Responsorum libri
Ex libro VII
Dig. 16,3,27Idem libro septimo responsorum. Lucius Titius cum haberet filiam in potestate Seiam, Pamphilo servo alieno in matrimonium collocavit, cui etiam dotem dedit, quam sub titulo depositi in cautionem contulit, et postea nulla denuntiatione a domino facta pater decessit, mox et Pamphilus servus: quaero, qua actione Seia pecuniam petere possit, cum ipsa patri heres extiterit. Paulus respondit, quoniam dos constitui non potuit, ex causa depositi actione de peculio pecuniam repetendam.
The Same, Opinions, Book VII. Lucius Titius had a daughter named Seia under his control, he gave her in marriage to a slave named Pamphilus, who did not belong to him, and he gave the latter the dowry, taking an acknowledgment from him that it was only left in his hands by way of deposit; and then, the master of the slave not having been notified of said deposit, the father died, and soon afterwards Pamphilus, the slave, also. I ask, by means of what action can Seia recover the money, as she was the heir of her father? Paulus answered that, since the dowry was not actually constituted, the money could be recovered by an action De peculio on the ground of a deposit.
Dig. 21,2,73Paulus libro septimo responsorum. Seia fundos Maevianum et Seianum et ceteros doti dedit: eos fundos vir Titius viva Seia sine controversia possedit: post mortem deinde Seiae Sempronia heres Seiae quaestionem pro praedii proprietate facere instituit: quaero, cum Sempronia ipsa sit heres Seiae, an iure controversiam facere possit. Paulus respondit iure quidem proprio, non hereditario Semproniam, quae Seiae de qua quaeritur heres exstitit, controversiam fundorum facere posse, sed evictis praediis eandem Semproniam heredem Seiae conveniri posse: vel exceptione doli mali summoveri posse.
Paulus, Opinions, Book VII. Seia gave, by way of dowry, the Mævian and Seian estates, together with others. Her husband, Titius, during the life of Seia, kept possession of said tracts without any dispute arising, but after the death of Seia, Sempronia, who was her heir, raised a question as to the ownership of the land. I ask, as Sempronia herself was the heir of Seia, whether she could legally make such a claim? Paulus answered that she could do so in her own right, but could not, as the heir of Seia, claim the property in question; but if the land was evicted, the heir of Seia could sue Sempronia, or she could be barred by an exception on the ground of bad faith.
Dig. 23,2,37Idem libro septimo responsorum. Libertum curatoris puellae prohiberi oportet uxorem eandem ducere.
Dig. 23,2,65Paulus libro septimo responsorum. Eos, qui in patria sua militant, non videri contra mandata ex eadem provincia uxorem ducere idque etiam quibusdam mandatis contineri. 1Idem eodem. respondit mihi placere, etsi contra mandata contractum sit matrimonium in provincia, tamen post depositum officium, si in eadem voluntate perseverat, iustas nuptias effici: et ideo postea liberos natos ex iusto matrimonio legitimos esse
Paulus, Opinions, Book VII. Persons who administer public offices in their native provinces are not held to violate the law by marrying in said provinces; and this is also provided by certain Imperial Decrees. 1Paulus says in the same place: “I am of the opinion that, even though a marriage is contracted in a province contrary to law, still, after the term of office has expired, if the parties continue to be of the same mind, the marriage will become lawful, and therefore any children born subsequently will be legitimate, as in the case of a legal marriage.”
Dig. 24,1,57Paulus libro septimo responsorum. Ea, quae a marito suo pecuniam ex causa donationis acceperat, litteras ad eum misit huiusmodi: ‘Cum petenti mihi a te, domine carissime, adnuerit indulgentia tua viginti ad expediendas quasdam res meas, quae summa mihi numerata est sub ea condicione, ut, si per me meosque mores quid steterit, quo minus in diem vitae nostrae matrimonium permaneat, sive invito te discessero de domo tua vel repudium tibi sine ulla querella misero divortiumque factum per me probabitur, tunc viginti, quae mihi hac die donationis causa dare voluisti, daturam restituturam me sine ulla dilatione: spondeo’. quaero, an, si eadem Titio marito suo repudium miserit, pecuniam restituere debeat. Paulus respondit pecuniam, quam vir uxori donavit, ex stipulatione proposita, si condicio eius exstitit, peti posse, quoniam ex donatione in pecuniam creditam conversa est: quod si stipulatio commissa non probetur, tunc tantum peti posse, quanto locupletior ex ea donatione facta probetur.
