Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XXXII
Dig. 41,3,31Paulus libro trigensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Numquam in usucapionibus iuris error possessori prodest: et ideo Proculus ait, si per errorem initio venditionis tutor pupillo auctor factus sit vel post longum tempus venditionis peractum, usucapi non posse, quia iuris error est. 1In usucapionibus mobilium continuum tempus numeratur. 2Servus licet in libertate moretur, nihil possidet nec per eum alius. atquin si nomine alicuius, dum in libertate moratur, nactus fuerit possessionem, adquiret ei, cuius nomine nactus fuerit. 3Si servus meus vel filius peculiari vel etiam meo nomine quid tenet, ut ego per eum ignorans possideam vel etiam usucapiam: si is furere coeperit, donec in eadem causa res fuerit, intellegendum est et possessionem apud me remanere et usucapionem procedere, sicuti per dormientes quoque eos idem nobis contingeret. idemque in colono et inquilino, per quos possidemus, dicendum est. 4Si vi aut clam aut precario possessionem nactus quis postea furere coeperit, et possessio et causa eadem durat de hoc, quod precario furiosus habet, quemadmodum interdicto quoque uti possidetis furiosi nomine recte experimur eius possessionis nomine, quam ante furorem per se vel post furorem per alium nactus est. 5Vacuum tempus, quod ante aditam hereditatem vel post aditam intercessit, ad usucapionem heredi procedit. 6Si defunctus emit, heres autem putat eum ex donationis causa possedisse, usu eum capturum Iulianus ait.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book XXXII. In cases of usucaption, an error of law never benefits the possessor. Hence Proculus says that, if through mistake, a guardian does not, at the beginning of a sale or for a long time after it has been concluded, grant authority to his ward to make it, there will be no ground for usucaption, because an error of law exists. 1In an usucaption of movable property, the time is computed continuously. 2A slave, even though he may be at liberty, possesses nothing, and another does not possess anything by him. If, however, he should obtain possession in the name of another, while he is at liberty, he will acquire the property for him in whose name he obtained it. 3If my slave, or my son, holds anything in my name, or as part of his peculium, so that I am not aware that I possess it, or even that I am entitled to acquire it by usucaption, and he becomes insane, then it must be understood that the property remains in the same condition, and that I still retain possession of it, and have a right to usucaption, just as these rights continue to exist in our favor, even when the parties are asleep. The same rule must be said to apply to the case of a lessee, or a tenant through whom we acquire possession. 4Where anyone has obtained possession either by violence, clandestinely, or under a precarious title, and afterwards becomes insane, the possession and the title remain unchanged with reference to the property which the insane person holds precariously; just as, by means of an interdict, and by an action to obtain possession, we can legally institute proceedings in the name of an insane person, on account of the possession which he himself obtained before his reason became impaired, or acquired by means of another after his insanity had begun. 5The time which intervened before the estate was accepted, or after this was done, will benefit the heir in usucaption. 6Julianus says that if the deceased had made a purchase, and the heir thinks that he was in possession of the same as a donation, he can acquire the article by usucaption.