Ad Plautium libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 10,3,16Idem libro sexto ad Plautium. Cum socii dividunt societatem, de eo, quod sub condicione deberetur, cautiones intervenire solent.
The Same, On Plautius, Book VI. Where joint-owners dissolve their ownership, it is customary for security to be furnished with reference to any indebtedness which may exist, which is dependent upon a condition.
Dig. 22,1,38Paulus libro sexto ad Plautium. Videamus generali, quando in actione quae est in personam etiam fructus veniant. 1Et quidem si fundus ob rem datus sit, veluti dotis causa, et renuntiata adfinitas, fructus quoque restituendi sunt, utique hi qui percepti sunt eo tempore quo sperabatur adfinitas, sed et posteriores, si in re mora fuit, ut ab illo, qui reddere debeat, omnimodo restituendi sunt. sed et si per mulierem stetit, quo minus nuptiae contrahantur, magis est, ut debeat fructus recipere: ratio autem haec est, quod, si sponsus non conveniebatur restituere fructus, licuerat ei neglegere fundum. 2Item si indebitum fundum solvi et repeto, fructus quoque repetere debeo. 3Idemque est, si mortis causa fundus sit donatus et revaluerit qui donavit atque ita condictio nascatur. 4In Fabiana quoque actione et Pauliana, per quam quae in fraudem creditorum alienata sunt revocantur, fructus quoque restituuntur: nam praetor id agit, ut perinde sint omnia, atque si nihil alienatum esset: quod non est iniquum (nam et verbum ‘restituas’, quod in hac re praetor dixit, plenam habet significationem), ut fructus quoque restituantur. 5Et ideo cum restitui praetor vult, veluti in interdicto unde vi, etiam fructus sunt restituendi. 6Item si vi metusve causa rem tradam, non aliter mihi restituisse videtur, quam si fructus mihi restituat: nec mora mea mihi aliquid aufert. 7Si actionem habeam ad id consequendum quod meum non fuit, veluti ex stipulatu, fructus non consequar, etiamsi mora facta sit: quod si acceptum est iudicium, tunc Sabinus et Cassius ex aequitate fructus quoque post acceptum iudicium praestandos putant, ut causa restituatur, quod puto recte dici. 8Ex causa etiam emptionis fructus restituendi sunt. 9Sed in societatibus fructus communicandi sunt. 10Si possessionem naturalem revocem, proprietas mea manet, videamus de fructibus. et quidem in deposito et commodato fructus quoque praestandi sunt, sicut diximus. 11In interdicto quoque quod vi aut clam magis est, ut omnis causa et fructus restituantur. 12Ante matrimonium quoque fructus percepti dotis fiunt et cum ea restituuntur. 13Eadem ratio est in fructibus praediorum urbanorum. 14Item si dividere fundum tecum velim, tu nolis et colam, an fructus dividi debeant post deductionem impensarum? et puto dividendos. 15In ceteris quoque bonae fidei iudiciis fructus omnimodo praestantur. 16Si dos praelegata fuerit, ante nuptias percepti fructus in causa legati veniunt.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book VI. Let us consider, in a general way, where the produce of property is included in a personal action. 1And, in fact, where a tract of land is transferred for some consideration or other, as, for instance, by way of dowry, or that a marriage may be renounced, the crops should also be given up, that is to say those which have been gathered during the time that the marriage contract lasted; but, so far as those which have been gathered afterwards are concerned, if there was any default with reference to the property on the part of him whose duty it was to surrender it, they should by all means be included. Even if it was the woman’s fault that the marriage was not solemnized, the better opinion is that the crops should be given up. The reason for this is that if the woman’s betrothed was not compelled to surrender the crops, he would have been able to neglect the land. 2Moreover, if I have paid money which was not due for land, and I bring suit to recover it, I ought also to recover the crops. 3The same rule applies where land is given mortis causa, and the party who gave it regains his health, and therefore a right to a personal action for its recovery arises. 4Ad Dig. 22,1,38,4ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 248: Der particeps fraudis debitoris haftet den Gläubigern auf den vollen Ersatz des ihnen Entzogenen, ohne Rücksicht darauf, ob er es noch besitzt.ROHGE, Bd. 13 (1874), Nr. 122, S. 381: Besitz als Voraussetzung der actio Pauliana?In both the Fabian and Paulian Actions, by means of which property which has been disposed of for the purpose of defrauding creditors, is recovered, the produce of said property must also be returned; for the Prætor uses his authority to place everything in the same condition as if nothing had been alienated; and this is not unjust, for the words, “you shall return,” which the Prætor makes use of in this matter, have a broad signification, so that the produce of the property must also be surrendered. 5And, therefore, when the Prætor agrees to the restitution, the produce must also be given up; as in proceedings under the interdict based upon the commission of violence. 6Moreover, if, induced by force or fear, I give up property, it is not held to be restored to me unless the produce of the same is also restored; nor can my default deprive me of any of my rights. 