Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Paul. Regularum lib.Pauli Regularum libri

Regularum libri


Ex libro singulari

Dig. 3,1,10Paulus libro singulari regularum. Hi qui fisci causas agunt suam vel filiorum et parentium suorum vel pupillorum quorum tutelas gerunt causam et adversus fiscum agere non prohibentur. decuriones quoque contra patriam suam causas agere prohibentur, praeter superiores personas.

Paulus, Rules. Those who act in behalf of the Treasury are not prohibited from acting for their children, their parents, or their wards, of whose guardianship they have charge, even though the case may be in opposition to the Treasury. Decurions are also forbidden to conduct causes against their own municipal towns, except for such persons as have been previously mentioned.

Dig. 19,2,38Paulus libro singulari regularum. Qui operas suas locavit, totius temporis mercedem accipere debet, si per eum non stetit, quo minus operas praestet. 1Advocati quoque, si per eos non steterit, quo minus causam agant, honoraria reddere non debent.

Paulus, Rules. A man who has hired his services is entitled to compensation for the entire time for which he was employed, if he was not to blame for failing to do the work. 1Advocates, also, are not compelled to return their fees, if they are not to blame for not trying a case.

Dig. 22,1,30Paulus libro singulari regularum. Etiam ex nudo pacto debentur civitatibus usurae creditarum ab eis pecuniarum.

Paulus, Rules. The interest on money lent by municipalities will be due to them, even under a contract without consideration.

Dig. 24,1,43Paulus libro singulari regularum. Inter virum et uxorem exilii causa donatio fieri potest.

Paulus, Rules. A donation can be made between husband and wife in case of exile.

Dig. 40,1,9Paulus libro singulari regularum. Servus hac lege venditus, ne manumittatur, vel testamento prohibitus manumitti, vel a praefecto vel a praeside prohibitus ob aliquod delictum manumitti ad libertatem perduci non potest.

Paulus, Rules. When a slave is sold under the condition that he shall not be manumitted, or is forbidden by will to be manumitted, or is forbidden to be manumitted by a prefect of the Governor on account of some offence which he has committed, he cannot obtain his freedom.

Dig. 42,5,32Paulus libro singulari regularum. Privilegia non ex tempore aestimantur, sed ex causa, et si eiusdem tituli fuerunt, concurrunt, licet diversitates temporis in his fuerint.

Paulus, Opinions. The privileges of creditors are not estimated by the time, but by the nature of the debt; and if several of them hold under the same title they will share alike, although their claims may be of different dates.

Dig. 49,5,3Paulus libro singulari regularum. Intra triduum appellare licet ei, qui de suspecto tutore egit victusque appellat.

Paulus, Rules. He who institutes proceedings against a suspected guardian can appeal within three days if he should be defeated.

Dig. 49,16,10Paulus libro singulari regularum. Qui excubias palatii deseruerit, capite punitur. 1Sed ex causa desertionis restitutus in militiam non aliter medii temporis stipendium et donativa accipit, nisi hoc liberalitas principalis ei specialiter indulserit.

Paulus, Rules. Anyone who deserts the palace-guard is punished with death. 1When a soldier, after desertion, has been restored to his place in the army, he shall receive no pay or gifts for the intermediate time, unless the liberality of the Emperor permits this to be done as a special favor.

Ex libro I

Dig. 1,7,30Paulus libro primo regularum. Et qui uxores non habent filios adoptare possunt.

Paulus, Rules, Book I. Those who have no wives can adopt children.

Ex libro II

Dig. 28,1,14Paulus libro secundo regularum. Qui in testamento domini manumissus est, si ignorat dominum decessisse aditamque eius esse hereditatem, testamentum facere non potest, licet iam pater familias et sui iuris est: nam qui incertus de statu suo est, certam legem testamento dicere non potest.

