Quaestionum libri
Ex libro X
Dig. 28,6,44Idem libro decimo quaestionum. Ex pupillari testamento superius principali neque ex parte neque in totum confirmari posse Maecianus scripsit.
Dig. 31,82Idem libro decimo quaestionum. Debitor decem legavit creditori, quae ei post annum sub pignore debebat. non, ut quidam putant, medii temporis tantum commodum ex testamento debetur, sed tota decem peti possunt: nec tollitur petitio, si interim annus supervenerit: nam sufficit, quod utiliter dies cessit. quod si vivo testatore annus superveniat, dicendum erit inutile effici legatum, quamquam constiterit ab initio. sic et in dote praelegata responsum est totam eam ex testamento peti posse. alioquin secundum illam sententiam si interusurium tantum est in legato, quid dicemus, si fundus legatus sit ex die debitus? nam nec pecunia peti potest, quae non est legata, nec pars fundi facile inveniretur, quae possit pro commodo peti. 1Si Primo et Secundo et Tertio heredibus institutis sic legata dentur: ‘si mihi Primus heres non erit, Secundus Titio decem dato: si Secundus mihi heres non erit, Primus Seio fundum Tusculanum dato’, utrisque omittentibus hereditatem Primo et Secundo quaerebatur, substituti, quos eis dederat, an et cui legata praestare debent? ab utroque substituto legata debentur. 2Servo alieno posse rem domini legari Valens scribit: item id quod domino eius pure debetur. cum enim servo alieno aliquid in testamento damus, domini persona ad hoc tantum inspicitur, ut sit cum eo testamenti factio, ceterum ex persona servi constitit legatum. et ideo rectissime Iulianus definit id demum servo alieno legari posse, quod ipse liber factus capere posset. calumniosa est enim illa adnotatio posse legari servo et quamdiu serviat: nam et hoc legatum ex persona servi vires accipit: alioquin et illud adnotaremus esse quosdam servos, qui, licet libertatem consequi non possunt, attamen legatum et hereditatem possunt adquirere domino. ex illo igitur praecepto, quod dicimus servi inspici personam in testamentis, dictum est servo hereditario legari posse. ita non mirum, si res domini et quod ei debetur servo eius pure legari possit, quamvis domino eius non possent haec utiliter legari.
The Same, Questions, Book X. A debtor bequeathed ten aurei to his creditor, which he owed him after the expiration of a year, and which were secured by pledge. The amount is not due (as some authorities hold) under the will, when payment is made before maturity merely as a convenience, but suit can be brought for the entire ten aurei; nor will the right of action be barred if, in the meantime, the year has elapsed, for it will be sufficient for the day when the legacy is due to arrive. Where, however, the year has passed during the lifetime of the testator, it must be said that the legacy will become void, although it was valid in the beginning. Hence, in the case where a dowry is left as a preferred legacy, it was decided that the entire dowry could be recovered under the will; otherwise, in accordance with the above opinion, if only an intermediate benefit attaches to the bequest, what shall we say where a certain tract of land, due at a certain time, was bequeathed? In this instance the money cannot be claimed, nor can a part of the land be easily found which can be claimed as a benefit. 1Where a first, second, and third heir are appointed, and legacies are bequeathed as follows: “If my first heir should not obtain my estate, let my second heir pay ten aurei to Titius; if my second heir should not obtain it, let my first heir deliver the Tusculan Estate to Seius,” and both the first and second heirs should decline to accept the estate, the question arises to whom the substitutes appointed for them by the testator should be required to pay the legacies. The legacies will be due from both substitutes. 2Valens says that the property of a master can be legally bequeathed to a slave of another, just as a debt can be which he owed unconditionally to his master. For when we give anything by will to a slave belonging to another, the person of his master is only considered with reference to his testamentary capacity, but the legacy is valid so far as the person of the slave is concerned. Therefore, Julianus most properly lays down the rule that a legacy can only be bequeathed to the slave of another which he himself could hold if he became free. The observation that a bequest could be left to the slave as long as he remained in servitude would be improperly made, as a legacy of this kind derives its force and effect from the person of the slave; otherwise, we all might remark that there are certain slaves who, although they cannot obtain their freedom, can, nevertheless, acquire legacies and estates from their masters. In accordance with the principle, which we have mentioned, namely, that in the case of wills the person of the slave must be considered, it has been decided that a legacy can be bequeathed to a slave forming part of the estate. It is not extraordinary that the property of a master, and what is owing to him, can be absolutely bequeathed to a slave, although such property cannot be legally bequeathed to his master.
