Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 1,7,10Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si quis nepotem quasi ex filio natum quem in potestate habet consentiente filio adoptaverit, non adgnascitur avo suus heres, quippe cum post mortem avi quasi in patris sui reccidit potestatem.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. When anyone adopts a grandson as if he were born to his own son over whom he has control, with the consent of the latter, he does not become a proper heir of his grandfather; as, after the death of the grandfather he comes, as it were, under the control of his father.
Dig. 4,5,11Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Capitis deminutionis tria genera sunt, maxima media minima: tria enim sunt quae habemus, libertatem civitatem familiam. igitur cum omnia haec amittimus, hoc est libertatem et civitatem et familiam, maximam esse capitis deminutionem: cum vero amittimus civitatem, libertatem retinemus, mediam esse capitis deminutionem: cum et libertas et civitas retinetur, familia tantum mutatur, minimam esse capitis deminutionem constat.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. There are three kinds of changes of condition, the greatest, the intermediate, and the least; as there are three conditions, which we may have, namely, those of freedom, citizenship, and family. Therefore, when we lose all of these, that is to say freedom, citizenship, and family, the greatest change of condition ensues; but where we lose citizenship and retain freedom, intermediate loss of condition occurs; and when freedom and citizenship are retained, and only the family position is altered, it is established that the least change of condition takes place.
Dig. 4,6,44Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Is, qui rei publicae causa abest, in aliqua re laesus non restituitur, in qua, etiam si rei publicae causa non afuisset, damnum erat passurus.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. He who is absent in the service of the State and is injured in any way will not be granted restitution if he suffered the injury under circumstances where he would have sustained loss, even if he had not been absent on public business.
Dig. 17,1,15Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si mandassem tibi, ut fundum emeres, postea scripsissem, ne emeres, tu, antequam scias me vetuisse, emisses, mandati tibi obligatus ero, ne damno adficiatur is qui suscipit mandatum.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. If I direct you to purchase a tract of land, and afterwards write to you not to do so, and you have made the purchase before you learned that I had countermanded it; I will be liable to you in an action on mandate, because he who undertook to execute the mandate should not suffer loss.
Dig. 28,2,11Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. In suis heredibus evidentius apparet continuationem dominii eo rem perducere, ut nulla videatur hereditas fuisse, quasi olim hi domini essent, qui etiam vivo patre quodammodo domini existimantur. unde etiam filius familias appellatur sicut pater familias, sola nota hac adiecta, per quam distinguitur genitor ab eo qui genitus sit. itaque post mortem patris non hereditatem percipere videntur, sed magis liberam bonorum administrationem consequuntur. hac ex causa licet non sint heredes instituti, domini sunt: nec obstat, quod licet eos exheredare, quod et occidere licebat.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. In the case of proper heirs, it is perfectly evident that a continuation of ownership legally remains, so that there appears to be no succession; since those should be held to be the owners of the estate who, during the lifetime of their father, were already considered to occupy that position. Wherefore, the son of a family is so called, just as a father is styled the father of a family, so that it is only by the prefix that the parent is distinguished from the child. Hence, after the death of the father, the children are not considered to have obtained the inheritance, but rather to have acquired the free administration of the property. For this reason they are owners, even though they have not been appointed heirs, for there is no reason why he should not possess the right of disinheriting those whom he formerly had the right to put to death.
Dig. 28,2,31Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Dum apud hostes est filius, pater iure fecit testamentum et recte eum praeterit, cum, si in potestate esset filius, nihil valiturum esset testamentum.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Where a son is a captive in the hands of the enemy, his father can legally make a will and pass him over; but if the son was under paternal control, the will will be void.
Dig. 28,3,9Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si pater ab hostibus capiatur filio manente in civitate, reverso eo non rumpitur testamentum:
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Where a father is taken captive by the enemy, and his son retains his citizenship, the father’s will is not broken by his return.
