Responsorum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 18,1,76Paulus libro sexto responsorum. Dolia in horreis defossa si non sint nominatim in venditione excepta, horreorum venditioni cessisse videri. 1Eum, qui in locum emptoris successit, isdem defensionibus uti posse, quibus venditor eius uti potuisset, sed et longae possessionis praescriptione, si utriusque possessio impleat tempora constitutionibus statuta.
Paulus, Opinions, Book VI. Casks which are buried in warehouses are held to have been transferred with the sale of the former, unless they are expressly excepted. 1The person who succeeds to the rights of a purchaser can avail himself of the same defence which the purchaser himself could have employed, including even that of prescription based on long possession, if the possession of both purchasers has lasted during the time established by law.
Dig. 19,1,47Idem libro sexto responsorum. Lucius Titius accepta pecunia ad materias vendendas sub poena certa, ita ut, si non integras repraestaverit intra statuta tempora, poena conveniatur, partim datis materiis decessit: cum igitur testator in poenam commiserit neque heres eius reliquam materiam exhibuerit, an et in poenam et in usuras conveniri possit, praesertim cum emptor mutuatus pecuniam usuras gravissimas expendit? Paulus respondit ex contractu, de quo quaeritur, etiam heredem venditoris in poenam conveniri posse. in actione quoque ex empto officio iudicis post moram intercedentem usurarum pretii rationem haberi oportere.
The Same, Opinions, Book VI. Lucius Titius, having received money in payment for materials sold under a fixed penalty, with the understanding that if they were not delivered in good condition within a designated time, the penalty could be collected, died, after a part of the materials had been delivered. Then, since the testator has become liable for the penalty, and his heir will not produce the remaining materials, can he be sued for the penalty and interest, especially when the purchaser had borrowed the money at a very high rate of interest? Paulus answered that, under the contract as stated, the heir of the vendor could be sued for the penalty, and that, also, in an action on purchase, the court would take into consideration the interest from the day when the vendor began to be in default.
Dig. 20,1,30Idem libro sexto responsorum. Periculum pignorum nominis venditi ad emptorem pertinere, si tamen probetur eas res obligatas fuisse.
Dig. 20,4,17Idem libro sexto responsorum. Eum qui a debitore suo praedium obligatum comparavit, eatenus tuendum, quatenus ad priorem creditorem ex pretio pecunia pervenit.
Dig. 20,5,10Idem libro sexto responsorum. Etsi is, qui lege pignoris emit, ob evictionem rei redire ad venditorem non potest, tamen non esse audiendum creditorem qui fundum vendidit, si velit eiusdem rei ex alia causa quaestionem movere.
The Same, Opinions, Book VI. Although a person who purchases property subject to the condition of the pledge cannot have recourse to the vendor in case he is deprived of it by a better title; still, the creditor who sold the land should not be heard, if he attempts to institute proceedings on some other ground with reference to the same property.
Dig. 21,2,11Paulus libro sexto responsorum. Lucius Titius praedia in Germania trans renum emit et partem pretii intulit: cum in residuam quantitatem heres emptoris conveniretur, quaestionem rettulit dicens has possessiones ex praecepto principali partim distractas, partim veteranis in praemia adsignatas: quaero, an huius rei periculum ad venditorem pertinere possit. Paulus respondit futuros casus evictionis post contractam emptionem ad venditorem non pertinere et ideo secundum ea quae proponuntur pretium praediorum peti posse. 1Ex his verbis stipulationis duplae vel simplae ‘eum hominem quo de agitur noxa esse solutum’ venditorem conveniri non posse propter eas noxas, quae publice coerceri solent.
Paulus, Opinions, Book VI. Lucius Titius bought lands in Germany, beyond the Rhine, and paid a portion of the purchase-money. When suit was brought against the heir of the purchaser for the remainder, the latter set up a counterclaim alleging that these possessions had been partially sold by order of the Emperor, and partly distributed as rewards among veteran soldiers. I ask whether this risk must be assumed by the vendor? Paulus answered that future cases of eviction, which occur after the sale has been contracted, do not affect the vendor; and, therefore, according to the facts stated, suit could be brought for the remainder of the price of the land. 1The vendor cannot be sued for either double or simple damages, on account of such offences as are usually punished by public prosecution, where the following words are inserted in a stipulation, namely: “The slave in question is free from liability for damage committed.”
Dig. 22,3,4Paulus libro sexto responsorum. Respondit emptorem probare debere, eum servum de quo quaeritur antequam emeret fugisse.