Responsorum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 3,3,69Paulus libro tertio responsorum. Paulus respondit etiam eum, qui ad litem suscipiendam procuratorem dedit, causae suae adesse non prohiberi.
Dig. 5,1,49Idem libro tertio responsorum. Venditor ab emptore denuntiatus, ut eum evictionis nomine defenderet, dicit se privilegium habere sui iudicis: quaeritur, an possit litem ab eo iudice, apud quem res inter petitorem et emptorem coepta est, ad suum iudicem revocare. Paulus respondit venditorem emptoris iudicem sequi solere. 1Iudices a praeside dati solent etiam in tempus successorum eius durare et cogi pronuntiare easque sententias servari. in eundem sensum etiam Scaevola respondit.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. A vendor who was called upon by a purchaser to defend him in a suit brought by a party who claimed the property as owner, stated that he had the right to have his own judge. The question arose whether he could remove the case from the tribunal of the judge before whom proceedings had been begun between the plaintiff and the purchaser to that of his own judge. Paulus answered that it is customary for the vendor to appear before the judge of the purchaser.
Dig. 5,2,21Paulus libro tertio responsorum. Eum, qui inofficiosi testamenti querellam instituit et fraude heredis scripti, quasi tertiam partem hereditatis tacite rogatus esset ei restituere, reliquit eam actionem, non videri deseruisse querellam et ideo non prohiberi eum repetere inchoatam actionem. 1Item quaesitum est, an heres audiendus est, ante de inofficiosi querellam actam desiderans restitui sibi ea quae solvit. respondit ei, qui sciens indebitum fideicommissum solvit, nullam repetitionem ex ea causa competere. 2Idem respondit, evicta hereditate per inofficiosi querellam ab eo qui heres institutus esset, perinde omnia observari oportere, ac si hereditas adita non fuisset: et ideo et petitionem integram debiti heredi instituto adversus eum qui superavit competere et compensationem debiti.
Paulus, Opinions, Book III. Where a party who instituted proceedings on the ground that a will was inofficious, abandons the action, on account of fraudulent assertion of the appointed heir, who alleges that he is tacitly bound to give him a third part of the estate; he is not held to have renounced his right of action, and therefore he cannot be prohibited from resuming the suit which he began. 1Inquiry has also been made whether an heir should be heard, when he asks that what he has paid out before the action to declare the will inofficious was brought, ought to be refunded to him? The answer was that he who, being aware of the facts, paid out money in pursuance of a trust with which he had no concern, will not, on this account, be entitled to an action to recover it. 2The same jurist gave it as his opinion that where the party who was appointed heir is deprived of the estate by a suit to declare a will inofficious, everything should proceed just as if the estate had not been entered on; and therefore the appointed heir would have a complete right of action against the party who gained the case, to collect any debt, as well as a right of set-off against all indebtedness.
Dig. 8,2,40Idem libro tertio responsorum. Eos, qui ius luminis immittendi non habuerunt, aperto pariete communi nullo iure fenestras immississe respondi.
Dig. 8,3,37Idem libro tertio responsorum. Λούκιος Τίτιος Γαΐῳ Σεΐῳ τῷ ἀδελφῷ πλεῖστα χαίρειν. ὕδατος τοῦ ῥέοντος εἰς τὴν κρήνην τὴν κατασκευασθεῖσαν ἐν ἰσθμῷ ὑπὸ τοῦ πατρόσ μου δίδωμι καὶ χαρίζομαί σοι δάκτυλον εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν σου τὴν ἐν τῷ ἰσθμῷ, ἢ ὅπου δ’ ἄν βούλῃ. quaero, an ex hac scriptura usus aquae etiam ad heredes Gaii Seii pertineat. Paulus respondit usum aquae personalem ad heredem Seii quasi usuarii transmitti non oportere.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. “Lucius Titius to his brother Gaius Seius, Greeting: Of the water which flows into the reservoir which my father built on the isthmus, I give and grant to you gratuitously the depth of an inch, to be conducted either into the house which you have on said isthmus, or anywhere else you may wish”. I ask whether by these terms the use of the water also belongs to the heirs of Gaius Seius? Paulus answered that as the use of the water was personal, it could not be transmitted to the heirs of Seius, as they occupied the position of parties entitled to the use of the same.