Dig. 28,5,12Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si inaequalibus partibus datis ita adiciatur: ‘quos ex disparibus partibus heredes institui, aeque heredes sunto’, existimandum est exaequari eos, scilicet si hoc ante peractum testamentum scriptum sit.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Where unequal shares in an estate were bequeathed by a testator, and he added, “Let those heirs to whom I have allotted unequal portions share equally”; it should be held that they do share equally, provided this clause was inserted before the completion of the will.
Dig. 28,5,20Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Quo loco scribatur heres sine parte, utrum primo an medio vel novissimo, nihil interest. 1Si iam mortuo quadrans, alii dodrans datus sit et alius sine parte scriptus sit, Labeo eum, qui sine parte heres institutus sit, alterum assem habiturum et hanc mentem esse testantis: quod et Iulianus probat et verum est. 2Quod si vivus et mortuus ex parte dimidia coniunctim heredes instituti sunt, ex altera alius, aequas partes eos habituros ait, quia mortui pars pro non scripto habetur.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. It makes no difference to what place an heir to whom no portion of the estate has been given is assigned, whether to the first, the intermediate, or the last. 1Where the fourth of an estate has been left to a person who is already dead, and the remaining three-fourths to another, and a third part was mentioned without any share of the estate being allotted to him, Labeo says that the one who was appointed heir without any share will be entitled to half of the doubled shares of the estate, and that this was the intention of the testator. Julianus also approves this opinion, and it is correct. 2Where a person who is living and one who is dead are appointed joint-heirs to half of an estate, and a third party to the other half; he says that they will be entitled to equal shares, because the share assigned to the deceased is considered as not having been mentioned.
Dig. 28,7,5Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si heredi plures condiciones coniunctim datae sint, omnibus parendum est, quia unius loco habentur, si disiunctim sint, cuilibet.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Where several conditions together are imposed upon an heir, all of them must be complied with, for the reason that they are considered as one; where, however, they are imposed separately, each must be complied with by itself.
Dig. 29,2,1Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Qui totam hereditatem adquirere potest, is pro parte eam scindendo adire non potest:
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Anyone who has the right to acquire an entire estate cannot, by dividing it, accept only a portion of the same.
Dig. 29,2,9Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Pupillus si fari possit, licet huius aetatis sit, ut causam adquirendae hereditatis non intellegat, quamvis non videatur scire huiusmodi aetatis puer (neque enim scire neque decernere talis aetas potest, non magis quam furiosus), tamen cum tutoris auctoritate hereditatem adquirere potest: hoc enim favorabiliter eis praestatur.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Where a ward is competent to act for himself, even though he may be of such an age as to be unable to understand the meaning of the acceptance of an estate (although a boy of this age is not supposed to know, or to be able to decide anything, any more than an insane person) he can, nevertheless, acquire an estate by the authority of his guardian; for this privilege is granted to wards by way of favoring them.
Dig. 29,2,14Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Idem est etiam si legitima hereditas filiis obvenit.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. The same rule also applies where an estate descends by law to children.
Dig. 29,2,18Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Is potest repudiare, qui et adquirere potest.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Anyone who can acquire an estate can also reject it.
