Responsorum libri
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 28,6,46Idem libro tertio decimo responsorum. Pater familias primis tabulis postumo herede instituto secundis sibi vel filio, si intra pubertatem decessisset, Gaium Seium fratrem suum substituit, deinde Titium Gaio Seio, et postea sic dixit: ‘quod si Gaius Seius frater meus primo loco substitutus heres mihi esset, tunc Titio fideicommissum relinquo’. quaero, cum filius patri heres exstiterit eoque intra pubertatem mortuo frater testatoris ex substitutione heres sit, an fideicommissum debeatur, cum ita relictum sit, si Gaius Seius frater suus sibi heres extitisset. respondi fratrem defuncti, qui in utrumque casum institutus vel substitutus est, filio impubere defuncto ea quae testator reliquit praestare debere: nec adversari haec verba ‘quod si Gaius Seius mihi heres erit, tunc dari volo’, cum verum sit eum et testatori heredem exstitisse.
The Same, Opinions, Book XIII. The father of a family having appointed his posthumous child his heir by his will, substituted his brother, Gaius Seius, for himself, or his son if he should die before reaching the age of puberty, and then substituted Titius for Gaius Seius, and afterwards said: “If my brother, Gaius Seius, whom I substituted in the first place, should be my heir, then I appoint Titius trustee.” I ask, if the son should be the heir of his father, and having died before the age of puberty, his brother should become the heir of the testator by virtue of the substitution, whether the trust must be discharged when it was created as follows: “If Gaius Seius, my brother, should be my heir”? I answered that the brother of the deceased, who was appointed or substituted in both cases, must deliver the property which the testator bequeathed, if the son should die before reaching the age of puberty, and that the meaning of the following words cannot be disputed: “If Gaius Seius should be my heir, then I desire the property to be given”, since it is a fact that he was the heir of the testator.
Dig. 31,86Idem libro tertio decimo responsorum. ‘Gaius Seius pronepos meus heres mihi esto ex semisse bonorum meorum excepta domu mea et paterna, in quibus habito, cum omnibus quae ibi sunt: quae omnia scias ad portionem hereditatis, quam tibi dedi, non pertinere’. quaero, cum sit in his domibus argentum nomina debitorum supellex mancipia, an haec omnia, quae illic inveniuntur, ad alios heredes institutos debeant pertinere. Paulus respondi nomina debitorum non contineri, sed omnium esse communia, in ceteris vero nullum pronepoti locum esse. 1Titius cum fratris filio fundos et urbana praedia legaret, in his et fundum Seianum legavit, quem ipse pater familias quoad viveret uno quidem nomine universum habuit, sed quo facilius conductorem inveniret, per duas partes locabat, ita ut ex qualitate loci superiorem partem Seianum superiorem, inferiorem autem partem Seianum inferiorem appellaret. quaero, an is fundus totus ad fratris filium pertineat. Paulus respondit, si testator fundum Seianum uno nomine universum possedit, quamvis eundem divisis partibus locaverat, universum eum ex causa fideicommissi praestari oportere, nisi si heres, de qua parte testator senserit, evidenter probaverit.
The Same, Opinions, Book XIII. “Let my great-grandson, Gaius Seius, be heir to half of my property, with the exception of my house, and that of my father, in which I live, with everything contained therein. Let it be known that all these things do not constitute part of the estate which I give to him.” I ask, if there should be in said houses any silver plate, notes of debtors, furniture, or slaves, whether all this property found there shall belong to the other heirs who have been appointed. Paulus answered that the notes of debtors are not included, and that they will belong to all the heirs in common; but, so far as the other property is concerned, the grandson will have no claim to the same. 1Titius, at the time that he left certain lands and other property in a city to his nephew, devised among others the Seian Estate, which he, as head of the household, reserved entirely for himself, as long as he might live; but, in order the more easily to find a tenant, he divided said Estate into two parts, and designated one the Upper Seian Estate, and the other the Lower Seian Estate, which names were derived from the respective situations of the same. I ask whether this entire Estate will belong to his nephew. Paulus answered that if the testator possessed the whole Estate under one name, then, even though he rented it after having divided it, all must be delivered under the terms of the trust; unless the heir can clearly prove that the testator had in mind only a portion of said Estate.