7If I am entitled to an action to recover something which is not mine, as, for example, on a stipulation; I cannot recover the produce, even if the other party is in default. But if issue has been joined, then Sabinus and Cassius hold that, according to the principles of equity, any profits which may have afterwards accrued must be delivered up, in order that the case may be placed in its original condition. I think that this opinion is very correctly stated. 8The profits of property must also be restored in the case of a purchaser. 9In a partnership, however, the profits must be divided among the partners. 10Where I revoke the natural possession of property it remains mine; but let us see whether this applies to the profits. And, in fact, in cases of deposit and loan for use, the profits must be given up, as we have already stated. 11Again, in proceedings under an interdict based on force and clandestine action, the better opinion is that all accessions and profits should be returned. 12Crops gathered from land before marriage become part of the dowry, and should be returned along with it. 13The same principle applies to the profit of urban estates. 14Moreover, if I wish to divide a tract of land with you and you refuse, and I cultivate the land, should the crops from it be divided after the expenses have been deducted? I think that they should be divided. 15The profits should always be delivered in other bona fide actions. 16Where a dowry is left by a husband to his wife, the profits of the same obtained before marriage are included in the legacy.
Dig. 23,2,39Paulus libro sexto ad Plautium. Sororis proneptem non possum ducere uxorem, quoniam parentis loco ei sum. 1Si quis ex his, quas moribus prohibemur uxores ducere, duxerit, incestum dicitur committere.
The Same, On Plautius, Book VI. I cannot marry the granddaughter of my sister, because I stand in the relation of a parent to her. 1If anyone should take as a wife a woman whom he is forbidden by good morals to marry, he is said to commit incest.
Dig. 23,3,56Idem libro sexto ad Plautium. Si is qui Stichum mulieri debet in dotem delegatus sit et antequam solveret debitor, Stichus decesserit, cum neque per debitorem stetisset quo minus solveret, neque maritus in agendo moram fecisset: periculo mulieris Stichus morietur: quamquam etiamsi moram maritus fecerit in exigendo, si tamen etiam apud maritum moriturus Stichus fuerit, actione dotis maritus non teneatur. 1Ibi dos esse debet, ubi onera matrimonii sunt. 2Post mortem patris statim onera matrimonii filium sequuntur, sicut liberi, sicut uxor. 3Quod dicitur necessarias impensas ipso iure dotem minuere, non eo pertinet, ut, si forte fundus in dote sit, desinat aliqua ex parte dotalis esse, sed, nisi impensa reddatur, aut pars fundi aut totus retineatur. sed si tantum in fundum dotalem impensum sit per partes, quanti fundus est, desinere eum dotalem esse Scaevola noster dicebat, nisi mulier sponte marito intra annum impensas obtulerit. si pecunia et fundus in dote sint et necessariae impensae in fundum factae, Nerva ait dotem pecuniariam minui. quid ergo si mulier impensas marito solverit, utrum crescet dos an ex integro data videbitur? cuius rei manifestior iniquitas in fundo est secundum Scaevolae nostri sententiam: nam si desinit dotalis esse, poterit alienari: rursus quemadmodum poterit fieri dotalis data pecunia? an iam pecunia in dote esse videbitur? et magis est, ut ager in causam dotis revertatur, sed interim alienatio fundi inhibeatur.
The Same, On Plautius, Book VI. A man, who owed the slave Stichus to a woman, was delegated by her to constitute her dowry, and, before the debtor made payment, Stichus died. As the debtor was not to blame in making payment, and the husband was not in default in taking action, the loss caused by the death of Stichus must be borne by the woman; although, even if her husband had been in default in making a demand for him, and if Stichus had died while in the hands of her husband, he would not be liable to an action on dowry. 1The dowry should be under the control of him who sustains the burdens of marriage. 2After the death of the father, the burdens of marriage immediately pass to the son, just as the children and the widow become subject to his authority. 3When it is said that the dowry is diminished by the necessary expenses under operation of law, this only applies where a tract of land given by way of dowry partially ceases to be dotal, but where the expenses are not refunded, a portion of the land, or all of it, may be retained. Where, however, expenses which amount to the value of the land are incurred at different times, Scævola says that it ceases to be dotal, unless the woman should voluntarily tender to her husband the amount of the expenses within a year. If both money and land are included in the dowry, and necessary expenses have been incurred on account of the land, Nerva says that the expenses should be deducted from the money forming part of the dowry. But what if the woman should pay the expenses to her husband, will the dowry be increased, or will it be held to have been given intact? Where the dowry consists of land, the injustice of this would seem to be greater, according to the opinion of Scævola; for if it ceases to be dotal the husband could alienate it. Again, how can money paid in this way become dotal, or will not the money already be considered as part of the dowry? The better opinion is that the land will revert to its former condition of dowry, and that its alienation in the meantime will be prohibited.
