De poenis paganorum liber singularis
Dig. 47,2,90Idem libro singulari de poenis paganorum. Si libertus patrono vel cliens, vel mercennarius ei qui eum conduxit, furtum fecerit, furti actio non nascitur.
The Same, On the Penalties of Civilians. If a freedman or a client commits a theft against his patron, or a day laborer steals from one who employs him, there will not be ground for an action of theft.
Dig. 47,16,2Paulus libro singulari de poenis paganorum. Eos, apud quos adfinis vel cognatus latro conservatus est, neque absolvendos neque severe admodum puniendos: non enim par est eorum delictum et eorum, qui nihil ad se pertinentes latrones recipiunt.
Paulus, On the Punishment of Civilians. Persons by whom a thief, who is either their connection by affinity or their blood relative, is concealed, should neither be discharged, nor severely punished, for their crime is not as serious as that of those who conceal robbers who are in no way connected with them.
Dig. 48,10,23Idem libro singulari de poenis paganorum. Quid sit falsum, quaeritur: et videtur id esse, si quis alienum chirographum imitetur aut libellum vel rationes intercidat vel describat, non qui alias in computatione vel in ratione mentitur.
The Same, On the Penalties of Civilians. The question is asked, what is a forgery? It is held to occur where anyone imitates the handwriting of another, or omits anything from a document, or an account, when he copies it; and not where a false result is given in a calculation, or an account.
Dig. 48,18,21Idem libro singulari de poenis paganorum. Quaestionis habendae causa neminem esse damnandum divus Hadrianus rescripsit.
The Same, On the Punishments of Civilians. The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript that no one should be condemned because he was liable to be subjected to torture.