Dig. 32,92Paulus libro tertio decimo responsorum. ‘Si mihi Maevia et Negidia filiae meae heredes erunt, tunc Maevia e medio sumito praecipito sibique habeto fundos meos illum et illum cum casulis et custodibus omnium horum fundorum et cum his omnibus agris, qui ad coniunctionem cuiusque eorum fundorum emptione vel quolibet alio casu optigerint, item cum omnibus mancipiis pecoribus iumentis ceterisque universis speciebus, quae in isdem fundis quove eorum cum moriar erunt, uti optimi maximique sunt utique eos in diem mortis meae possedi et, ut plenius dicam, ita uti cluduntur’. in fundo autem uno ex his, qui praelegati sunt, tabularium est, in quo sunt et complurium mancipiorum emptiones, sed et fundorum et variorum contractuum instrumenta, praeterea et nomina debitorum: quaero, an instrumenta communia sint. respondi secundum ea quae proponuntur instrumenta emptionum, item debitorum, quae in fundo praelegato remanserunt, non videri legato contineri. 1His verbis domibus legatis: ‘fidei heredum meorum committo, uti sinant eum habere domus meas, in quibus habito, nullo omnino excepto cum omni instrumento et repositis omnibus’ non videri testatorem de pecunia numerata aut instrumentis debitorum sensisse.
Paulus, Opinions, Book XVI. “If my daughters, Mævia and Nigidia, should become my heirs, then let Mævia take from my estate, and have as a preferred legacy, such-and-such of my lands, with the cottages thereon, and the slaves who have charge of the same; and, in addition, all the fields adjoining them, which I have obtained by purchase or in any other way whatsoever, for the purpose of uniting them to said lands; together with all the slaves, flocks, beasts of burden, and other personal property to be found on said land, or any part of the same, at the time of my death, in the best and most perfect condition that I then possessed them, or (to speak more plainly) everything that may be thereon.” On one of the tracts of land which had been left as a preferred legacy, there was a building used for keeping records, in which were found instruments relating to the purchases of many slaves, and others having reference to real property, various contracts and the promissory notes of debtors. I ask whether these instruments were to be considered the common property of the heirs. I answered that, according to the facts stated, neither the documents above mentioned relating to purchases or debts, which were found on the land left as a preferred legacy, appeared to be included in the bequest. 1Where a house is devised as follows: “I charge my heirs to permit So-and-So to have the house in which I reside, and everything included therein, without excepting any utensils whatever,” the testator is not held to have had in his mind any money or obligations of debtors.
Dig. 33,1,12Idem libro tertio decimo responsorum. Gaius Seius praedia diversis pagis Maeviae et Seiae legavit et ita cavit: ‘praestari autem volo ex praediis Potitianis praediis Lutatianis annua harundinis milia trecena et salicis mundae annua librarum singula milia’: quaero, an id legatum defuncta legataria exstinctum sit. Paulus respondit servitutem iure constitutam non videri neque in personam neque in rem: sed fideicommissi petitionem competisse ei, cui praedia Lutatiana legata sunt, et ideo, cum annua legata fuerint, mortua legataria finitum legatum videri.
The Same, Opinions, Book XIII. Gaius Seius devised to Mævius and Seia certain tracts of land in different localities, and provided as follows, “I wish three hundred thousand reeds to be furnished annually by the Potician to the Lutatien Estate, together with a thousand pounds of well-cleaned osier, also, every year.” I ask whether this legacy will be extinguished by the death of the legatee. Paulus answered that a servitude, either personal or real, does not seem to have been created in accordance with law; but that an action on the ground of a trust will lie in favor of the party to whom the Lutatian Estate was devised. Therefore, as the legacy was to be paid annually, it is considered to terminate with the death of the legatee.
