Quaestionum libri
Ex libro IX
Dig. 28,2,24Paulus libro nono quaestionum. Postuma sub condicione heres instituta si pendente condicione vivo patre nascatur, rumpit testamentum.
Dig. 28,5,82Paulus libro nono quaestionum. Clemens Patronus testamento caverat, ut, si sibi filius natus fuisset, heres esset, si duo filii, ex aequis partibus heresaaDie Großausgabe liest heredes statt heres. essent, si duae filiae, similiter: si filius et filia, filio duas partes, filiae tertiam dederat. duobus filiis et filia natis quaerebatur, quemadmodum in proposita specie partes faciemus, cum filii debeant pares esse vel etiam singuli duplo plus quam soror accipere? quinque igitur partes fieri oportet, ut ex his binas masculi, unam femina accipiat. 1Si ita scripserit testator: ‘Quanta ex parte me a Titio heredem institutum recitassem, ex ea parte Sempronius mihi heres esto’, non est captatoria institutio: plane nullo recitato testamento ab ipso testatore inanis videbitur institutio remota suspicione captatoriae institutionis.
Paulus, Questions, Book IX. Clemens Patronus provided by his will, “that if a son should be born to him, he should be his heir; if two sons should be born to him they should be his heirs to equal portions of his estate; if two daughters were born to him, the same division should be made; if a son and daughter should be born, two-thirds of the estate should be given to the son, and one-third to the daughter”. Two sons and a daughter having been born, the question arose how we should make the division of the estate in the case stated? Since the sons inherit equally, each of them should have twice as much as their sister; therefore the estate should be divided into five parts, out of which four should be given to the male heirs, and one to the female heir. 1A testator inserted the following into his will: “Let Sempronius be my heir to the share to which I was appointed heir by Titius, and which I shall apply for in person.” This appointment does not come under the head of seeking after an estate; for it is evident that the appointment will be void if the will of Titius is not offered by the testator himself, all suspicion of the appointment for interested purposes having been removed.
Dig. 28,6,43Paulus libro nono quaestionum. Ex facto quaeritur: qui filium habebat mutum puberem, impetravit a principe, ut muto substituere ei liceret, et substituit Titium: mutus duxit uxorem post mortem patris et nascitur ei filius: quaero, an rumpatur testamentum. respondi: beneficia quidem principalia ipsi principes solent interpretari: verum voluntatem principis inspicientibus potest dici eatenus id eum tribuere voluisse, quatenus filius eius in eadem valetudine perseverasset, ut, quemadmodum iure civili pubertate finitur pupillare testamentum, ita princeps imitatus sit ius in eo, qui propter infirmitatem non potest testari. nam et si furioso filio substituisset, diceremus desinere valere testamentum, cum resipuisset, quia iam posset sibi testamentum facere: etenim iniquum incipit fieri beneficium principis, si adhuc id valere dicamus: auferret enim testamenti factionem homini sanae mentis. igitur etiam adgnatione sui heredis dicendum est rumpi substitutionem, quia nihil interest, alium heredem institueret ipse filius postea an iure habere coepit suum heredem: nec enim aut patrem aut principem de hoc casu cogitasse verisimile est, ut eum, qui postea nasceretur, exheredaret. nec interest, quemadmodum beneficium principale intercedat circa testamenti factionem, utrum in personam unius an complurium. 1Item quaero, si ita facta proponatur substitutio: ‘filius meus si intra decem annos decesserit, Titius heres esto, si intra quattuordecim, Maevius’ filiusque octo annorum decesserit, utrum Titius solus ex substitutione ei heres erit an et Maevius, quia certum est et intra decem et intra quattuordecim annos filium decessisse. respondi omne quidem spatium, quod est intra pubertatem, liberum esse patri ad substituendum filio, sed finis huius pubertas est: magis autem est in utroque eorum tempus suum separatim servari, nisi contraria voluntas testatoris aperte ostendatur. 2Lucius Titius cum haberet filios in potestate, uxorem heredem scripsit et ei substituit filios: quaesitum est, an institutio uxoris nullius momenti sit eo, quod ab eo gradu filii non essent exheredati. respondi eum gradum, a quo filii praeteriti sint, nullius esse momenti et ideo, cum idem substituti proponantur, ex testamento eos heredes exstitisse videri, scilicet quia non totum testamentum infirmant filii, sed tantum eum gradum, qui ab initio non valuit, sicut responsum est, si a primo sit filius praeteritus, a secundo exheredatus: nihil autem interest, qua ratione secundi heredis institutio valeat, utrum quia ab eo filius exheredatus est an quia ipse filius substitutus est. 3Iulius Longinus pater eos, quos sibi heredes instituerat, filio ita substituit ‘quisquis sibi heres esset’: unus ex heredibus institutis, qui tacitam fidem accommodaverat, ut non capienti partem ex eo quod acceperat daret, ad substitutionem impuberis admissus utrum pro ea parte, pro qua scriptus fuit, veniat, an vero pro ea quam cepit, ita ut augeatur eius pars in substitutione? respondi: qui in fraudem legum fidem accommodat, adeundo heres efficitur nec desinet heres esse, licet res quae relictae sunt auferuntur. unde et ex secundis tabulis in tantum heres esse potest, in quantum scriptus esset: satis enim punitus est in eo, in quo fecit contra leges. quin immo etsi desineret heres esse, idem dicerem: quemadmodum intellegendum est in eo qui, cum scriptus esset heres, postquam adisset hereditatem in servitutem redactus est et postea libertate donatus. cui permissum est ad substitutionem venire, quae ei in testamento fuerat relicta: licet enim hereditatem ex institutione amisit, tamen ex substitutione istam portionem, quantum amisit, percepturum.