Dig. 29,2,22Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si is, ad quem legitima hereditas pertinet, putaverit defunctum servum suum esse et quasi peculium eius nactus sit, placet non obligari eum hereditati. idem ergo dicemus, ut ait Pomponius, si quasi libertini sui, cum ingenuus esset, bona eius occupavit. nam ut quis pro herede gerendo obstringat se hereditati, scire debet, qua ex causa hereditas ad eum pertinet: veluti adgnatus proximus iusto testamento scriptus heres, antequam tabulae proferantur, cum existimaret intestato patrem familias mortuum, quamvis omnia pro domino fecerit, heres tamen non erit. et idem iuris erit, si non iusto testamento scriptus heres prolatis tabulis, cum putaret iustum esse, quamvis omnia pro domino administraverit, hereditatem tamen non adquiret.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. If anyone entitled to the legitimate succession, believing that the deceased was his slave should, in consequence obtain his peculium, it is held that he will not be liable to the estate. We therefore say (as Pomponius holds), that the same rule applies if he should take possession of the estate of one whom he thought to be his freedman, when, in fact, the latter was freeborn. For, as anyone by acting in the capacity of heir, renders himself liable to the estate, he should ascertain under what title the said estate belongs to him; for example, if the next of kin is appointed heir by a valid will, and before the latter is produced, and while he thinks that the testator died intestate, even though he should act in every respect as the owner, he, nevertheless, will not be the heir. The same rule of law will apply where he is appointed heir by a will not properly executed, and the latter having been produced, he thinks that it is legal, still, he will not acquire the estate; even though he should administer all the property belonging to it as the owner thereof.
Dig. 29,2,26Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si ego et servus meus vel filius heres institutus sit, si iussero filio vel servo adire, statim et ex mea institutione me heredem esse Pomponius scribit: idem et Marcellus probat et Iulianus.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. If I am appointed an heir together with my slave or my son, and I order my son or my slave to enter upon the estate, Pomponius says that I will immediately become the heir through my own appointment. Marcellus and Julianus both concur in his opinion.
Dig. 29,2,31Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Heredi cum postumo instituto reliquae partes adcrescunt, quae postumo datae sunt, si certum sit non esse praegnatem, licet heres ignoret.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Where an heir is appointed along with a posthumous child, the remainder of the estate bequeathed to the latter will accrue to the other heir, if it is certain that the woman is not pregnant, even though the heir may be ignorant of the fact.
Dig. 29,2,65Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. et si substitutum haberet idem servus ita ‘si heres non erit, ille heres esto’, substitutus locum non habet.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Hence, if the same slave was given a substitute in the following terms: “If he should not be my heir, let So-and-So be my heir”, the substitute will be excluded from the succession.
Dig. 30,7Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Legatum servo delatum dominus potest repudiare.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. A master can reject a legacy bequeathed to his slave.
Dig. 30,10Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Iulianus nec a filio familias sine iussu patris optari posse nec ante aditam hereditatem putat, quod est verum.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Julianus holds that a choice cannot be made by a son under paternal control, without the consent of his father; nor before he has accepted the estate.
Dig. 35,1,5Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Condicionibus pupillus et sine tutoris auctoritate parere potest. nec quem moveri, quod expleta condicione necessarius heres aliquando esse potest: nam hoc iure potestatis fieri, non condicionis expletae. 1Item servus vel filius familias sine iussu patris vel domini condicionem implere possunt, quia eo facto nemo fraudatur.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. A ward can comply with a condition without the authority of his guardian. Let no one be apprehensive for the reason that, when the condition has been fulfilled, he may, in some cases, become the necessary heir, as he will become such by the right of paternal control, and not through the fulfillment of the condition. 1Likewise, a slave or a son under paternal control can comply with a condition without the order of his father or his master, because no one is defrauded by his own act.
Dig. 36,2,1Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Mortuo patre, licet vivo pupillo, dies legatorum a substituto datorum cedit.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Legacies, with which a substitute is charged, take effect from the death of the father, even though the minor be living.
Dig. 37,1,10Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. In bonorum possessionibus iuris ignorantia non prodest, quo minus dies cedat, et ideo heredi instituto et ante apertas tabulas dies cedit. satis est enim scire mortuum esse seque proximum cognatum fuisse copiamque eorum quos consuleret habuisse: scientiam enim non hanc accipi, quae iuris prudentibus sit, sed eam, quam quis aut per se habeat aut consulendo prudentiores adsequi potest.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Ignorance of the law is of no advantage in preventing the claim from being barred by lapse of time, in the case of prætorian possession of property. Hence, the time begins to run, so far as the appointed heir is concerned, even before the will has been opened; for it is enough for him to know that the testator is dead, and that he is his next of kin, and had access to persons of whom he could ask advice. For, in this instance, knowledge is not understood to be such as is possessed by persons learned in the law, but such as anyone whosoever may possess, or can acquire by applying to others who are more learned than himself.