Dig. 10,1,12Paulus libro tertio responsorum. Eos terminos, quantum ad dominii quaestionem pertinet, observari oportere fundorum, quos demonstravit is, qui utriusque praedii dominus fuit, cum alterum eorum venderet: non enim termini, qui singulos fundos separabant, observari debent, sed demonstratio adfinium novos fines inter fundos constituere.
Paulus, Opinions, Book III. In a question relating to ownership, attention must be paid to those boundaries which a person who was the owner of both tracts designated when he sold one of them; for it is not necessary that the boundaries which formerly separated the two different tracts should be observed, but the descriptions of the adjoining owners must be used to establish the new boundaries between the said tracts of land.
Dig. 10,2,38Paulus libro tertio responsorum. Lucius et Titia fratres emancipati a patre adulti curatores acceperunt: hi communes pecunias ex reditibus redactas singulis subministraverunt: postea omne patrimonium diviserunt: et post divisionem Titia soror Lucio fratri suo coepit quaestionem movere, quasi amplius accepisset quam ipsa acceperat. cum Lucius frater eius non amplius sua portione, immo minus quam dimidiam consecutus sit, quaero, an Titiae competat adversus fratrem actio. Paulus respondit, secundum ea quae proponuntur, si Lucius non amplius ex reditu praediorum communium accepit, quam pro hereditaria portione ei competeret, nullam sorori eius adversus eum competere actionem. idem respondit, cum ex decretis alimentis a praetore amplius fratrem accepisse diceretur quam sororem, non tamen ultra partem dimidiam.
Paulus, Opinions, Book III. Lucius and Titia, who were brother and sister, having been emancipated by their father, when grown up had curators appointed for them, and the latter furnished them individually with money which was common property, having been obtained from the income of an estate. They subsequently divided the entire estate between them, and, after the division, Titia, the sister, instituted proceedings against her brother alleging that he had received more than she had; while, in fact, Lucius had not received more than his share, but even less than half the property. I ask whether Titia had a right of action against her brother? Paulus answered that: “In accordance with the statement of the case, if Lucius did not receive more from the income of the property held in common than he was entitled to on account of his share in the estate, his sister has no right of action against him.” He gave the same answer in a case where it was alleged that a brother had received a larger amount for maintenance from the Prætor than his sister, but still not more than half.
Dig. 12,3,11Paulus libro tertio responsorum. De periurio eius, qui ex necessitate iuris in litem iuravit, quaeri facile non solere.
Dig. 22,1,18Idem libro tertio responsorum. Evictis agris, si initio convenit, ut venditor pretium restitueret, usurae quoque post evictionem praestabuntur, quamvis emptor post dominii litem inchoatam fructus adversario restituit: nam incommodum medii temporis emptoris damnum est. 1Post traditam possessionem defuncto venditore, cui successor incertus fuit, medii quoque temporis usurae pretii, quod in causa depositi non fuit, praestabuntur.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. If it was agreed in the beginning that, in case of the eviction of certain lands, the vendor shall refund the price, interest must also be paid after eviction, even though the purchaser may have paid to his adversary all the profits collected after the action for the ownership of the property was begun; as any inconvenience sustained during the intermediate time must be borne by the purchaser. 1Where the vendor dies after possession has been delivered, and it is uncertain who his successor will be, the interest on the price must be paid if it was not placed on deposit.