Dig. 33,2,26Paulus libro decimo quaestionum. Sempronius Attalus ab herede suo fundum in Italiam Gaio post decennium deducto usu fructu dari iussit: quaero, cum medio hoc decennii spatio heres vita functus sit, an post tempus decennii plenus fundus ad legatarium pertineat. movet enim me, quod dies legati huius sive fideicommissi cesserit ac per hoc et ad heredem legatarii pertinere potuerit, et ideo quasi circa debitum iam legatum mortuo herede usus fructus exstinctus sit nec ad heredem heredis pertinere possit. respondi: dies quidem fideicommissi vel legati cedit statim, cum post tempus certum heres dare rogatur sive iubetur: sed usus fructus nondum est heredis, nisi cum dominium deducto usu fructu praestitit, et ideo capitis deminutione vel morte perire non potest quod nondum habuit. idem evenit, si proprietas deducto usu fructu sub condicione legata sit et pendente condicione heres decesserit: tunc enim ab heredis herede incipit usus fructus, qui ex persona eius finietur. sed his casibus de sententia testatoris quaerendum est, qui utique de eo usu fructu detrahendo sensit, qui coniunctus esset heredis personae: quo extincto solidam proprietatem ad legatarium voluit pertinere nec plus transmitti ad successorem suum, qui nondum habere coepit usum fructum, quam si iam habere coepisset. 1Si fundus duobus, alii usus fructus legatus sit, non trientes in usu fructu, sed semisses constituuntur: idemque est ex contrario, si duo sint fructuarii et alii proprietas legata est. et inter eos tantum adcrescendi ius est.
Paulus, Questions, Book X. Sempronius Attilus charged his heir after the expiration of ten years to give to Gaius his tract of land in Italy, with the reservation of the usufruct. I ask, if the heir should die before the ten years have elapsed whether, after that time, the entire tract of land will belong to the legatee. I am convinced that the time of this legacy, or that of the execution of the trust has arrived, and for this reason that it should belong to the heir of the legatee. Therefore, since the legacy was already due at the time of the death of the heir, the usufruct is extinguished and cannot belong to the successor of the latter. I gave it as my opinion that if the heir should be requested or ordered to deliver certain property, the time for the execution of the trust or for the delivery of the legacy will be when the testator dies, but the usufruct will not belong to the heir until he delivers the ownership after reserving the usufruct. Hence the usufruct cannot be lost by the forfeiture of civil rights, or the death of the heir, for the reason that he does not yet possess it. The same thing takes place where the ownership of property is bequeathed under a certain condition, after the reservation of the usufruct, and the heir dies before the condition has been fulfilled; for then the usufruct, which terminates with his life, begins to vest in the heir of the heir. In these instances, however, the intention of the testator must be ascertained, that is if he, at the time of reserving the usufruct, had someone in his mind who was to be joined with his heir, so that, at the death of the former, he intended the entire ownership to belong to the legatee; because no more could be transmitted to his successor, who had not yet acquired the usufruct, than if he had already begun to enjoy it. 1Where a tract of land is devised to two persons, and the usufruct is left to another, they all three of them do not enjoy the usufruct in common, if it is divided into two parts. On the other hand, the same rule will apply where there are two usufructuaries, and the ownership of the property is left to a third party. The right of accrual only exists between them.
Dig. 33,5,7Paulus libro decimo quaestionum. Immo et si quosdam servos distraxit, quosdam retinuit, non est audiendus legatarius, si velit optare ex retentis ab herede, cum iam disposuerit familiam heres.
Dig. 34,1,11Paulus libro decimo quaestionum. Is, cui annua alimenta relicta fuerant, in metallum damnatus indulgentia principis restitutus est. respondi eum et praecedentium annorum recte cepisse alimenta et sequentium deberi ei.
Paulus, Questions, Book X. A certain individual to whom support had been bequeathed, payable annually, having been condemned to the mines, was afterwards restored to his rights by the favor of the Emperor. I held that he had lawfully received the support for the preceding years, and that he was entitled to it for those which followed.
Dig. 34,3,25Paulus libro decimo quaestionum. Legavi Titio quod mihi debetur vel adiecta certa quantitate sive specie vel non adiecta, aut ex contrario aeque cum distinctione, veluti ‘Titio quod ei debeo’ vel ita ‘Titio centum quae ei debeo’: quaero, an per omnia requirendum putes, an debitum sit. et plenius rogo quae ad haec spectant attingas: cottidiana enim sunt. respondi: si is, cui Titius debebat, debitum ei remittere voluit, nihil interest, heredem suum iussit ut eum liberaret an prohibeat eum exigere: utroque enim modo liberandus est debitor et utroque casu competit ultro ad liberandum debitori actio. quod si etiam centum aureorum vel fundi debiti mentionem fecit, si quidem debitor fuisse probetur, liberandus est: quod si nihil debeat, poterit dici quasi falsa demonstratione adiecta etiam peti quod comprehensum est posse. sed poterit hoc dici si ita legavit: ‘centum aureos, quos mihi debet’ vel ‘Stichum, quem debet, heres meus damnas esto non petere’. quod si sic dixit: ‘heres meus centum aureos, quos mihi Titius debet, damnas esto ei dare’, etiam illud temptari poterit, ut petere possit quasi falsa demonstratione adiecta: quod mihi nequaquam placet, cum dandi verbum ad debitum referre se testator existimaverit. contra autem si debitor creditori leget, nullam utilitatem video, si sine quantitate leget. sed et si id demonstret, quod debere se confitetur, nulla utilitas est nisi in his speciebus, in quibus emolumentum debiti ampliatur. quod si centum aureos, quos se debere dixit, legavit, si quidem debet, inutile est legatum, quod si non fuit debitor, placuit utile esse legatum: certa enim nummorum quantitas similis est Sticho legato cum demonstratione falsa: idque et divus Pius rescripsit certa pecunia dotis acceptae nomine legata.
