Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 35,2,22Idem libro septimo decimo quaestionum. Nesennius Apollinaris Iulio Paulo. ex facto, domine, species eiusmodi incidit. Titia filias suas tres numero aequis ex partibus scribsit heredes et a singulis legata invicem dedit, ab una tamen ita legavit tam coheredibus eius quam extraneis, ut Falcidiae sit locus. quaero, an adversus coheredes suas, a quibus legata et ipsa accepit, uti possit Falcidia et, si non possit vel doli exceptione summovenda est, quemadmodum adversus extraneos computatio Falcidiae iniri possit. respondi: id quidem, quod a coherede legatorum nomine percipitur, non solet legatariis proficere, quo minus Falcidiam patiantur: sed cum is qui legatum praestaturus est ab eodem aliquid ex testamento petit, non est audiendus desiderans uti adversus eum Falcidiae beneficio, si id quod percepturus est ex voluntate testatoris suppleat, quod deducere desiderat. plane ceteris legatariis non universum, quod coheredi praestat, imputabit, sed quantum daturus esset, si nihil ab eo perciperet. 1Servo herede instituto si a domino fideicommissa, a servo legata data sunt, prius ratio legatorum habenda est, deinde ex eo quod superest fideicommissorum. dominus enim ideo tenetur, quod ad eum pervenit: pervenit autem, quod deductis legatis superest. plane Falcidiam exercet. 2Sed et si dominus omissa hereditatis aditione servum sibi substitutum adire iussit, prius erogantur quae ab ipso domino data sunt, tunc eorum quae a servo relicta sunt ratio initur, si patitur Falcidia. 3Si debitori liberatio legata sit, quamvis solvendo non sit, totum legatum computetur, licet nomen hoc non augeat hereditatem nisi ex eventu. igitur si Falcidia locum habeat, hoc plus videbitur legatum, quod huic legatum esset: cetera quoque minuentur legata per hoc et ipsum hoc per alia; capere enim videtur eo, quod liberatur. 4Sed si alii hoc nomen legetur, nullum legatum erit nec ceteris contribuetur.
The Same, Questions, Book XVII. “Nesennius Apollinaris to Julius Paulus. The following case actually occurred. Titia appointed her three daughters heirs to equal shares of her estate, and left them charged with legacies for the benefit of one another, but she charged one of them in such a way that the Falcidian Law would apply as well to her co-heirs as to strangers to whom other property was bequeathed.” I ask whether the Falcidian Law is applicable against her co-heirs who were themselves charged with legacies for her benefit, and, if it should not be applicable, and she is barred by an exception on the ground of bad faith, how can the computation of the Falcidian portion be made as against the foreign legatees? I answered that what is received from a co-heir, as a legacy, does not profit the legatee by releasing him from the operation of the Falcidian Law. Where, however, an heir who is obliged to pay a legacy demands something from the same person under the terms of the will, he should not be heard, if he wishes to avail himself of the benefit of the Falcidian Law against the said person, if what he is entitled to receive under the will of the testator, is equal to what he wishes to deduct from the legacy. With reference to the other legatees, it is evident that the heir will not be required to subject to the operation of the Falcidian Law all that he pays to his co-heir, but only what he actually gives him, that is, if he receives nothing from him. 1Where a slave is appointed an heir by someone, and his master is charged with a trust and the slave with a legacy, the calculation must first be made with reference to the legacy, and then the trust will be discharged out of what remains. The master, however, will only be liable for what comes into his hands, and, moreover, he will only receive what remains after the legacies have been deducted. It is clear that the Falcidian Law will apply. 2But if the master who was appointed heir fails to accept the estate and orders his slave, who was substituted for him, to do so, the legacies with which the master himself was charged must first be paid, and then, after reserving the Falcidian portion, payment should be made of those with which the slave was charged. 3Where a release from his obligation is bequeathed to a debtor, even though the latter may not be solvent, the entire legacy must be computed, although the bequest of the claim cannot increase the estate except in the event of payment. Therefore, if the Falcidian Law is applicable, what was bequeathed to the debtor will be held to have increased the amount of the legacy. The other legacies will also be diminished by this one, and it will be diminished by the others; for the debtor is considered to receive the legacy by the mere fact of his being released from liability. 4Where, however, the claim is bequeathed to a third party, the legacy is void, and it will not be liable to contribution with the others.
Dig. 48,23,4Paulus libro septimo decimo quaestionum. In metallum damnata mulier eum quem prius conceperat edidit, deinde a principe restituta est. humanius dicetur etiam cognationis iura huic restituta videri.
Dig. 50,17,91Idem libro septimo decimo quaestionum. Quotiens duplici iure defertur alicui successio, repudiato novo iure quod ante defertur, supererit vetus.