltu percipiuntur.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. With reference to flocks of sheep, the following distinction must be observed, namely, that if they were kept in order to obtain the profits from them, they will not be due under the legacy; but this will not be the case if the profits of the woodland cannot otherwise be acquired, as these profits are obtained therefrom by means of flocks of sheep.
Dig. 33,7,13Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Tabernae cauponiae instrumento legato etiam institores contineri Neratius existimat: sed videndum, ne inter instrumentum tabernae cauponiae et instrumentum cauponae sit discrimen, ut tabernae non nisi loci instrumenta sint, ut dolia vasa ancones calices trullae, quae circa cenam solent traici, item urnae aereae et congiaria sextaria et similia: cauponae autem, cum negotiationis nomen sit, etiam institores. 1Instrumento balneario legato etiam balneatorem contineri Neratius respondit:
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Neratius thinks that where a tavern with its equipment is devised, even the slaves who conduct it are included. It must, however, be considered whether a difference does not exist between the utensils of a house used for drinking purposes, and those of a warehouse for the storage of wine, as only the following are utensils of the latter, namely, casks, vats, large jars, cauldrons, pitchers for pouring out wine, and which are ordinarily passed at supper; brazen urns, large and small measures for liquids, and other things of this kind; but in the word “tavern,” as it is a commercial term, slaves who transact the business are also included. 1Neratius gives it as his opinion that where a bath is devised as equipped, it also includes the slave in charge of the same.
Dig. 33,8,1Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Servo legato cum peculio et alienato vel manumisso vel mortuo legatum etiam peculii exstinguitur.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Where a slave is bequeathed with his peculium, and he is either alienated or manumitted, or dies, the legacy of the peculium is also extinguished.
Dig. 33,8,3Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. At si ancilla cum suis natis legata sit, etiam mortua ea vel alienata vel manumissa nati ad legatarium pertinebunt, quia duo legata sunt separata.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Where, however, a female slave is bequeathed with her children, and either dies, or is alienated or manumitted, her children will belong to the legatee, because there are two distinct legacies.
Dig. 33,8,5Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Peculio legato constat heredem nomina peculiaria persequi posse, et insuper ipsum si quid debeat servo, reddere legatario debere.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. When peculium is bequeathed, it is well established that the heir can collect any debts due to the peculium, and be required to pay them to the legatee, over and above anything which he himself may owe to the slave.
Dig. 33,8,9Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Id quod servo, qui in ipsius peculio est, debetur, non deducitur ex legato peculio, quamvis conservus eius sit. 1Si conservum suum vulneraverit servus et viliorem fecerit, Marcellus non esse dubitandum deduci ex peculio, quod domino interesset (nam quid interest, conservum vulneret an scindat aliquid vel frangat an subripiat? quo casu sine dubio minuitur peculium), sed non ultra simplum. 2Sed si se vulneravit vel etiam occidit, nihil est deducendum hoc nomine: alioquin dicemus et si fugerit, deducendum id, quanto vilior sit factus propter fugam.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Anything which is due from one slave to another to whom the former is bequeathed with his own peculium, of which the legatee forms a part, is not deducted from the legacy, even though the legatee may be his fellow-slave. 1If one slave should wound one of his fellow-slaves, and, by doing so, depreciate his value, Marcellus says that there is no doubt that the amount due to the master as damages should be deducted from the peculium of the slave. For what difference is there if one slave should wound his fellow-slave, or should cut to pieces, break, or steal any other property? In this instance, his peculium will undoubtedly be diminished, but not to a greater extent than the actual amount of the injury. 2If, however, the slave should wound himself, or even commit suicide, nothing ought to be deducted from the peculium on this account. We would be of a different opinion if he should take to flight, for the amount of depreciation of his value, in consequence, should be deducted from his peculium.