Ad Dig. 34,3,25Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 657, Note 11.Paulus, Questions, Book X. Where I bequeathed to Titius what he owed me, either stating or not stating the amount, or, on the other hand, where I make a bequest with a difference, as for instance: “I leave to Titius what I owe him,” or “I leave to Titius a hundred aurei, which I owe him;” I ask if you think that it should, by all means, be ascertained whether anything is really due; and I furthermore request you to inform me in what way you interpret these matters, which are of every day occurrence. I answered that if the party to whom Titius is indebted wishes to release the debt, it makes no difference whether he directs his heir to discharge him from liability, or forbids him to collect the debt; for, in either instance, the debtor should be released, and in both cases an action will lie in favor of the debtor against the heir, for the purpose of procuring his release. If the testator mentioned the sum of a hundred aurei, or a certain tract of land as being due, and it can be proved that the legatee was the debtor, he should be released. If, however, he does not owe anything, as a false statement has been made, it may be said that he can also bring an action to recover what is embraced in the legacy. This principle also applies where the bequest was as follows: “Let my heir be charged not to collect the hundred aurei which he owes me,” or “Stichus whom he owes me.” If, however, he had said, “Let my heir be charged to give to Titius the hundred aurei which he owes me,” it may be maintained that he can claim them, although the statement is untrue. However, I by no means agree to this, as the testator must have thought that the word “give” had reference to the debt. On the other hand, if the debtor makes a bequest to his creditor, I do not see that the legacy has any validity, if the amount is not stated. But if he should mention the sum which he acknowledges that he owes, the legacy will not be valid except in those instances where its payment will be more advantageous than that of the debt. For if the debtor should bequeath a hundred aurei, which he says that he owes, and he does owe them, the legacy is void. If, however, he should not owe them, it has been held that the legacy is valid; for, where a certain sum of money is mentioned, the case is similar to that where Stichus was bequeathed under a false statement. This rule the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript, where a certain sum of money was bequeathed as having been received by way of dowry.
Dig. 34,3,30Idem libro decimo quaestionum. Petitor vel possessor damnavit heredem suum, ne centumvirale iudicium exerceat: de effectu legati quaeritur. et dictum ita demum utile videri legatum esse, si malam causam adversarius testatoris habuit, ut litigante herede vinci debuerit: tunc enim non tantum litis emolumentum, sed etiam sumptus heres legatario praestare cogitur. nam in bona causa nihil videtur esse in legato nec propter sumptus, quod quidam existimaverunt.
The Same, Questions, Book X. The plaintiff or the defendant, having charged his heir not to take judgment in the Court of the Centumvirs, the question arose as to the effect of this on the legacy. It was decided that the latter was only valid where the adversary of the testator had a bad case, so that he would be beaten in a contest with the heir; for then the heir would not only be obliged to surrender the property which was the subject of the suit, but also to pay all the expenses of litigation to the legatee. But if he had a good case, there does not seem to be anything in the legacy, not even the expenses, as some authorities have held.
Dig. 45,1,128Paulus libro decimo quaestionum. Si duo rei stipulandi ita extitissent, ut alter utiliter, alter inutiliter stipularetur, ei, qui non habet promissorem obligatum, non recte solvitur, quia non alterius nomine ei solvitur, sed suae obligationis, quae nulla est. eadem ratione qui Stichum aut Pamphilum stipulatur, si in unum constiterit obligatio, quia alter stipulatoris erat, etiamsi desierit eius esse, non recte solvitur, quia utraque res ad obligationem ponitur, non ad solutionem.
Paulus, Questions, Book X. When there are two contracting parties, and one of them stipulates for something that is valid, and the other for something that is void, payment cannot properly be made to him to whom the promisor is not liable; because payment is not made to him in the name of another, but on account of an obligation of his own which is of no force or effect. For the same reason, where anyone stipulates for Stichus or Pamphilus, and the obligation is only valid with reference to one of them, because the other belongs to the stipulator, and even if he should cease to belong to him, delivery cannot legally be made, because both the objects of the stipulation have reference to the obligation and not to payment.
Dig. 45,3,12Paulus libro decimo quaestionum. Nam cum uterque obligationis capax sit, non invenimus, quis adiectus sit, quia non est, qui petere possit.
Dig. 50,17,89Paulus libro decimo quaestionum. Quamdiu possit valere testamentum, tamdiu legitimus non admittitur.