Dig. 24,3,56Idem libro sexto ad Plautium. Si quis sic stipuletur a marito: ‘si quo casu Titia tibi nupta esse desierit, dotem dabis?’ hac generali commemoratione et ab hostibus capta ea committetur stipulatio vel etiam si deportata fuerit vel ancilla effecta: hac enim conceptione omnes hi casus continentur. plane quantum veniat in stipulatione, utrum quasi mortua sit an quasi divortium fecerit? humanius quis id competere dixerit, quod propter mortem convenit.
The Same, On Plautius, Book VI. If anyone stipulates with a husband as follows: “If, for any reason, Titia ceases to be your wife, you must surrender her dowry”; by this general statement the stipulation becomes effective, whether the woman is taken captive by the enemy, or whether she is banished or reduced to slavery, for in such a clause all such accidents are included. If, however, the terms of the stipulation are strictly construed, will this apply where the woman dies, or is divorced? It is held to be more equitable that it should apply in case of death.
Dig. 38,10,5Paulus libro sexto ad Plautium. Si filium naturalem emancipavero et alium adoptavero, non esse eos fratres: si filio meo mortuo Titium adoptavero, videri eum defuncti fratrem fuisse Arrianus ait.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book VI. If I emancipate my natural son and adopt another, they will not be brothers. Arrianus says that if, after the death of my son, I adopt Titius, he will be considered the brother of the deceased.
Dig. 41,1,57Paulus libro sexto ex Plautio. Per servum donatum a marito nec ex re quidem eius, cui donatus est, adquiri quicquam posse Iulianus scribit: hoc enim in eorum persona concessum est, qui bona fide serviunt.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book VI. Julianus says that nothing can be acquired through a slave donated by a husband, not even by means of the property of the wife to whom the slave was given; for this is only conceded in the case of those who are serving in good faith as slaves.
Dig. 42,1,19Paulus libro sexto ad Plautium. Inter eos, quibus ex eadem causa debetur, occupantis melior condicio est nec deducitur, quod eiusdem condicionis hominibus debetur, sicuti fit in de peculio actione: nam et hic occupantis melior est causa. sed et si cum patre patronove agetur, non est deducendum aes alienum, maxime quod eiusdem condicionis personis debebitur, ut liberis libertis. 1Is quoque, qui ex causa donationis convenitur, in quantum facere potest condemnatur et quidem is solus deducto aere alieno: et inter eos, quibus ex simili causa pecunia debetur, occupantis potior erit causa. immo nec totum quod habet extorquendum ei puto: sed et ipsius ratio habenda est, ne egeat.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book VI. Where there are several persons to whom money is due for the same reason, the position of the most diligent is preferable; and no deduction is made of what is due to persons of equal rank, as is the case in an action De peculio; for, in this instance, the position of the one who first proceeds is the most advantageous. The indebtedness should not, however, be deducted where suit is brought against a father or a patron, especially where the debt is due to persons of the same condition, as to other children or other freedmen. 1He, also, against whom an action is brought on account of a donation, can only have judgment rendered against me for the amount which he is able to pay; and he, in fact, is the only one with reference to whom the indebtedness should be deducted. So far as those to whom money is due for the same reason is concerned, the position of the most diligent is preferable. And, indeed, I do not think that everything that he has should be extorted from him, but that care should be taken not to reduce him to poverty.
Dig. 42,1,21Paulus libro sexto ad Plautium. Sicut autem cum marito agitur, ita et cum socero, ut non ultra facultates damnetur. an si cum socero ex promissione dotis agatur, in id quod facere potest, damnandus sit? quod et id aequum esse videtur: sed alio iure utimur, ut et Neratius scribit.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book VI. Moreover, just as in the case of a husband, so also a father-in-law cannot have judgment rendered against him beyond his ability to pay. If, however, an action based on his promise of a dowry is brought against the father-in-law, can judgment be rendered against him to the extent of his means? This seems to be equitable, but it is not our practice, as Neratius states.