Dig. 22,4,3Idem libro tertio responsorum. Respondit repetita quidem die cautionem interponi non debuisse, sed falsi crimen quantum ad eos, qui in hoc consenserunt, contractum non videri, cum inter praesentes et convenientes res actitata sit magisque debitor quam creditor deliquerit.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. Paulus stated that: “An obligation should not be antedated, but the parties who have agreed to this are not considered to be guilty of forgery, since the act was performed in the presence and with the consent of the parties, and the debtor is guilty of a greater offence than the creditor.”
Dig. 38,2,46Idem libro tertio responsorum. Paulus respondit: patronus, qui deceptus falsum iudicium testatoris secutus est, bonorum possessionem contra tabulas testamenti liberti petere non prohibetur.
Dig. 42,1,42Idem libro tertio responsorum. Paulus respondit rescindere quidem sententiam suam praecedentem praetorem non posse, reliqua autem, quae ad consequentiam quidem iam statutorum pertinent, priori tamen sententiae desunt, circa condemnandum reum vel absolvendum debere supplere, scilicet eodem die.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. Paulus gave it as his opinion that the Prætor could not set aside a judgment which he had already rendered, but that he could, even on the same day when it was rendered, supply anything which had been omitted in the judgment, either for or against the defendant, and which had reference to matters contained therein.
Dig. 44,2,31Idem libro tertio responsorum. Paulus respondit ei, qui in rem egisset nec tenuisset, postea condicenti non obstare exceptionem rei iudicatae.
Dig. 44,4,14Idem libro tertio responsorum. Paulus respondit eum, qui in alieno solo aedificium extruxerit, non alias sumptus consequi posse, quam possideat et ab eo dominus soli rem vindicet, scilicet opposita doli mali exceptione.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. Paulus gave it as his opinion that where a man builds a house upon the land of another, he cannot recover the expenses he incurred unless he was in possession, and the owner brings an action against him to recover the land, in which case, he can oppose him by an exception on the ground of fraud.
Dig. 47,19,4Paulus libro tertio responsorum. Res hereditarias omnium heredum fuisse communes, et ideo eum, qui expilatae hereditatis crimen obicit et optinuit, etiam coheredi profuisse videri.
Dig. 48,10,16Paulus libro tertio responsorum. Respondit instrumentorum subreptorum crimen non esse publici iudicii, nisi testamentum alicuius subreptum arguatur. 1Paulus respondit legis Corneliae poena omnes teneri, qui etiam extra testamenta cetera falsa signassent. 2Sed et ceteros, qui in rationibus tabulis litteris publicis aliave qua re sine consignatione falsum fecerunt vel, ut verum non appareat, quid celaverunt subripuerunt deleverunt subiecerunt resignaverunt, eadem poena adfici solere dubium non esse.
Paulus, Opinions, Book III. Answered that the offence of having purloined written instruments is not a cause for public prosecution, unless it is proved that the will of someone has been stolen. 1Paulus gave it as his opinion that all those who sealed any forged instrument whatsoever, with the exception of wills, were liable to the penalty of the Cornelian Law. 2And also others who have made false entries in registers, public documents, or anything else of the kind, without sealing them, or, in order to prevent the truth from being known, have concealed or stolen anything, or made a substitution, or unsealed a paper, there is no doubt that it is customary for them to be punished with the same penalty.
Dig. 49,8,2Paulus libro tertio responsorum. Paulus respondit eum, qui in rebus humanis non fuit sententiae dictae tempore, inefficaciter condemnatum videri. 1Idem respondit adversus eum, qui in rebus humanis non esset, cum iudex datus est, neque iudicis dationem valuisse neque sententiam adversus eum dictam vires habere.
Paulus, Opinions, Book III. Paulus held that he who was not alive at the time when judgment was rendered against him is understood to have been condemned to no purpose. 1He also held with reference to a person who was not alive at the time when the judge was appointed to decide his case that the appointment of the judge was void, and any decision rendered against him would be of no force or effect.
Dig. 50,7,10Idem libro tertio responsorum. Paulus respondit de eo damno, quod legationis tempore legatus passus est, posse eum etiam legationis tempore experiri.