Dig. 33,9,4Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Nam quod liquidae materiae sit quia per se esse non potest, rapit secum in accessionis locum id sine quo esse non potest: vasa autem accessio legatae penus, non legata sunt: denique penu consumpta vasa non debentur. sed et si penum cum vasis specialiter sit legatum, vasa non debebuntur vel consumpta penu vel adempta. 1Si cui quae in promptuario sint legata fuerint, non omnis penus legata est. 2Item si quis solitus fructus suos vendere penum legaverit, non omnia, quae et promercii causa habuit, legasse videtur, sed ea sola, quae in penum sibi separabat. quod si promiscue uti solebat, tunc quantum ad annuum usum ei sufficeret familiaeque eius ceterorumque, qui circa eum sunt, legato cedet: quod fere, inquit Sabinus, evenit in personis mercatorum aut quotiens cella est olei et vini, quae venire solebant, in hereditate relicta. 3Nomen autem penus mihi traditum est omnibus generibus dictum. 4Si ita legetur ‘penum, quae Romae sit’, utrum quae est intra continentia, legata videtur an vero ea sola, quae est intra murum? et quidem urbes fere omnes muro tenus finiri, Romam continentibus, et urbem Romam aeque continentibus. 5Quod si urbana penus sit legata, omnem, quae ubique est, legatam videri Labeo ait, etiam si in villis agrisve sit, si illa sit urbico usui destinata, sicuti urbica ministeria dicimus et quae extra urbem nobis ministrare consueverunt. si autem extra urbem, Romae tamen sit, sed et si in hortis sit urbi iunctis, idem erit dicendum. 6Si cui penus legata sit praeter vinum, omnis penus legata videtur excepto vino: sed si ita scriptum sit ‘omnem penum praeter vinum quod Romae erit’, sola penus quae Romae est legata videtur: et ita et Pomponius libro sexto ad Sabinum scribit.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. As liquids cannot be kept without receptacles, they take with them as accessories any articles without which they cannot be preserved. Vessels, however, which are accessories of the legacy of provisions, are not bequeathed. Finally, after the provisions have been consumed, the vessels which contained them will no longer be due. But even if the provisions were expressly bequeathed with the vessels, the latter will not be due after the provisions have been consumed, or the legatee has been deprived of them. 1Where provisions contained in a storehouse are left to anyone, all the provisions of the testator are not the subject of the legacy. 2Likewise, if anyone who is accustomed to sell his crops should bequeath provisions, he is not held to have left everything which he had in his hands as merchandise, but only what he had set apart as supplies for himself. But if he was accustomed to make use of what he had indiscriminately, only the quantity which would be sufficient for the annual consumption of himself, his slaves, and the other persons whom he had about him, will be embraced in the legacy. Sabinus says that this usually occurs in the case of merchants, or when a warehouse containing oil or wine which was accustomed to be sold, forms part of an estate. 3I have been informed that the term “provisions” is applicable to every kind of food. 4Where a bequest is made of provisions which are at Rome, are those bequeathed which are situated in the suburbs, or only such as are within the walls? While, indeed, almost all towns are enclosed by walls, Rome is enclosed by its suburbs, and the City of Rome is bounded by its suburbs. 5Where a legacy of provisions in a city is left, Labeo says that everything of the kind to be found anywhere should be considered as bequeathed, even articles which are at a country-seat, but are destined for urban consumption; just as we call those slaves “urban” whose services we are accustomed to make use of outside of the city. If, however, the provisions are situated outside of the City, they will, nevertheless, be considered to be at Rome, and if they are in the gardens adjoining the City, the same rule will apply. 6Where provisions, with the exception of wine, are bequeathed to anyone, all the provisions except the wine will be considered as included in the legacy. Where, however, it was set forth explicitly in a will that all provisions, except the wine which was at Rome, were bequeathed, only the provisions which were at Rome were held to be embraced in the legacy. This was stated by Pomponius in the Sixth Book on Sabinus.
Dig. 33,9,5Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Non omne quod bibetur in penu habetur: alioqui necesse est, ut omnia medicamenta quae biberentur contineantur. itaque ea demum penoris esse, quae alendi causa biberentur, quo in numero antidotum non est. et sane vere Cassius sensit. 1Sed quod quidam negaverunt piper et ligusticum et careum et laser et cetera huiusmodi in penu non esse, improbatum est.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book IV. Everything which can be drunk is not included in the term “provisions,” otherwise, it would be necessary for all medicines which are fluids to be included in the legacy. Hence, only such are included as are drunk for the purpose of nourishment, and antidotes do not belong to this category; as Cassius very properly remarks. 1Certain authorities deny that pepper, lovage, caraway seed, assafœdita, and other articles of this kind, are included in provisions, but this opinion is not accepted.