Paulus, Rules, Book II. Where a slave manumitted by the will of his master is not aware that the latter is dead, and that the heir has entered upon his estate, he cannot execute a will, even though he may already be the father of a family, and his own master; for he who is uncertain as to his own condition cannot make an absolute testamentary disposition of property.

Dig. 28,5,53Paulus libro secundo regularum. Servus hereditarius heres institui potest, si modo testamenti factio fuit cum defuncto, licet cum herede instituto non sit.

Paulus, Rules, Book II. A slave belonging to the estate can be appointed an heir, provided that he had testamentary capacity with the deceased, even though this may not have been the case so far as the heir appointed by the testator was concerned.

Dig. 29,2,58Paulus libro secundo regularum. Ex parte heres institutus servus et nondum adita hereditate a coherede eius liber et heres fit necessarius, quia non a coherede, sed a semet ipso accipit libertatem: nisi ita institutus fuerit: ‘cum mihi quis heres erit, Stichus liber et heres esto’.

Paulus, Rules, Book II. Where a slave is appointed heir to a portion of an estate, and his co-heir has not yet entered upon the estate, he becomes free and a necessary heir, because he does not receive his freedom from his coheir, but from himself; unless his appointment was made as follows: “When anyone becomes my heir, let Stichus be free and be my heir.”

Ex libro III

Dig. 2,14,59Paulus libro tertio regularum. Per quos adquiri nobis stipulatione potest, per eosdem etiam pactis conventis meliorem condicionem nostram fieri posse placet.

Paulus, Rules, Book III. Whenever any benefit can be obtained by us through a stipulation, it is established that our condition is improved by agreements made by the same parties.

Dig. 30,33Paulus libro tertio regularum. Si pluribus eadem res legata fuerit, si quidem coniunctim, etiamsi alter vindicet, alter ex testamento agat, non plus quam partem habebit is qui ex testamento aget: quod si separatim, si quidem evidentissime apparuerit ademptione a priore legatario facta ad secundum legatum testatorem convolasse, solum posteriorem ad legatum pervenire placet: sin autem hoc minime apparere potest, pro virili portione ad legatum omnes venire: scilicet nisi ipse testator ex scriptura manifestissimus est utrumque eorum solidum accipere voluisse: tunc enim uni pretium, alii ipsa res adsignatur electione rei vel pretii servanda ei, qui prior de legato sive fideicommisso litem contestatus est, ita tamen, ut non habeat licentiam altero electo ad alterum transire.

Paulus, Rules, Book III. Where the same property is left to several persons, or it is left to all conjointly; and one brings suit to recover it, and another brings an action for the same purpose under the will, he who founds his action on the will cannot recover any more than his share of the legacy. If it should be left to each person separately, and it is perfectly evident that the testator intended, by depriving the first legatee of the bequest, to confer it upon the second; it is established that the last legatee will be entitled to all of it. If, however, this does not plainly appear, all the legatees will be entitled to equal shares of the bequest; unless, indeed, the testator himself manifestly indicated by his language that he intended one of them to receive the entire property, for then the value of the article should be given to one of them, and the article itself to the other. And he who first joined issue with reference to the legacy, or the trust, shall have the right to choose which he will prefer, the property itself, or the value of the same; still, after having chosen one he will not be permitted to abandon it, and select the other.

Dig. 30,122Paulus libro tertio regularum. Civitatibus legari potest etiam quod ad honorem ornatumque civitatis pertinet: ad ornatum puta quod ad instruendum forum theatrum stadium legatum fuerit: ad honorem puta quod ad munus edendum venationemve ludos scenicos ludos circenses relictum fuerit aut quod ad divisionem singulorum civium vel epulum relictum fuerit. hoc amplius quod in alimenta infirmae aetatis, puta senioribus vel pueris puellisque, relictum fuerit ad honorem civitatis pertinere respondetur. 1‘Lucius Titius et Gaius Seius Publio Maevio decem dare damnas sunto’: Gaius Seius heres non exstitit. Sabinus ait Titium solum legatum debiturum: nam Seium pro non scripto habendum esse. haec sententia vera est, hoc est Titius tota decem debebit. 2Eum cui sub hac condicione fundus legatus est, si centum heredi dedisset, si tantum sit in pretio fundi, quantum heredi dare iussus est, non est legatarius cogendus fideicommissum a se relictum praestare, quoniam nihil ex testamento videtur capere, qui tantum erogat, quantum accipit.

