Responsorum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 19,2,54Paulus libro quinto responsorum. Quaero, an fideiussor conductionis etiam in usuras non illatarum pensionum nomine teneatur nec prosint ei constitutiones, quibus cavetur eos, qui pro aliis pecuniam exsolvunt, sortis solummodo damnum agnoscere oportere. Paulus respondit, si in omnem causam conductionis etiam fideiussor se obligavit, eum quoque exemplo coloni tardius illatarum per moram coloni pensionum praestare debere usuras: usurae enim in bonae fidei iudiciis etsi non tam ex obligatione proficiscantur quam ex officio iudicis applicentur, tamen, cum fideiussor in omnem causam se applicuit, aequum videtur ipsum quoque agnoscere onus usurarum, ac si ita fideiussisset: ‘in quantum illum condemnari ex bona fide oportebit, tantum fide tua esse iubes?’ vel ita: ‘indemnem me praestabis?’ 1Inter locatorem fundi et conductorem convenit, ne intra tempora locationis Seius conductor de fundo invitus repelleretur et, si pulsatus esset, poenam decem praestet Titius locator Seio conductori: vel Seius conductor Titio, si intra tempora locationis discedere vellet, aeque decem Titio locatori praestare vellet: quod invicem de se stipulati sunt. quaero, cum Seius conductor biennii continui pensionem non solveret, an sine metu poenae expelli possit. Paulus respondit, quamvis nihil expressum sit in stipulatione poenali de solutione pensionum, tamen verisimile esse ita convenisse de non expellendo colono intra tempora praefinita, si pensionibus paruerit et ut oportet coleret: et ideo, si poenam petere coeperit is qui pensionibus satis non fecit, profuturam locatori doli exceptionem. 2Paulus respondit servum, qui aestimatus colonae adscriptus est, ad periculum colonae pertinebit et ideo aestimationem huius defuncti ab herede colonae praestari oportere.
Paulus, Opinions, Book V. I ask whether a surety who appears for a lessee will also be liable for interest on rent which has not been paid, or whether he can take advantage of the constitutions by which it is provided that those who pay money for others are only obliged to be responsible for the principal that is due. Paulus answered that even if the surety bound himself for everything relating to the lease, he also will be obliged to pay interest; just as the tenant is compelled to do, where he is in default for the payment of the rent. For, in contracts made in good faith, even though interest may not so much arise from the obligation, as it is dependent upon the decision of the judge, still, where the surety renders himself responsible for everything relating to the contract of the lessee, it seems but just that he also should bear the burden of interest, if he obligated himself as follows: “Do you bind yourself to the amount of a judgment justly rendered?” Or in these words: “Do you promise to indemnify me?” 1It was agreed by the lessor and the lessee of a tract of land that the tenant, Seius, should not be ejected against his will during the term of the lease, and if he was ejected, the lessor, Titius, should pay him a penalty of ten aurei; or, if the lessee, Seius, should desire to withdraw during the term of the lease, he should be compelled to pay ten aurei to the lessor, Titius, and the parties reciprocally stipulated with reference to this. I ask, as the lessee, Seius, did not pay the rent for two consecutive years, whether he could be ejected without Titius fearing to incur the penalty. Paulus answered that although nothing was stated in the penal stipulation with reference to the payment of the rent, still, it is probable that it was agreed that the tenant should not be ejected during the term of the lease, if he paid the rent, and cultivated the land, as he should do; so that if he understood to bring suit for the penalty, and had not paid the rent, the lessor could avail himself of an exception on the ground of bad faith. 2Paulus gave it as his opinion that, where anyone assigns a slave to his tenant after estimating his value, he will be at the risk of the tenant; and therefore, if he should die, his value, as appraised, must be made good by the heir of the tenant.
Dig. 20,1,29Idem libro quinto responsorum. Paulus respondit generalem quidem conventionem sufficere ad obligationem pignorum: sed ea, quae ex bonis defuncti non fuerunt, sed postea ab herede eius ex alia causa adquisita sunt, vindicari non posse a creditore testatoris. 1Si mancipia in causam pignoris ceciderunt, ea quoque, quae ex his nata sunt, eodem iure habenda sunt. quod tamen diximus etiam adgnata teneri, sive specialiter de his convenerit sive non, ita procedit, si dominium eorum ad eum pervenit qui obligavit vel heredem eius: ceterum si apud alium dominum pepererint, non erunt obligata. 2Domus pignori data exusta est eamque aream emit Lucius Titius et exstruxit: quaesitum est de iure pignoris. Paulus respondit pignoris persecutionem perseverare et ideo ius soli superficiem secutam videri, id est cum iure pignoris: sed bona fide possessores non aliter cogendos creditoribus aedificium restituere, quam sumptus in exstructione erogatos, quatenus pretiosior res facta est, reciperent. 3Si sciente et consentiente domino servus, ut omnia bona domini pignori obligata essent, convenit, ipsum quoque qui cavit obligatum esse pignoris iure.
The Same, Opinions, Book V. Paulus was of the opinion that a general agreement covering all the property of the debtor was sufficient to establish the obligation of pledge; but that such property as was not included in that of the deceased, but was afterwards acquired by the heir in some other manner, could not be recovered in an action by a creditor of the testator. 1Where female slaves are pledged, the children born of them are also considered to be encumbered. Still, what we have stated with reference to their children being liable, whether an express agreement was made with reference to them or not, only applies where their ownership is acquired by the person who encumbered them, or to his heir. If, however, the children were born while the female slaves were in the possession of another master, no liability will attach to them under the pledge. 2A house which was given in pledge was burned; Lucius Titius purchased the ground on which it had stood, and erected a building thereon. The question arose as to what became of the pledge? Paulus answered that the right to the pledge still remained, and therefore the right of the soil was held to follow the usufruct; that is to say, so far as the right of pledge was concerned; but the bona fide possessors will not be compelled to surrender the house, unless the builder should receive the expenses incurred in its construction, to the extent that the property was rendered more valuable. 3Where a slave, with the knowledge and consent of his master, enters into an agreement that all the property of the latter shall be hypothecated, the slave himself, who made the contract, will form part of the property pledged.
