Quaestionum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 5,1,46Paulus libro secundo quaestionum. Iudex datus in eodem officio permanet, licet furere coeperit, quia recte ab initio iudex addictus est: sed iudicandi necessitatem morbus sonticus remittit. ergo mutari debet.
Dig. 5,2,17Paulus libro secundo quaestionum. Qui repudiantis animo non venit ad accusationem inofficiosi testamenti, partem non facit his qui eandem querellam movere volunt. unde si de inofficioso testamento patris alter ex liberis exheredatis ageret, quia rescisso testamento alter quoque ad successionem ab intestato vocatur, et ideo universam hereditatem non recte vindicasset: hic si optinuerit, uteretur rei iudicatae auctoritate, quasi centumviri hunc solum filium in rebus humanis esse nunc, cum facerent intestatum, crediderint. 1Cum contra testamentum ut inofficiosum iudicatur, testamenti factionem habuisse defunctus non creditur. non idem probandum est, si herede non respondente secundum praesentem iudicatum sit: hoc enim casu non creditur ius ex sententia iudicis fieri: et ideo libertates competunt et legata petuntur.
Paulus, Questions, Book II. Where anyone with the intention of rejecting the estate does not attack a will as inofficious, the share to which he is entitled to does not stand in the way of any others who may wish to institute proceedings for that purpose. Wherefore, when one of two children who have been disinherited institutes proceedings to have the will of their father declared inofficious—for if the will is set aside, the other son will have a right to the succession on the ground of intestacy, and therefore cannot legally bring suit to recover the entire estate—if he should gain his case, he can avail himself of the authority of res judicata, since the Centumviri, when they declared the maker of the will intestate would have believed that this is the only son living. 1When judgment is rendered against a testament on the ground of inofficiousness, the deceased is considered not to have been competent to make a will. This opinion is not to be approved where a decision is rendered in favor of the plaintiff and the heir does not defend the case; as, in this instance, it is not understood that the law is established by the decree of the Court, and therefore manumissions are sustained and actions can be brought for legacies.
Dig. 5,2,19Idem libro secundo quaestionum. Mater decedens extraneum ex dodrante heredem instituit, filiam unam ex quadrante, alteram praeteriit: haec de inofficioso egit et optinuit. quaero, scriptae filiae quomodo succurrendum sit. respondi: filia praeterita id vindicare debet, quod intestata matre habitura esset: itaque dici potest eam quae omissa est etiam, si totam hereditatem ab intestato petat et optineat, solam habituram universam successionem, quemadmodum si altera omisisset legitimam hereditatem. sed non est admittendum, ut adversus sororem audiatur agendo de inofficioso: praeterea dicendum est non esse similem omittenti eam, quae ex testamento adiit: et ideo ab extraneo semissem vindicandum et defendendum totum semissem esse auferendum, quasi semis totus ad hanc pertineat. secundum quod non in totum testamentum infirmatur, sed pro parte intestata efficitur, licet quasi furiosae iudicium ultimum eius damnetur. ceterum si quis putaverit filia optinente totum testamentum infirmari, dicendum est etiam institutam ab intestato posse adire hereditatem: nec enim quae ex testamento adiit, quod putat valere, repudiare legitimam hereditatem videtur, quam quidem nescit sibi deferri: cum et hi qui sciant ius suum, eligentes id quod putant sibi competere, non amittant. quod evenit in patrono, qui iudicium defuncti falsa opinione motus amplexus est: is enim non videtur bonorum possessionem contra tabulas repudiasse. ex quibus apparet non recte totam hereditatem praeteritam vindicare, cum rescisso testamento etiam institutae salvum ius sit adeundae hereditatis.