Dig. 38,6,4Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Liberi et capite minuti per edictum praetoris ad bonorum possessionem vocantur parentium, nisi si adoptivi fuerint: hi enim et liberorum nomen amittunt post emancipationem. sed si naturales emancipati et adoptati iterum emancipati sint, habent ius naturale liberorum.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Children, even those who have lost their civil rights, are called to the possession of an estate under the Edict of the Prætor, unless they have been adopted, for the latter lose the name of children after emancipation. If, however, they are natural children, and have been emancipated and adopted, and emancipated a second time, they retain their original character of natural children.
Dig. 45,1,8Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. In illa stipulatione: ‘si kalendis Stichum non dederis, decem dare spondes?’ mortuo homine quaeritur, an statim ante kalendas agi possit. Sabinus Proculus exspectandum diem actori putant, quod est verius: tota enim obligatio sub condicione et in diem collata est et licet ad condicionem committi videatur, dies tamen superest. sed cum eo, qui ita promisit: ‘si intra kalendas digito caelum non tetigerit’, agi protinus potest. haec et Marcellus probat.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. In the following stipulation, “If you do not deliver Stichus on the kalends, do you promise to pay ten aurei?” the slave having died, the question arises whether the action can be brought immediately before the kalends? Sabinus and Proculus hold that the plaintiff must wait until the day, which is the better opinion, for every obligation has reference to a condition and an appointed time, and although the condition seems to have been fulfilled, still the time for performance has not yet arrived. But with reference to one who promises as follows, “If you do not touch the sky with your finger before the kalends,” we can proceed immediately. This opinion was also adopted by Marcellus.
Dig. 45,1,11Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Filius dum in civitate est si stipuletur, patri reverso ab hostibus videtur adquisisse.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. If a son, while at home, enters into a stipulation, he is considered to have acquired for the benefit of his father on the return of the latter from the hands of the enemy.
Dig. 49,15,13Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Si me tibi adrogandum dedissem, emancipato me reversum ab hostibus filium meum loco nepotis tibi futurum constat.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. If I should give myself to be arrogated by you, and I should afterwards be emancipated, it is established that when my son returns from captivity, he will be considered as your grandson.
Dig. 49,15,17Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Postliminio carent, qui armis victi hostibus se dederunt.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. Those who, having been conquered by force of arms, surrender to the enemy, are not entitled to the right of postliminium.
Dig. 50,16,163Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. Illa verba ‘optimus maximusque’ vel in eum cadere possunt, qui solus est. sic et circa edictum praetoris ‘supremae tabulae’ habentur et solae. 1‘Pueri’ appellatione etiam puella significatur: nam et feminas puerperas appellant recentes ex partu et Graece παιδίον communiter appellatur.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. The following words, “The very best and greatest possible,” may have reference to a single person. Likewise, the last will mentioned in the Edict of the Prætor has reference to the only will. 1Under the term “child” a girl also is included, for women who have recently brought forth children are called puerperse, and are generally styled by the Greeks.
Dig. 50,17,5Paulus libro secundo ad Sabinum. In negotiis contrahendis alia causa habita est furiosorum, alia eorum qui fari possunt, quamvis actum rei non intellegerent: nam furiosus nullum negotium contrahere potest, pupillus omnia tutore auctore agere potest.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book II. In business transactions, the condition of an insane person is one thing, and that of a minor beyond the age of infancy is another, although neither may perfectly understand what is required of him, for an insane person cannot transact any business whatever, but a minor can attend to anything of this kind with the authority of his guardian.