Dig. 33,10,3Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Suppellectili legata haec continentur: mensae, trapezophora, delficae, subsellia, scamna, lecti etiam inargentati, culcitae, toralia, imperia, vasa aquaria, pelves, aquiminalia, candelabra, lucernae, trulla, 1Item vasa aenea vulgaria, id est quae non proprie essent loco adtributa: 2Praeterea capsae, armaria. sed sunt qui recte putant capsas et armaria, si librorum aut vestium aut armamentorum gratia parata sint, non esse in suppellectili, quia ne hae quidem ipsae res, quibus adtributae essent, suppellectilis instrumento cederent. 3Vitrea escaria et potoria in supellectili sunt sic ut fictilia, nec solum vulgaria, sed etiam quae in pretio magno sunt: nam et pelves argenteas et aquiminalia argentea et mensas et lectos inargentatos vel inauratos atque gemmatos in supellectili esse non dubitatur, usque adeo, ut idem iuris sit et si tota argentea vel aurea sint. 4De murrinis et crystallinis dubitari potest an debeant adnumerari supellectili propter eximium usum et pretium: sed et de his idem dicendum est, 5Nec interest, cuius materiae sunt res, quae sunt in suppellectili. sed craterem argenteum non esse in supellectili nec ullum vas argenteum secundum saeculi severitatem nondum admittentis supellectilem argenteam hodie, propter usum imperitorum si in argento relatum sit candelabrum argenteum, argenti esse videtur, et error ius facit.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. The following are embraced in bequests of household goods, namely: cupboards, benches, bedsteads, beds, even such as are inlaid with silver, mattresses, coverlets, pillows, vases for water, basins, candelabra, lamps, and ladles. 1Ordinarily, brazen vessels, for example, those which are not fastened to any certain place, are included. 2In addition to these are strong boxes and coffers. Some authorities very properly hold that wardrobes and chests of drawers, if intended for the storage of clothes or books, should not be classed as household goods, because the articles for which they are designed are not included in that category. 3Glass vessels for the table, used both for eating and drinking, are included among household goods, as well as earthenware vessels, not only common ones, but also such as are of great value. For there is no doubt that silver basins and bowls, tables and bedsteads inlaid with gold or silver and set with jewels, are included in the term household goods, even to the extent that the same rule applies where they are entirely made of these precious metals. 4There is some doubt with reference to vases of iridescent glass, and of crystal, whether they form part of the household goods on account of their rarity and value, but the same rule must be said to also apply to them. 5Nor does it make any difference of what material the articles composing the household goods are made, but neither silver cups, nor silver vases are included, on account of the severity of the age, which does not admit of silver furniture. At present, however, if a silver candlestick is placed among silver-ware, on account of a misconception of ignorant persons, it will be considered to form part of it, and the error will establish the right.
Dig. 33,10,5Idem libro quarto ad Sabinum. De tapetis quaeri potest, subsellia cathedraria quibus insterni solent utrum in veste sint, sicut stragula, an in suppellectili, sicut toralia, quae propria stragulorum non sunt. et hoc magis placuit ea supellectili contineri. 1De tapetis autem vel linteis, quibus insternuntur vehicula, dubitari potest, an sint in suppellectili. sed dicendum est potius instrumenti viatorii ea esse, sicut pelles, quibus involvuntur vestimenta, lora quoque, quibus hae pelles constringi solent.
The Same, On Sabinus, Book IV. With reference to tapestry, and the other coverings of seats and chairs, it may be asked whether they are included under the head of clothing, as coverlets, or under that of household goods, as pillows, which, properly speaking, are not coverlets. I think that the better opinion is that they should be classed as household goods. 1So far as cloths or linen coverings which are placed over vehicles are concerned, is there any doubt whether they should be included among household goods? It must be said that they ought rather to be classed as baggage for a journey, just as skins in which clothing is wrapped up and with the straps with which the said skins are usually fastened.