Dig. 33,2,28Paulus libro tertio decimo responsorum. Quaero, si usus fructus fundi legatus est et eidem fundo indictiones temporariae indictae sint, quid iuris sit. Paulus respondit idem iuris esse et in his speciebus quae postea indicuntur, quod in vectigalibus dependendis responsum est: ideoque hoc onus ad fructuarium pertinet.
Paulus, Opinions, Book XIII. I ask, where the usufruct of land is left and the said land becomes subject to temporary taxes, what will be the law in this case? Paulus answered that it would be the same in this instance as where ordinary taxes are imposed; and therefore that this burden must be sustained by the usufructuary.
Dig. 33,7,19Paulus libro tertio decimo responsorum. Si mancipia quae, post testamentum factum in fundum Seiae relictum a testatore inducta, fundi colendi gratia in eodem fundo fuerint, ea quoque instrumento fundi contineri respondi: quamvis enim ea mancipia testator demonstrasset, quae tunc ibi essent cum legaret, tamen non minuendi legati, sed augendi causa mancipiorum quoque fecit mentionem. ceterum instrumento fundi mancipia quoque colendi agri causa inducta contineri non ambigitur. 1Paulus respondit villae instrumento neque fructus repositos neque equitium contineri, suppellectile autem legato cedere: servum vero arte fabrica peritum, qui annuam mercedem praestabat, instrumento villae non contineri.
Paulus, Opinions, Book XIII. I gave it as my opinion that if, after the execution of the will, any slaves were placed by the testator upon the land devised to Seia, for the purpose of cultivating the same, they belonged to the said land and were also included in its equipment; even though the testator enumerated the slaves who were there at the time that he made the devise, as he mentioned them not for the purpose of diminishing the legacy, but in order to increase it. Moreover, there is no doubt that slaves who have been brought on land for the purpose of cultivating it are included in its equipment. 1Paulus held that neither crops which are stored, nor a stud of horses, are included in the devise of a country-house with its equipment, but that the furniture forms part of it. A slave skilled in the art of building, who pays his master a certain sum of money every year, is not included in the equipment of the house.
Dig. 40,5,39Idem libro tertio decimo responsorum. Paulus respondit, etsi alienus inveniatur servus, quem ut suum testator ab uno ex heredibus voluerit manumitti, tamen cogendum eum, qui rogatus est, redimere eum et manumittere, quoniam non putavit similem esse causam libertatis et fideicommissi pecuniarii. 1Paulus respondit his verbis ‘πίστευσον δέ μοι, Ζώϊλε, ὅτι τὰς χάριτάς σοι ἀποδώσει ὁ υἱός μου μαρτιάλιος καί σοι καὶ τοῖσ σοῖς παισίν’ plenam voluntatem defuncti contineri circa benefaciendum coniunctis personis Zoilum: qui si servi sint, nihil est gratum his praestari posse quam libertatem ideoque praesidem debere sequi voluntatem defuncti.
The Same, Opinions, Book XIII. Paulus gave it as his opinion that, even though the slave of another whom a testator desired to be manumitted by one of his heirs, under the impression that he belonged to himself, was concerned, he who was asked to manumit him should be compelled to purchase the slave, and liberate him; as he did not think a case involving freedom, and one relating to the disposition of money under a trust, were similar. 1Paulus gave an opinion as follows, “Believe me, Zoilus, that my son Martial is grateful to you, and not to you alone, but also to your children” (meaning that the intention of the deceased, with reference to a benefit to be conferred upon the children of Zoilus, was included in this clause, they being slaves), “no greater service can be rendered them than to give them their freedom.” Therefore the Governor should execute the will of the deceased.