Paulus, Questions, Book IX. A question arises in the following case. A certain man who had a son past the age of puberty that was deaf, obtained permission from the Emperor to appoint a substitute for him, and substituted Titius. The said deaf son married a wife after the death of his father and a son was born to him. I ask whether the will was broken. I answered that princes themselves are accustomed to explain rights which they have granted, but where the intention of the prince is examined in this case, it can be said that he only intended the right to be conceded to the father so long as his son remained in the same condition; and that, just as, according to the Civil Law, pupillary substitution is terminated by puberty, so the Emperor imitated this rule in the case of the son, who was incapable of making a will on account of his infirmity. For if he had made the substitution for a son who was insane, we would say that the will would cease to be valid when the son became of sound mind, because then he himself could make a will; and indeed the privilege bestowed by the Emperor would become unjust if we should hold that the will was valid after this, for it would deprive a man who was sane of the right to make his own will. Therefore it must be held that substitution is also annulled by the birth of a legal heir, because it makes no difference whether the son himself subsequently appointed another heir, or whether he received one by law; for it is not probable that either the father or the Emperor, in this instance, had in view the disinheritance of the son who was afterwards born. Nor does it make any difference in what way the privilege granted by the Emperor may interfere with the execution of the will, or whether it has reference to one, or to several persons. 1I also ask where a substitution is made as follows: “If my son should die under the age of ten years, let Titius be my heir; if he should die under the age of fourteen years, let Mævius be my heir”, and the son died at the age of eight years, will Titius be his sole heir by virtue of the substitution, or will Mævius also be one, because it is certain that the son died under the age of ten years, as well as under the age of fourteen. I answered that the father had a right to make a substitution for his son during the entire time before he attained the age of puberty, but puberty put an end to this right. The better opinion is that the time prescribed separately for each party should be observed, unless it is clearly evident that the will of the testator was opposed to this. 2Lucius Titius, while having children under his control, appointed his wife his heir, and substituted the children for her. The question arose whether the appointment of the wife was of no force or effect, for the reason that the children were not disinherited in this degree. I answered that the degree in which the children were passed over was of no importance, since the same parties were appointed as substitutes who were heirs under the will, that is to say, because the children do not annul the entire will, but only the degree mentioned which was not valid from the beginning; just as it has been determined that if a child is passed over in the first degree, he is disinherited in the second. But it makes no difference for what reason the institution of the second heir is valid, whether because the son was disinherited by his appointment, or because the son himself was appointed a substitute. 3Julius Longinus, a father, substituted for his children the heirs that he had appointed for himself as follows: “Whoever shall be my heir.” One of the heirs appointed had tacitly agreed to give a share of what he received to a person who was not capable of taking it, having been admitted to the substitution of the son under the age of puberty; what share should he be permitted to have, the one for which he was appointed, or the one which he took, in order that his share might be increased in the substitution. I answered that he who consents to a fraud against the law, by entering upon an estate, becomes the heir, nor does he cease to be such even though he be deprived of the property left to him under such circumstances. Hence, he can be the heir under the pupillary substitution only to the share to which he was appointed, for he is sufficiently punished for what he did contrary to law; and, indeed, I would say the same even though he ceased to be the heir. The same rule should be understood to apply to anyone who, after he had been appointed heir and entered upon the estate, is reduced to slavery, and is subsequently presented with his freedom, who is permitted to be admitted to the substitution left to him by the will; for although he has lost the inheritance to which he was entitled by his appointment as heir, still, by virtue of the substitution, he can receive the same share which he lost.