Paulus, Rules, Book III. A bequest can be made to a town for the purpose of honoring or ornamenting it. In order to ornament it, for instance, where a legacy has been left for the purpose of building a forum, a theatre, or a racecourse; to honor it, for example, where the bequest was made to provide for the compensation of gladiators, comic actors, and participants in the games of the circus, or where it was made to be divided among the citizens, or to meet the expense of banquets. And further, whatever is left for the support of persons who are infirm through age, such as old men, or boys and girls, it is held to have been done for the honor of the town. 1“Let Lucius Titius and Gaius Seius be charged with the payment of ten aurei to Publius Mævius.” Gaius Seius did not present himself as heir. Sabinus says that Titius alone will owe the entire legacy, for Seius is considered not to have been included in the bequest. This opinion is correct, that is to say, Titius will be liable for the entire ten aurei. 2Where a tract of land has been devised to someone under the following condition, “If he should pay a hundred aurei to my heir,” and if the land should only be worth as much as the legatee is ordered to pay to the heir, he cannot be compelled to execute the trust with which he was charged, since he is not considered to have acquired anything by the will where he must pay out as much as he received.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 45,3,16Paulus libro quarto regularum. Servus hereditarius futuro heredi nominatim dari stipulatus nihil agit, quia stipulationis tempore heres dominus eius non fuit.

Paulus, Rules, Book IV. A slave belonging to an estate, who stipulates specifically that payment shall be made to a future heir, creates no obligation, because, at the time that the stipulation was entered into, the heir was not his owner.

Ex libro VI

Dig. 16,1,9Paulus libro sexto regularum. Sed si pro alieno servo intercedat, quemadmodum in patrem familias priorem reum restituitur actio, ita in dominum quoque restituenda erit.

Paulus, Rules, Book VI. Where a woman becomes surety for the slave of another, the action will be restored against the master, just as it would have been against the head of the family as the principal debtor.

Dig. 16,1,22Paulus libro sexto regularum. Si mulieri dederim pecuniam, ut eam creditori meo solvat vel expromittat, si ea expromiserit, locum non esse senatus consulto Pomponius scribit, quia mandati actione obligata in rem suam videtur obligari.

Paulus, Rules, Book VI. If I give money to a woman in order that she may pay my creditor, or she promises to pay the debt; Pomponius states that where she makes such a promise the Decree of the Senate will not be available, because she has rendered herself liable to an action on mandate, and is held to have bound herself with reference to her own affairs.

Dig. 40,12,32Paulus libro sexto regularum. De bonis eorum, qui ex servitute aut libertate in ingenuitatem vindicati sunt, senatus consultum factum est, quo cavetur de his quidem, qui ex servitute defensi essent, ut id dumtaxat ferrent, quod in domo cuiusque intulissent: in eorum autem bonis, qui post manumissionem repetere originem suam voluissent, hoc amplius, ut, quod post manumissionem quoque adquisissent non ex re manumissoris, secum ferant, cetera bona relinquerent illi, ex cuius familia exissent.

Paulus, Rules, Book VI. A decree of the Senate was enacted concerning the property of those who, as slaves or as freedmen, have acquired the status of freeborn persons. With reference to those who were formerly in a state of slavery, it permits them only to take with them what they conveyed into the houses of their alleged masters, and to those who, after their manumission, desired to recover their original rights. This also was conceded, namely, that whatever they had acquired after their manumission (but not anything obtained through the agency of the person who set them free), they could take with them; and that they must leave all other property with him from whose household they departed.