Ad Dig. 5,2,19Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 584, Noten 24, 27.The Same, Questions, Book II. A mother, when about to die, appointed a stranger heir to three-fourths of her estate, and one daughter an heir to one fourth of the same, and passed over another daughter; whereupon the latter brought suit to declare the will inofficious, and gained her case. I ask to what relief the daughter who was appointed heir is entitled? I answered that the daughter who was passed over should bring an action to recover whatever she would have received if her mother had died intestate. Therefore, it may be said that she who was passed over, even if she brings suit for the entire estate on intestacy and succeeds, will be entitled to the exclusive succession, just as if the other daughter had renounced her lawful share. It should not be admitted, however, that the former may be heard against her sister if she institutes proceedings on the ground of inofficiousness. Moreover, it must be said that the sister who entered upon the estate in compliance with the provisions of the will, is not in the same position as the one who was passed over, and therefore the latter must bring suit to recover half of the estate from a stranger; and it may be held that in this way she can recover half, because the entire half belongs to her. According to this, the entire will is not set aside, but the testatrix is rendered intestate to a certain extent, even if the Court declares the will void as having been executed by a person who was insane. But if anyone should think that where a daughter gains her case the entire will be rendered void, it must be held that the sister who was appointed heir on intestacy can enter upon the estate, for since she enters in compliance with the terms of the will, which she thought was valid, she cannot be considered to have rejected her lawful share of the estate, to which, indeed, she did not know that she was entitled; for when persons are aware of their rights they do not lose them, if they select a course which they believe they can pursue. This happens where a patron, induced by an incorrect opinion, accepts the will of a deceased freedman; for he is not held to have rejected the possession of the estate in contravention of the will. From this it is evident that the daughter who was passed over cannot legally bring suit to recover the entire estate, since, if the will were set aside, the right of the one appointed heir to enter upon the estate remains unimpaired.
Dig. 6,1,66Paulus libro secundo quaestionum. Non ideo minus recte quid nostrum esse vindicabimus, quod abire a nobis dominium speratur, si condicio legati vel libertatis extiterit.
Dig. 8,2,38Paulus libro secundo quaestionum. Si aedes meae a tuis aedibus tantum distent, ut prospici non possint, aut medius mons earum conspectum auferat, servitus imponi non potest:
Dig. 10,2,36Paulus libro secundo quaestionum. Cum putarem te coheredem meum esse idque verum non esset, egi tecum familiae erciscundae iudicio et a iudice invicem adiudicationes et condemnationes factae sunt: quaero, rei veritate cognita utrum condictio invicem competat an vindicatio? et an aliud in eo qui heres est, aliud in eo qui heres non sit dicendum est? respondi: qui ex asse heres erat, si, cum putaret se Titium coheredem habere, acceperit cum eo familiae erciscundae iudicium et condemnationibus factis solverit pecuniam, quoniam ex causa iudicati solvit, repetere non potest. sed tu videris eo moveri, quod non est iudicium familiae erciscundae nisi inter coheredes acceptum: sed quamvis non sit iudicium, tamen sufficit ad impendiendam repetitionem, quod quis se putat condemnatum. quod si neuter eorum heres fuit, sed quasi heredes essent acceperint familiae erciscundae iudicium, de repetitione idem in utrisque dicendum est, quod diximus in altero. plane si sine iudice diviserint res, etiam condictionem earum rerum, quae ei cesserunt, quem coheredem esse putavit qui fuit heres, competere dici potest: non enim transactum inter eos intellegitur, cum ille coheredem esse putaverit.
Ad Dig. 10,2,36Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 414, Note 4.Paulus, Questions, Book II. I, being under the impression that you were my co-heir, although this was not true, brought an action for partition against you, and adjudications were made and orders issued by the Court, to make payment to both of us. I ask whether, when the truth of the facts is ascertained, a personal action will lie in favor of each of us, or one to recover the property; also whether one rule is to be adopted with reference to a party who is an heir, and another with reference to one which is not. I answered that where a person is heir to an entire estate and, thinking that Titius is his co-heir, joins issue with him in an action in partition, and a decision directing payment is rendered, he makes payment; then, since he did this in compliance with the decision of the judge, he cannot bring an action to recover the money. You, however, seem to hold that no action in partition can exist except between coheirs; but although the action is not legal, still, it is sufficient to prevent the suit to recover what the party believed he was obliged to pay. But, if neither of the parties was an heir, yet joined issue in an action for partition just as if they were heirs, the same rule for recovering the property which we previously stated applies to one of them must be said is applicable to both. It is evident that, if they divided the property without application to the court, it may be stated that the heir who thought the other party was his co-heir has a right of action for the transfer of the property delivered to the latter; for it cannot be held that there was any compromise between them since he believed him to be his co-heir.
Dig. 10,3,29Paulus libro secundo quaestionum. Si quis, cum existimaverit fundum communem sibi cum Maevio esse, quem cum Titio communem habebat, impendisset, recte dicitur etiam communi dividundo iudicium ei sufficere: hoc enim est, si sciam rem communem esse, ignorem autem cuius socii: neque enim negotia socii gero, sed propriam rem tueor et magis ex re, in quam impenditur, quam ex persona socii actio nascitur. denique ea actione pupillum teneri dicimus, ut impendia restituat officio iudicis. diversa causa est eius, qui putat se in rem propriam impendere, cum sit communis: huic enim nec communi dividundo iudicium competit nec utile dandum est. ille enim qui scit rem esse communem vel aliena negotia eo animo gerit, ut aliquem sibi obliget, et in persona labitur. 1Pomponius scripsit posci iudicem posse a quolibet sociorum: sed etiamsi unus ex sociis mutus erit, recte cum eo communi dividundo agi.
