Responsorum libri
Ex libro X
Dig. 26,1,12Idem libro decimo responsorum. Quaesitum est, an hi, qui in locum absentis rei publicae causa tutores dati sunt, mortuo illo tutores perseverent, an alii petendi essent. Paulus respondit eos, qui in locum absentis dati sunt, non reverso eo in eadem causa perseverare usque ad tempus pubertatis.
The Same, Opinions, Book X. The question arose whether parties who are appointed guardians in the place of another, who is absent in the service of the government, would continue in their office if the former should die; or whether application for the appointment of others should be made? Paulus answers that where they are appointed in the place of one who is absent, and the latter does not return, they will continue to hold their office until the ward arrives at the age of puberty.
Dig. 26,5,25Idem libro decimo responsorum. Curatorem impuberi datum quacumque ex causa perseverare in diem pubertatis in eadem cura respondi: ergo post pubertatem alium curatorem sibi petere debebit.
Dig. 26,6,3Paulus libro decimo responsorum. Decreto decurionum et ipsum magistratum curatorem dari potuisse respondi.
Dig. 46,3,100Idem libro decimo responsorum. Quaero, an curatoribus vel tutoribus in provincia datis Romae pecunia solvi possit, quae in provincia ita ab his faenerata esset, ut Romae solveretur, cum idem curatores vel tutores rerum Italicarum administrationem non sustinent, an, si solverit debitor, liberetur. Paulus respondit his tutoribus vel curatoribus recte pupillo pecuniam debitam solvi, qui negotia eius administrant: eos autem, qui provincialium rerum curatores vel tutores sunt, Italica negotia administrare non solere, nisi specialiter tutores provincialium rerum, ut sibi Romae redderetur, promitti curaverunt.
The Same, Opinions, Book X. Where curators or guardians are appointed in a province, I ask whether money which was lent by them, at interest, in the province, under the condition that it should be paid at Rome, can be paid to them there, when the said curators or guardians did not have the administration of the property in Italy; and if payment is made to them, whether the debtor will be released. Paulus gave it as his opinion that the money which was due to a ward could properly be paid to his guardians or curators who transacted his business, and that those appointed guardians or curators in a province do not usually administer the affairs of their trust in Italy, unless the guardians in the province expressly provide that payment should be made to them at Rome.
Dig. 50,16,221Paulus libro decimo responsorum. Paulus respondit falsum tutorem eum vere dici, qui tutor non est, sive habenti tutor datus est sive non: sicut falsum testamentum, quod testamentum non est, et modius iniquus, qui modius non est.
Paulus, Opinions, Book X. Paulus says that he can properly be styled a false guardian who is not a guardian at all; or who is appointed for a minor who already has a guardian, or has none; just as is the case of a forged will, which is not a will at all, or a false measure, which in reality is not a measure.