Responsorum libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 29,1,40Idem libro undecimo responsorum. Lucius Titius miles notario suo testamentum scribendum notis dictavit et antequam litteris praescriberetur, vita defunctus est: quaero, an haec dictatio valere possit. respondi militibus, quoquo modo velint et quo modo possunt, testamentum facere concessum esse, ita tamen, ut hoc ita subsecutum esse legitimis probationibus ostendatur. 1Idem respondit ex testamento eius, qui iure militari testatus esset, servum, qui licet sub condicione legatum meruit, etiam libertatem posse sibi vindicare. 2Idem respondit: Lucius Titius miles testamentum ita fecit: ‘Pamphila serva mea ex asse mihi heres esto’: alio deinde capite Sempronio commilitoni suo eandem Pamphilam reliquit, cuius fidei commisit, ut eam manumitteret: quaero, an heres esset Pamphila atque si directo accepisset libertatem. respondi intellegendum militem, qui ancillam suam heredem instituerat, ignorasse posse ex ea institutione etiam libertatem ei competere et ideo sine causa postea a commilitone petisse, ut eandem manumitteret: cum ex priore scriptura libera et heres effecta est, postea nullo praeiudicio voluntati facto frustra legata est.
The Same, Opinions, Book XI. Lucius Titius, a soldier, dictated his will to his secretary to be made from notes, and before it was fully written out he died. I ask whether this dictation can be valid. I answered, that it is conceded to soldiers to make their wills in whatever way they desire, and in whatever way they can, provided this is done so that it can be established by lawful evidence. 1It was also held that where a slave was entitled to a legacy (although under a condition), by a will drawn up in accordance with military law, he could also demand his freedom. 2An opinion was likewise given in the following case. Lucius Titius, a soldier, stated in his will: “Let Pamphila be the heir to my entire estate”, and then by another clause, left the same bequest to Sepronius, one of his comrades, and charged him to manumit the said slave. I ask whether Pamphila would be his heir, just as if she had received her freedom directly at the hands of the testator? The answer was, that it should be understood that the soldier did not know, at the time when he appointed his female slave his heir, that she would obtain her freedom by virtue of her appointment; and therefore he afterwards had no reason to request his comrade to manumit her, since she had become free and his heir under the first clause, and as the bequest was of no force or effect, the intention of the testator was not interfered with.
Dig. 37,1,15Paulus libro undecimo responsorum. Paulus respondit petitionem matris solam non adquisisse filiae impuberi bonorum possessionem, nisi si is qui eam dedit evidenter voluit eam impuberi dare.
Dig. 37,6,11Paulus libro undecimo responsorum. Paulus respondit ea, quae post mortem patris filio reddi debuerunt, emancipatum filium, quamvis prius consecutus sit quam deberentur, fratri qui in potestate patris relictus est conferre non debere, cum post mortem patris non tam ex donatione, quam ex causa debiti ea possidere videatur.
Paulus, Opinions, Book XI. Paulus gives it as his opinion that an emancipated son is not obliged to make collation of such property as should be transferred to him after the death of his father, for the benefit of his brother who was left under paternal control, even if he obtained the said property before he was entitled to it; as he is held to have had possession of the same after the death of his father, not so much by virtue of the donation, as on account of the debt.
Dig. 37,7,7Paulus libro undecimo responsorum. nec ipsa dotem fratribus suis conferet, cum diverso iure fratres sunt heredes.
Dig. 37,10,13Paulus libro undecimo responsorum. Titia post mortem mariti sui postumam enixa est: eidem Titiae crimen adulterii Sempronius apud praesidem provinciae obiecit: quaero, an in tempus pubertatis quaestio adulterii differri debeat, ne praeiudicium postumae fiat. Paulus respondit, si ei pupillae, de qua quaeritur, bonorum paternorum quaestio non moveatur, sine causa tutores desiderare adulterii quoque quaestionem in tempus pubertatis pupillae differri.
Paulus, Opinions, Book XI. Titia had a posthumous child after the death of her husband, and Sempronius brought an accusation of adultery against her before the Governor of the province. I ask whether trial of the accusation of adultery should be deferred until the age of puberty, in order that the rights of the posthumous child may not be prejudiced. Paulus answered that if there was no question as to the right of the minor to the estate of her father, her guardians have no reason to defer the trial for adultery until their ward reaches the age of puberty.