Dig. 42,1,23Paulus libro sexto ad Plautium. Si cum procuratore mariti de dote actum fuerit, si quidem vivo marito condemnatio fiet, in quantum facere potest fiet damnatio (nam et defensor mariti in id quod ille facere potest damnatur), mortuo vero marito in solidum.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book VI. If an action to recover a dowry is brought against an agent of the husband, and judgment is rendered during the lifetime of the latter, it can only be for the amount which he is able to pay, for the defender of the husband can only have judgment rendered against him for that amount; but if the husband should be dead, the judgment will include the entire dowry.
Dig. 44,4,8Paulus libro sexto ad Plautium. Dolo facit, qui petit quod redditurus est. 1Sic, si heres damnatus sit non petere a debitore, potest uti exceptione doli mali debitor et agere ex testamento.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book VI. He is guilty of fraud who demands something which he should return. 1If an heir has been charged not to collect anything from a debtor of the estate, the latter can avail himself of an exception on the ground of fraud, and can also bring suit under the terms of the will.
Dig. 45,1,88Idem libro sexto ad Plautium. Mora rei fideiussori quoque nocet. sed si fideiussor servum obtulit et reus moram fecit, mortuo Sticho fideiussori succurrendum est. sed si fideiussor hominem occiderit, reus liberatur, fideiussor autem ex stipulatione conveniri potest.
The Same, On Plautius, Book VI. The default of the principal debtor also injures the surety, but if the surety should offer a slave, and the principal debtor is in default, and the slave should die, relief must be granted the surety. If, however, the surety should kill the slave, the principal debtor will be released, but an action based on the stipulation can be brought against the surety.
Dig. 50,16,79Idem libro sexto ad Plautium. ‘Impensae necessariae’ sunt, quae si factae non sint, res aut peritura aut deterior futura sit. 1‘Utiles impensas’ esse Fulcinius ait, quae meliorem dotem faciant, non deteriorem esse non sinant, ex quibus reditus mulieri adquiratur: sicuti arbusti pastinationem ultra quam necesse fuerat, item doctrinam puerorum. quorum nomine onerari mulierem ignorantem vel invitam non oportet, ne cogatur fundo aut mancipiis carere. in his impensis et pistrinum et horreum insulae dotali adiectum plerumque dicemus. 2‘Voluptariae’ sunt, quae speciem dumtaxat ornant, non etiam fructum augent: ut sint viridia et aquae salientes, incrustationes, loricationes, picturae.
The Same, On Plautius, Book VI. Necessary expenses are those which must be incurred to prevent the destruction or deterioration of property. 1Fulcinius says that useful expenses are any that improve the condition of a dowry, and do not permit the deterioration of anything from which an income is obtained by the wife; as, for instance, by making a larger plantation of trees than was necessary. Likewise, a husband cannot provide for the instruction of slaves if, by so doing, the woman, being ignorant of the fact, or unwilling, may be put to expense, and be forced to lose either her land or her slaves. We generally include in expenses of this kind those incurred by a husband for the construction of a mill or a warehouse, to be added to the dotal property. 2Expenses incurred for pleasure are such as only adorn property, and do not increase its income; for example shrubbery, fountains, ornamented stucco-work, hangings, and paintings.
Dig. 50,17,173Idem libro sexto ad Plautium. In condemnatione personarum, quae in id quod facere possunt damnantur, non totum quod habent extorquendum est, sed et ipsarum ratio habenda est, ne egeant. 1Cum verbum ‘restituas’ lege invenitur, etsi non specialiter de fructibus additum est, tamen etiam fructus sunt restituendi. 2Unicuique sua mora nocet. quod et in duobus reis promittendi observatur. 3Dolo facit, qui petit quod redditurus est.
The Same, On Plautius, Book VI. When judgment is rendered against anyone to the extent of his means, everything which he had should not be extorted from him; but the rule of law should be observed which does not permit him to be reduced to poverty. 1When the expression, “You shall make restitution,” is found in a law, the profits must also be restored, even if this is not specially provided for. 2Everyone is prejudiced by his own delay in making payment, which rule is observed where two debtors are jointly liable. 3Ad Dig. 50,17,173,3ROHGE, Bd. 13 (1874), Nr. 51, S. 145: Rechtsverhältniß eines Gesellschafters als Gläubigers der Gesellschaft den andern Gesellschaftern gegenüber.He is guilty of fraud who demands something which he is obliged to return.