Paulus, Questions, Book II. Where anyone holds land in common with Titius, and, believing that he held it in common with Mævius, expends money thereon; it is very properly held that an action for the partition of common property will be sufficient for him; for this is the case if I know that the property is common but do not know who my co-heir is, as I am not transacting the business of my co-heir, but am managing my own property; and the action arises rather with reference to the property on which the money was expended, than on the person of the joint owner. In short, we hold that this action is the one under which a ward would be liable, in an application to the court to compel him to reimburse expenses. The case is different where a man thinks that he is spending money on his own property, while in fact it is held in common; and in this instance he will neither be entitled to an action in partition, nor will an equitable action be granted him; for anyone who knows that property is owned in common or belongs to another transacts his business with a view to render him liable to himself, even though he may be mistaken with reference to the person. 1Pomponius says that anyone of a number of joint-owners can demand a judge; but where anyone of the said joint-owners remains silent, an action for the division of common property may properly be brought against him.
Dig. 11,1,20Paulus libro secundo quaestionum. Qui servum alienum responderit suum esse, si noxali iudicio conventus sit, dominum liberat: aliter atque si quis confessus sit se occidisse servum quem alius occidit, vel si quis responderit se heredem: nam his casibus non liberatur qui fecit vel qui heres est. nec haec inter se contraria sunt: nam superiore casu ex persona servi duo tenentur, sicut in servo communi dicimus, ubi altero convento alter quoque liberatur: at is qui confitetur se occidisse vel vulnerasse suo nomine tenetur, nec debet impunitum esse delictum eius qui fecit propter eum qui respondit: nisi quasi defensor eius qui admisit vel heredis litem subiit hoc genere: tunc enim in factum exceptione data summovendus est actor, quia ille negotiorum gestorum vel mandati actione recepturus est quod praestitit: idem est in eo, qui mandatu heredis heredem se esse respondit vel cum eum alias defendere vellet. 1In iure interrogatus, an fundum possideat, quaero an respondere cogendus sit et quota ex parte fundum possideat. respondi: Iavolenus scribit possessorem fundi cogi debere respondere, quota ex parte fundum possideat, ut si minore ex parte possidere se dicat, in aliam partem, quae non defenderetur, in possessionem actor mittatur. 2Idem et si damni infecti caveamus: nam et hic respondere debet, quota ex parte eius sit praedium, ut ad eam partem stipulationem accommodemus: poena autem non repromittentis haec est, ut in possessionem eamus, et ideo eo pertinet scire an possideat.
Paulus, Questions, Book II. Where a party answers that a slave who belongs to another is his, and suit is brought against him in a noxal action, the actual owner will be released. It is otherwise, however, where anyone confesses that he killed a slave whom someone else killed, or where anyone answers that he is an heir; for, in these instances, he who committed the act, or he who is the actual heir, is not released. These things do not conflict with one another; for, in the first instance, two parties are liable on account of the person of a slave, just as we say they are liable where a slave is owned in common, and if one is sued the other is discharged; but a party who confesses that he killed or wounded anyone is liable on his own account, nor should the crime of the person who committed it go unpunished on account of him who answered, unless the party making the confession was acting as the defender of him who committed the offence, or of the heir, and appeared in the case for this purpose; for then an exception will be granted and the plaintiff will be barred, because the former can recover what he paid by an action either on the ground of business transacted, or on that of mandate. The same rule applies where a party states that he is the heir by direction of the heir himself, or he, for any other reason, wishes to appear in his defence. 1Where anyone is asked in court whether he is in possession of a certain tract of land; I ask whether he can be compelled to answer as to how much of the said land he is in possession? I replied that Javolenus states that the possessor of land is obliged to answer as to the amount of said land which he holds in his possession; so that if he alleges that he is in possession of the smaller portion, the plaintiff shall be placed in possession of the other portion with reference to which no defence is made. 2The same rule applies where we give security against threatened injury; for in this instance the party should also answer what portion of the land belongs to him, so that he may arrange the stipulation with respect to said portion; and the penalty in this case, where the party does not promise, is that we should take possession; and therefore, on this account it is essential to know whether the party is in possession of said premises or not.