Dig. 35,1,11Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Si iam facta sint quae condicionis loco ponuntur et sciat testator, quae iterum fieri possunt exspectentur ut fiant: si vero nesciat, praesenti debeantur. 1Item sciendum est promiscuas condiciones post mortem impleri oportere, si in hoc fiant, ut testamento pareatur, veluti ‘si Capitolium ascenderit’ et similia, non promiscuas etiam vivo testatore existere posse, veluti ‘si Titius consul factus fuerit’.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Where those things have already been done which were imposed by way of condition, and the testator was aware that they can be done a second time, the parties must wait until they are done the second time. If, however, the testator did not know this, the legacies will be due immediately. 1It also should be remembered that ordinary conditions must be fulfilled after the death of the testator, if this is necessary in order to comply with the provisions of the will, as, for example, “If he should ascend to the Capitol,” and others of this kind. Unusual conditions can also be fulfilled during the lifetime of the testator, for instance, “If Titius should become Consul.”
Dig. 40,4,10Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Si peculium praelegatum est et vicarius liber esse iussus sit, liberum eum esse constat. multum enim interest inter genus et speciem: speciem enim eximi de genere placet: quod est in peculio legato et vicario manumisso. 1Si servus legatus liber esse iussus est, liber est. sed si prius liber esse iussus, postea legatus sit, si quidem evidens voluntas sit testatoris, quod ademit libertatem, cum placeat hodie etiam libertatem adimi posse, legato eum cedere puto: quod si in obscuro sit, tunc favorabilius respondetur liberum fore.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Where the peculium of a slave is bequeathed as a preferred legacy, and a sub-slave, who forms part of the peculium, is directed to be free, it is established that he will become free, for there is a great deal of difference between genus and species. For it is settled that the species can be removed from the genus, as it consists of the peculium which was bequeathed, and the sub-slave who was manumitted. 1If a slave who is bequeathed is ordered to be liberated from servitude he will become free; but where, in the first place, he is considered to be free, and he is afterwards bequeathed, if it is evident that the intention of the testator was that he should be deprived of his liberty, and as it is at present held that he will be deprived of it, I think that he will form part of the legacy. If, however, the matter is in doubt, then the more favorable opinion should prevail, and he will become free.
Dig. 40,5,43Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Fideicommissa libertas non debetur ei, quem postea vinxit dominus.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Freedom granted under the terms of a trust is not due to a slave whom his master afterwards placed in chains.
Dig. 42,2,8Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Non omnimodo confessus condemnari debet rei nomine, quae, an in rerum natura esset, incertum sit.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. A party who confesses judgment should not have a decision absolutely rendered against him, when he acknowledged that he owes property the existence of which is uncertain.
Dig. 44,7,6Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. In omnibus temporalibus actionibus nisi novissimus totus dies compleatur, non finit obligationem.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. In all temporary actions, my liability is not ended until the last day has entirely expired.
Dig. 46,3,10Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Quod stipulatus ita sum ‘mihi aut Titio’, Titius nec petere nec novare nec acceptum facere potest, tantumque ei solvi potest.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. When I stipulate for myself or for Titius, Titius cannot bring suit, or make a novation, or give a release; he can only be paid.
Dig. 46,4,3Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Per procuratorem nec liberari nec liberare quisquam acceptilatione sine mandato potest.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. No one can be freed from liability through an agent, nor can anyone be discharged by a release without a mandate.
Dig. 50,16,168Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Pali et perticae in numerum materiae redigendi sunt, et ideo ‘lignorum’ appellatione non continentur.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Poles and stakes are classed as building material, and therefore are not included under the term “firewood.”
Dig. 50,17,15Paulus libro quarto ad Sabinum. Is, qui actionem habet ad rem reciperandam, ipsam rem habere videtur.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book IV. Anyone who has a right of action to recover property is considered to have possession of the same.