Regularum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 16,1,9Paulus libro sexto regularum. Sed si pro alieno servo intercedat, quemadmodum in patrem familias priorem reum restituitur actio, ita in dominum quoque restituenda erit.
Dig. 16,1,22Paulus libro sexto regularum. Si mulieri dederim pecuniam, ut eam creditori meo solvat vel expromittat, si ea expromiserit, locum non esse senatus consulto Pomponius scribit, quia mandati actione obligata in rem suam videtur obligari.
Paulus, Rules, Book VI. If I give money to a woman in order that she may pay my creditor, or she promises to pay the debt; Pomponius states that where she makes such a promise the Decree of the Senate will not be available, because she has rendered herself liable to an action on mandate, and is held to have bound herself with reference to her own affairs.
Dig. 40,12,32Paulus libro sexto regularum. De bonis eorum, qui ex servitute aut libertate in ingenuitatem vindicati sunt, senatus consultum factum est, quo cavetur de his quidem, qui ex servitute defensi essent, ut id dumtaxat ferrent, quod in domo cuiusque intulissent: in eorum autem bonis, qui post manumissionem repetere originem suam voluissent, hoc amplius, ut, quod post manumissionem quoque adquisissent non ex re manumissoris, secum ferant, cetera bona relinquerent illi, ex cuius familia exissent.
Paulus, Rules, Book VI. A decree of the Senate was enacted concerning the property of those who, as slaves or as freedmen, have acquired the status of freeborn persons. With reference to those who were formerly in a state of slavery, it permits them only to take with them what they conveyed into the houses of their alleged masters, and to those who, after their manumission, desired to recover their original rights. This also was conceded, namely, that whatever they had acquired after their manumission (but not anything obtained through the agency of the person who set them free), they could take with them; and that they must leave all other property with him from whose household they departed.