Dig. 38,2,47Idem libro undecimo responsorum. Paulus respondit exheredationem nepotis, quae non notae gratia, sed alio consilio adiecta est, nocere ei non oportere, quo minus contra tabulas libertorum avi bonorum possessionem petere possit. 1Quaero, an, si Titia patroni filia iactat Titium patrem suum, priusquam moreretur, litteras ad se fecisse, quibus adiceret per libertos suos maleficiis appetitum easque litteras se secutam post mortem patris libertos accusare, adaaDie Großausgabe liest an statt ad. aliquid ei prodesse possit haec excusatio. Paulus respondit eam, quae ex voluntate patris accusavit, non debere repelli a bonorum possessione contra tabulas, quoniam non suum iudicium, sed alienum exsecuta est. 2Patroni filius epistulam talem liberto emisit: ‘Sempronius Zoilo liberto suo salutem. Ob merita tua fidemque tuam, quam mihi semper exhibuisti, concedo tibi liberam testamenti factionem’. quaero, an patroni filio nihil relinquere debeat. Paulus respondit eum libertum, de quo quaeritur, liberam testamenti factionem consecutum non videri. 3Paulus respondit nepotem etiam post mortem avi conceptum superstite liberto bonorum possessionem contra tabulas liberti aviti petere posse et ad hereditatem legitimam eius admitti: responsum enim Iuliani tantum ad hereditatem legitimam, item bonorum possessionem avi petendam pertinere. 4Paulus respondit, quamvis filii a patre milite praeteriti pro exheredatis habeantur, tamen non eo usque silentium patris eis nocere debere, ut et a bonis libertorum avitorum repelli debeant. idem responsum est etiam de bonis libertorum paternorum.
The Same, Opinions, Book XI. Paulus also held that the disinheritance of a grandson, which was not made by way of reproach, but for some other reason, did not injure him to the extent of preventing him from demanding prætorian possession of the estate of the freedman of his grandfather in opposition to the terms of the will. 1I ask if Titia, the daughter of a patron, should allege that her father Titius had written a letter to her before his death, in which he said that he had been badly treated by his freedman, and if relying upon this letter, she accused the freedman after the death of her father, whether this excuse would be of any advantage to her. Paulus answered that she who accused the freedman in accordance with the wishes of the father should not be excluded from prætorian possession of his estate contrary to the provisions of the will, since she relied, not only on her own judgment, but also on that of another. 2The son of a patron sent the following letter to his freedman: “Sempronius to his freedman Zoilus, Greeting. I grant you full power to make a will because you deserve it on account of the fidelity which you have always displayed towards me.” I ask whether the freedman should not leave something to the son of his patron. Paulus answered that the freedman in question does not appear to have obtained the full right to make a will by the above-mentioned letter. 3Paulus gave it as his opinion that a grandson had a right to demand prætorian possession of the estate of a freedman of his grandfather, contrary to the provisions of the will, even if he had been conceived after the death of his grandfather, who survived the freedman; and that he could be admitted to the succession as the heir at law. For the opinion of Julianus only has reference to a succession on the ground of intestacy, and the demand for prætorian possession of the estate of the grandfather. 4Paulus also gave it as his opinion that although sons who have been passed over by the will of a father who was serving in the army are considered as disinherited, still, the silence of their father should not prejudice their rights in such a way that they can be excluded from the estates of the freedman of their grandfather. The same opinion was given with reference to the estates of the freedmen of the father.
Dig. 38,6,9Paulus libro undecimo responsorum. Si postea, quam filius emancipatus bonorum possessionem patris petit, statum suum mutavit, nihil obesse ei, quo minus id quod adquisiit retineat: quod si prius condicionem suam mutavit, bonorum possessionem eum petere non posse.
Paulus, Opinions, Book XI. If a son, after having been emancipated, demands prætorian possession of the estate of his father, and subsequently changes his condition, there is no reason why he should not retain what he has acquired. If, however, he had changed his condition beforehand, he cannot demand prætorian possession of the estate.