Paulus, Opinions, Book VII. Where a woman received from her husband a sum of money by way of a donation, and wrote to him in the following terms: “When, at my request, my dearest lord, your indulgence granted me twenty aurei for the purpose of despatching certain business of mine; which sum was paid to me under the condition that if, through any fault or bad conduct of mine, our marriage should be dissolved during our lifetime; or if I should leave your house without your consent; or should repudiate you without any cause of complaint; or if it should be proved that a divorce was obtained on my account; I promise that, in any of these instances, I will repay and return to you without any delay, the twenty aurei, which you have this day consented to give me by way of donation.” I ask whether in case this woman should repudiate her husband, Titius, she must refund the money. Paulus was of the opinion that the money which the husband gave to the wife in accordance with the terms set forth in the stipulation can be recovered, if the condition was fulfilled, since then it is transformed from a donation into a loan. Where, however, the condition of the stipulation is not shown to have taken place, only that amount can be recovered by which the wife is proved to have been enriched by the donation which was made.
Dig. 24,3,49Paulus libro septimo responsorum. Maevia marito suo inter alias res dotis etiam instrumentum solidorum decem tradidit, quo Otacilius eidem Maeviae caverat daturum se, cum nuptum ire coepisset, decem milia: ex eo instrumento maritus nihil exegit, quia nec potuit: quaesitum est, si dos a marito petatur, an compellendus sit etiam illam summam, quae instrumento continetur, refundere? respondi potuisse quidem eum, cui actiones mandatae sunt, debitorem convenire: sed si sine dolo malo vel culpa exigere pecuniam non potuit, neque dotis nomine eum conveniri posse neque mandati iudicio. 1Fundus aestimatus in dotem datus a creditore antecedente ex causa pignoris ablatus est: quaesitum est, an mulier, si aestimationem dotis repetat, exceptione summovenda sit: ait enim se propterea non teneri, quod pater eius dotem pro se dedit, cui heres non exstiterit. Paulus respondit praedio evicto sine dolo et culpa viri pretium petenti mulieri doli mali exceptionem obesse: consequi enim eam pretium fundi evicti evidens iniquitas est, cum dolus patris ipsi nocere debeat.
Paulus, Opinions, Book VII. Mævia, among other property constituting her dowry, also delivered to her husband an instrument calling for ten solidi, which a certain Otacilius had executed in favor of the said Mævia, stating that he would give her ten thousand solidi when she was married; and the husband made no claim to this obligation because he could not do so. The question arose if the dowry should be demanded of the husband, whether he could be compelled also to refund that sum which was included in the said obligation. I answered that the husband could sue the debtor, as his wife’s rights of action had been transferred to him, but that if he could not claim the money without being guilty of bad faith or negligence, he could neither be sued on account of the dowry, nor in an action on mandate. 1A tract of land, after having been appraised and given by way of dowry, was taken by a prior creditor on account of its having been pledged. The question arose whether the woman, in case she claimed the value of the dowry from her husband, should be barred by an exception; for it is held that she is not bound, because her father gave her the dowry for herself and she was not his heir. Paulus answered that where the land was evicted without either the bad faith or negligence of her husband, the latter could interpose an exception on the ground of fraud against the woman, claiming the amount of the dowry, as it would evidently be unjust for her to recover the value of the land, as the fraud of the father should only injure the daughter herself.
Dig. 33,4,11Paulus libro septimo responsorum. Seia cum nuberet Lucio Titio, dedit dotis nomine centum aureos et adhibuit Quintum Mucium, qui nihil numeravit, sed dotem stipulatus est, si morte mulieris solutum fuerit matrimonium. Seia moriens testamento suo ita cavit: ‘Lucio Titio marito meo, cui maximas gratias ago, dari volo super dotem, quam ei dedi, tot aureos’. quaero, cum instituit Lucium Titium convenire Quintus Mucius ex stipulatu actione, an repellere eum maritus possit ex verbis testamenti. respondit, si Quintus Mucius mandante Seia non donationis causa stipulatus est, heredibus mulieris eum teneri et ideo Quintum Mucium exceptione repellendum esse. quod si donationis causa Seia stipulari permississet, videri eum in eum casum, qui morte mulieris exstitit mortis causa stipulatum: et ideo fidei eius committi potuisse in eum casum dicendum fore.
Ad Dig. 33,4,11Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 658, Note 3.Paulus, Opinions, Book VII. Seia, when she married Lucius Titius, gave him a hundred aurei by way of dowry, and called in Quintus Mucius, who did not pay anything, but stipulated for the return of the dowry, if the marriage should be dissolved by the death of the wife. Seia, at the time of her death, provided as follows by her will: “I wish the sum of so many aurei to be given to my husband, Lucius Titius, to whom I am under many obligations, in addition to what I have given him as my dowry.” I ask, if when Quintus Mucius instituted proceedings against Lucius Titius by an action founded on the stipulation, could the husband defeat him by setting out the terms of the will? The answer was that, if Quintus Mucius made the stipulation under the direction of Seia, and not for the purpose of making a donation, he will be liable to the heirs of the woman, and therefore Quintus Mucius will be barred by an exception. If, however, Seia permitted him to make the stipulation as a donation, he will be in the same position as one who had stipulated mortis causa, and therefore it must be said that in this instance he could have been charged with the execution of the trust.