Dig. 20,3,4Idem libro quinto responsorum. Titius cum mutuam pecuniam accipere vellet a Maevio, cavit ei et quasdam res hypothecae nomine dare destinavit: deinde postquam quasdam ex his rebus vendidisset, accepit pecuniam: quaesitum est, an et prius res venditae creditori tenerentur. respondit, cum in potestate fuerit debitoris post cautionem interpositam pecuniam non accipere, eo tempore pignoris obligationem contractam videri, quo pecunia numerata est, et ideo inspiciendum, quas res in bonis debitor numeratae pecuniae tempore habuerit.
The Same, Opinions, Book V. Titius, when he was about to borrow money from Mævius, executed an undertaking and indicated certain property to be given by way of pledge, and then, after he had sold some of the said property, he received the money. The question arose whether the property sold was liable to the creditor? The answer was that, since it was in the power of the debtor, after security had been given, not to receive the money, the obligation appeared to have been contracted with reference to the pledge at the time when the money was paid; and therefore the property which the debtor had in his possession when the money was paid should be taken into account.
Dig. 20,6,12Idem libro quinto responsorum. Paulus respondit Sempronium antiquiorem creditorem consentientem, cum debitor eandem rem tertio creditori obligaret, ius suum pignoris remississe videri, non etiam tertium in locum eius successisse, et ideo medii creditoris meliorem causam effectam. idem observandum est et si res publica tertio loco crediderit. 1Qui pignoris iure rem persequuntur, a vindicatione rei eos removeri solere, si qualiscumque possessor offerre vellet: neque enim debet quaeri de iure possessoris, cum ius petitoris removeatur soluto pignore.
The Same, Opinions, Book V. Paulus gave it as his opinion that where Sempronius, a first creditor, consented that the debtor should encumber the same property pledged to him to a third creditor, he is held to have released his right to the pledge, but that the third creditor was not subrogated to him, and therefore the position of the second creditor was improved. The same rule should be observed where the Government lends money as a third creditor. 1Where anyone prosecutes his claim to property by the right of pledge, it is usual for him to be barred from an action for the recovery of the property pledged, where the possessor makes him a tender of the amount of his claim; for no inquiry should be made with reference to the title of the possessor, when the right of the plaintiff is extinguished by the release of the pledge.
Dig. 21,1,58Idem libro quinto responsorum. Quaero, an, si servus apud emptorem fugit et in causa redhibitionis esse pronuntiatus fuerit, non prius venditori restitui debeat, quam rerum ablatarum a servo aestimationem praestiterit. Paulus respondit venditorem cogendum non tantum pretium servi restituere, sed etiam rerum ablatarum aestimationem, nisi si pro his paratus sit servum noxae nomine relinquere. 1Item quaero, si nolit aestimationem et pretia rerum restituere, an servus retinendus sit et danda sit actio de peculio vel de pretio redhibiti servi ex duplae stipulatione. Paulus respondit de pretio servi repetendo competere actionem etiam ex duplae stipulatione: de rebus per furtum ablatis iam responsum est. 2Servum dupla emi, qui rebus ablatis fugit: mox inventus praesentibus honestis viris interrogatus, an et in domo venditoris fugisset, respondit fugisse: quaero, an standum sit responso servi. Paulus respondit: si eiaaDie Großausgabe liest et statt ei. alia indicia prioris fugae non deficiunt, tunc etiam servi responso credendumbbDie Großausgabe fügt est ein..
The Same, Opinions, Book V. I ask, if a slave has fled from the purchaser, and it has been decided that good cause for his return exists, whether the vendor should not pay the appraised value of the property carried away by the slave, before the latter is returned to him. Paulus answered that the vendor should be compelled not only to pay the price of the slave, but also the appraised value of what was stolen by him, unless he is ready to deliver up the slave by way of reparation for the property taken. 1I also ask if the vendor refuses to pay the appraised value of the property and the purchase-money, whether the slave should be retained, and an action on the peculium granted, or whether double the price of the slave sought to be returned should be demanded on the ground of a stipulation. Paulus answered that an action will lie for the recovery of the price of the slave, and also for double his value on account of the stipulation. An opinion has already been given with reference to the property stolen by the slave. 2I purchased a slave under the stipulation of double his value if he was returned, and he then ran away with some of my property. Having afterwards been found, and interrogated in the presence of respectable men as to whether he had previously run away from the house of the vendor, he answered that he had. I ask whether this answer of the slave is entitled to consideration. Paulus replied that if other proofs of his former flight are not lacking, then the answer of the slave should be believed.
Dig. 46,2,30Idem libro quinto responsorum. Paulus respondit, si creditor a Sempronio novandi animo stipulatus esset ita, ut a prima obligatione in universum discederetur, rursum easdem res a posteriore debitore sine consensu prioris obligari non posse.
Ad Dig. 46,2,30Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 233b, Note 2.The Same, Opinions, Book V. Paulus gave it as his opinion that if a creditor, with the intention of making a novation, should stipulate with Sempronius in such a way as to entirely abandon the first obligation, the same property could not be encumbered by the second debtor without the consent of the first.