Ad Sabinum libri
Ex libro XIV
Dig. 1,1,11Paulus libro quarto decimo ad Sabinum. Ius pluribus modis dicitur: uno modo, cum id quod semper aequum ac bonum est ius dicitur, ut est ius naturale. altero modo, quod omnibus aut pluribus in quaque civitate utile est, ut est ius civile. nec minus ius recte appellatur in civitate nostra ius honorarium. praetor quoque ius reddere dicitur etiam cum inique decernit, relatione scilicet facta non ad id quod ita praetor fecit, sed ad illud quod praetorem facere convenit. alia significatione ius dicitur locus in quo ius redditur, appellatione collata ab eo quod fit in eo ubi fit. quem locum determinare hoc modo possumus: ubicumque praetor salva maiestate imperii sui salvoque more maiorum ius dicere constituit, is locus recte ius appellatur.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book XIV. The term “law” is used in several ways. First, whatever is just and good is called law, as is the case with natural law. Second, where anything is useful to all or to the majority in any state, as for instance the Civil Law. Nor is honorary law less justly so designated in Our State, and the Prætor also is said to administer the law even when he decides unjustly; for the term has reference not to what the Prætor actually does, but to that which it is suitable for him to do. Under another signification, the word indicates the place where justice is administered, the name being shifted from the act itself to the locality where it is performed, and this locality may be determined in the following manner; whenever the Prætor may designate a place for the dispensation of justice, that place is properly called the law, provided the dignity of his office and the customs of our ancestors are preserved.
Dig. 5,1,60Paulus libro quarto decimo ad Sabinum. Mortuo iudice quod eum iudicare oportuerat idem eum qui subditus est sequi oportet.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book XIV. When a judge dies, he who succeeds him must follow the same course which was laid down for his predecessor.
Dig. 10,4,6Paulus libro quarto decimo ad Sabinum. Gemma inclusa auro alieno vel sigillum candelabro vindicari non potest, sed ut excludatur, ad exhibendum agi potest: aliter atque in tigno iuncto aedibus, de quo nec ad exhibendum agi potest, quia lex duodecim tabularum solvi vetaret: sed actione de tigno iuncto ex eadem lege in duplum agitur.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book XIV. A jewel which is set in gold belonging to another, or any ornamentation attached to a candlestick belonging to another party cannot be demanded in an action for recovery, but an action can be brought for production in order to have it detached. The rule is different where material is used in a house, as, in this instance, even an action for production will not lie, because the Law of the Twelve Tables forbids the material from being separated; but an action on the ground of material used can be brought for double its value under the same law.
Dig. 23,3,1Paulus libro quarto decimo ad Sabinum. Dotis causa perpetua est, et cum voto eius qui dat ita contrahitur, ut semper apud maritum sit.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book XIV. The right to a dowry is perpetual, and, in accordance with the desire of the party who bestows it, the contract is made with the understanding that the dowry will always remain in the hands of the husband.
Dig. 41,1,24Paulus libro quarto decimo ad Sabinum. In omnibus, quae ad eandem speciem reverti non possunt, dicendum est, si materia manente species dumtaxat forte mutata sit, veluti si meo aere statuam aut argento scyphum fecisses, me eorum dominum manere,
Ad Dig. 41,1,24Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 187, Note 2.Paulus, On Sabinus, Book XIV. It must be said with reference to everything which can be restored to its former condition, that if the material remains as it was, and the form only is changed (as, for instance, if you make a statue out of my bronze, or a cup out of my silver), I will be the owner of it:
Dig. 41,1,26Paulus libro quarto decimo ad Sabinum. Sed si meis tabulis navem fecisses, tuam navem esse, quia cupressus non maneret, sicuti nec lana vestimento facto, sed cupresseum aut laneum corpus fieret. Proculus indicat hoc iure nos uti, quod Servio et Labeoni placuisset: in quibus propria qualitas exspectaretur, si quid additum erit toto cedit, ut statuae pes aut manus, scypho fundus aut ansa, lecto fulcrum, navi tabula, aedificio cementum: tota enim eius sunt, cuius ante fuerant. 1Arbor radicitus eruta et in alio posita priusquam coaluerit, prioris domini est, ubi coaluit, agro cedit, et si rursus eruta sit non ad priorem dominum revertitur: nam credibile est alio terrae alimento aliam factam. 2Si meam lanam infeceris, purpuram nihilo minus meam esse Labeo ait, quia nihil interest inter purpuram et eam lanam, quae in lutum aut caenum cecidisset atque ita pristinum colorem perdidisset.
Paulus, On Sabinus, Book XIV. If, however, you build a ship out of my boards, it will belong to you, for the reason that the cypress tree, of which they formed a part, is no longer in existence, any more than wool, where a garment is made of it; but a new form, composed of the cypress or the wool, has been produced. Proculus informs us that men ordinarily follow the rule adopted by Servius and Labeo; that is to say, in cases where the quality of property is considered, anything that is added becomes accessory to all, as where a foot or a hand is added to a statue, a bottom or a handle to a cup, a support to a bed, a plank to a ship, or stones to a building, for they will all belong to him who formerly owned the property. 1If a tree is torn up by the roots, and deposited upon the land of another, it will belong to the former owner until it has taken root; but, after it has done this, it will become an accessory of the land and if it is torn up by the roots a second time, it will not revert to the former owner: for it is probable that it became another tree through the different nourishment it received from the soil. 2Labeo says that if you dye my wool purple, it will still be mine, because there is no difference between wool after it has been dyed, and where it has fallen into mud or filth, and has lost its former color for this reason.