Responsorum libri
Ex libro XIX
Dig. 1,5,12Idem libro nono decimo responsorum. Septimo mense nasci perfectum partum iam receptum est propter auctoritatem doctissimi viri Hippocratis: et ideo credendum est eum, qui ex iustis nuptiis septimo mense natus est, iustum filium esse.
Dig. 25,7,4Paulus libro nono decimo responsorum. Concubinam ex sola animi destinatione aestimari oportet.
Dig. 34,5,4Idem libro nono decimo responsorum. Paulus respondit: cum nomen fideicommissarii testamento adscriptum non sit, nulli personae neque certae neque incertae datum fideicommissum videri indubitatum est.
Dig. 48,5,41Paulus libro nono decimo responsorum. Quaesitum est, an ea, quam maritus adulterii crimine se accusaturum minatus est nec quicquam egit vel iure mariti vel iure publico, nubere possit ei, quem in ea reum adulterii destinavit. Paulus respondit nihil impedire, quo minus ei, quem suspectum maritus habuit, ea de qua quaeritur nubere possit. 1Item quaeritur, an idem maritus destitisse videatur vel lenocinium commisisse, qui eandem reduxit uxorem. Paulus respondit eum, qui post crimen adulteri intentatum eandem uxorem reduxit, destitisse videri et ideo ex eadem lege postea accusandi ei ius non superesse.
Paulus, Opinions, Book XIX. The question was asked whether a woman, whose husband had threatened to accuse her of the crime of adultery, but had not done so either in the capacity of husband or under the common law, could marry the man whom he had indicated as being guilty of adultery? Paulus answered that in the case in question there was nothing to prevent her from marrying the man whom her husband had suspected. 1It was likewise asked whether the same husband should be considered to have desisted, or to have acted as a pander, if he afterwards took back the same wife? Paulus answered that he who took back the same wife, after having brought an accusation of adultery against her, was considered to have desisted; and hence, under the same law, he had no longer the right to accuse her.