Regularum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 28,1,14Paulus libro secundo regularum. Qui in testamento domini manumissus est, si ignorat dominum decessisse aditamque eius esse hereditatem, testamentum facere non potest, licet iam pater familias et sui iuris est: nam qui incertus de statu suo est, certam legem testamento dicere non potest.
Paulus, Rules, Book II. Where a slave manumitted by the will of his master is not aware that the latter is dead, and that the heir has entered upon his estate, he cannot execute a will, even though he may already be the father of a family, and his own master; for he who is uncertain as to his own condition cannot make an absolute testamentary disposition of property.
Dig. 28,5,53Paulus libro secundo regularum. Servus hereditarius heres institui potest, si modo testamenti factio fuit cum defuncto, licet cum herede instituto non sit.
Dig. 29,2,58Paulus libro secundo regularum. Ex parte heres institutus servus et nondum adita hereditate a coherede eius liber et heres fit necessarius, quia non a coherede, sed a semet ipso accipit libertatem: nisi ita institutus fuerit: ‘cum mihi quis heres erit, Stichus liber et heres esto’.
Paulus, Rules, Book II. Where a slave is appointed heir to a portion of an estate, and his co-heir has not yet entered upon the estate, he becomes free and a necessary heir, because he does not receive his freedom from his coheir, but from himself; unless his appointment was made as follows: “When anyone becomes my heir, let Stichus be free and be my heir.”