Dig. 19,1,42Paulus libro secundo quaestionum. Si duorum fundorum venditor separatim de modo cuiusque pronuntiaverit et ita utrumque uno pretio tradiderit, et alteri aliquid desit, quamvis in altero exsuperet, forte si dixit unum centum iugera, alterum ducenta habere, non proderit ei, quod in altero ducenta decem inveniuntur, si in altero decem desint. et de his ita apud Labeonem relatum est. sed an exceptio doli mali venditori profutura sit, potest dubitari, utique si exiguus modus silvae desit et plus in vineis habeat, quam repromissum est. an non facit dolo, qui iure perpetuo utitur? nec enim hic quod amplius in modo invenitur, quam alioquin dictum est, ad compendium venditoris, sed ad emptoris pertinet: et tunc tenetur venditor, cum minor modus invenitur. videamus tamen, ne nulla querella sit emptoris in eodem fundo, si plus inveniat in vinea quam in prato, cum universus modus constat. similis quaestio esse potest ei, quae in duobus fundis agitata est, et si quis duos statuliberos uno pretio vendat et dicat unum decem dare iussum, qui quindecim dare debebat: nam et hic tenebitur ex empto actione, quamvis emptor a duobus viginti accepturus sit. sed rectius est in omnibus supra scriptis casibus lucrum cum damno compensari et si quid deest emptori sive pro modo sive pro qualitate loci, hoc ei resarciri.
Paulus, Questions, Book II. If the vendor of two tracts of land should make statements with reference to the measurements of each, and then deliver both for a single price, and the full amount should be lacking to one of the tracts, but the other should contain more; for example, if he stated that one of them contained a hundred jugera, and the other two hundred, it would be of no advantage to him if one of them was found to contain two hundred, and the other fell short ten. A decision on this point is given by Labeo. But can it be doubted that an exception on the ground of bad faith will be available by the vendor? For instance, if a very small portion of woodland was lacking, and the tract included a larger extent of vineyard than had been promised, would not he who availed himself of his perpetual right be guilty of fraud? For in the case where the amount of land is found to be greater than had otherwise been stated, this is not for the benefit of the vendor, but for that of the purchaser; and the vendor is liable whenever the measurement is ascertained to be short. Let us see, however, whether the vendor has no cause of complaint with reference to the same land, where the vineyard is found to include more than the meadow, and the measurement of the whole is correct. The same question may arise in the case of two tracts of land, as where anyone sells two slaves conditionally entitled to their freedom, for one price, and says that one was ordered to pay ten aurei when he should have paid fifteen; for he will be liable to an action on sale, even if the purchaser should have received twenty aurei from the two. It is more just, however, in all the above mentioned cases, for the profit to be set off against the loss, and if anything is lacking to the purchaser, either in the measurement or the quality of the land, he should be indemnified for the same.
Dig. 22,1,10Paulus libro secundo quaestionum. Partum post litem contestatam editum restituere possessor debet: quem non deberet restituere, si, cum mater peteretur, iam natus fuisset, nisi specialiter et pro hoc egisset.
Paulus, Questions, Book II. The possessor should surrender a child born to a female slave after issue has been joined, but he is not obliged to give it up if it was born before proceedings were instituted for the recovery of the mother, unless the plaintiff expressly brought the suit for said child.
Dig. 42,4,14Paulus libro secundo quaestionum. Si quis creditorem prohibuerit bona debitoris ingredi, datur in eum actio, quanti ea res sit. 1Sed et si quis legatorum servandorum causa missus in possessionem admissus non est, si legati condicio pendeat, licet possit deficere, aestimatur tamen id quod legatum est, quia interest eius cautum habere. 2Creditor autem condicionalis in possessionem non mittitur, quia is mittitur, qui potest bona ex edicto vendere.
Paulus, Questions, Book II. If anyone should prevent a creditor from obtaining possession of the property of his debtor, an action for the amount of the value of the property shall be granted against him in favor of the creditor. 1Where anyone is placed in possession of property for the purpose of preserving his legacy, he will not be permitted to take possession, if the condition on which the legacy is dependent is in suspense; and although it may fail to be fulfilled, still, the property bequeathed should be appraised, because it is to the interest of the legatee to have security. 2Moreover, a creditor, the payment of whose claim is conditional, is not placed in possession; because he only is given possession who has a right to sell the property under the Edict.
Dig. 45,1,125Paulus libro secundo quaestionum. Cum stipulamur ‘quidquid te dare facere oportet’, nihil aliud in stipulationem deducitur quam quod praesenti die debetur: hoc enim solum haec stipulatio demonstrat.