Dig. 29,1,39Idem libro nono quaestionum. Si filius familias miles captus apud hostes decesserit, dicemus legem Corneliam etiam ad eius testamentum pertinere. sed quaeramus, si pater eius prius in civitate decesserit relicto nepote ex filio, an similiter testamentum patris rumpatur. et dicendum est non rumpi testamentum, quia ex eo tempore, quo captus est, videtur decessisse.
The Same, Questions, Book IX. Where a son under paternal control, while serving in the army, was captured and died in the hands of the enemy, we say that the Cornelian Law is also applicable to his will. We may ask, however, whether his father died before him at home, and if a grandson was born to him by the said son, whether the will of the father would be broken, in like manner. It must be held that the will will not be broken, for the reason that he is considered to have died at the very time that he was taken prisoner.
Dig. 31,81Paulus libro nono quaestionum. Si quis testamento facto a filiis suis, quos heredes instituisset, fideicommissa reliquisset non ut a legitimis heredibus, sed ut a scriptis, et testamentum aliquo casu irritum factum sit, filii ab intestato venientes fideicommissa ex testamento praestare compelli non possunt.
Paulus, Questions, Book IX. Where anyone, having made a will by which he appointed his children his heirs, charged them with a trust, not as his lawful heirs, but as those whom he had appointed, and the will, for some reason, becomes void, his children cannot be compelled to execute the trusts under the same, if they should obtain the estate as heirs at law.
Dig. 34,4,26Paulus libro nono quaestionum. Si, servo cum libertate dato legato, et alienato adimatur libertas, quamvis alieno inutiliter adimatur, tamen legatum ad emptorem non perventurum: et merito: constitit enim ademptio, quia possit redimi, sicut datio, cum in eum confertur, qui testamenti faciendi tempore fuit testatoris, deinde alienato codicillis libertas datur. 1Quid ergo, si eum, quem liberum esse quis iusserat, manumiserat vivus, deinde codicillis libertatem ei ademerit? videamus, an perdiderit legatum vana ademptio libertatis. quod quidam putant: sed supervacua scriptura non nocet legato.
Paulus, Questions, Book IX. Where a legacy was bequeathed to a slave with his freedom, and he was afterwards sold, and the bequest of his freedom was revoked, although such a revocation is void with reference to a slave belonging to another, still, the purchaser will not be entitled to the legacy. There is reason in this, for the revocation will stand, as the slave can be repurchased, just as the bequest of the legacy is valid when it is made to one who, at the time the will was made, belonged to the testator, but who, after having been sold, obtained his freedom by means of a codicil. 1What would be the case if the testator, during his lifetime, should manumit a slave whom he had directed to be free by his will, and should then revoke his grant of freedom by a codicil? Let us see whether the mere revocation of his freedom would annul the legacy. Some authorities think that it would, but a superfluous provision does not affect a legacy.
Dig. 38,2,45Idem libro nono quaestionum. Si patronus ex sexta et servus eius ex reliqua parte sit heres institutus, nec ex servi portione fideicommissum debetur: at si servus dumtaxat heres institutus est, puto nec hic ex debita portione praestandum.
The Same, Questions, Book IX. Where a patron is appointed heir to the sixth of the estate of his freedman, and the slave of the latter is appointed heir to the remainder, the trust with which heirs are charged in favor of the patron will not apply to the share of the slave. If, however, the slave should be appointed sole heir, I do not think that the share due to the patron should contribute to the legacies bequeathed under the trust.