Ad Plautium libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 10,3,15Idem libro quinto ad Plautium. Si socius servi communis nomine conventus et condemnatus sit, aget communi dividundo et antequam praestet: nam et si noxali iudicio cum uno actum sit, statim aget cum socio, ut ei pars traderetur, cautionibus interpositis, ut, si non dederit, reddat.
The Same, On Plautius, Book V. Where a joint-owner is sued with reference to a slave held in common, and judgment is rendered against him, he can bring a suit for partition even before he complies with the judgment; for, if a noxal action is brought against one he can immediately bring suit against his co-heir for the delivery of his share to him, giving security at the same time that, if he does not deliver the slave, he will return the share.
Dig. 12,1,30Idem libro quinto ad Plautium. Qui pecuniam creditam accepturus spopondit creditori futuro, in potestate habet, ne accipiendo se ei obstringat.
The Same, On Plautius, Book V. Where a party who is about to receive a loan of money promises his future creditor that he will repay him, he has the power to escape liability by not accepting the money.
Dig. 12,5,9Idem libro quinto ad Plautium. Si vestimenta utenda tibi commodavero, deinde pretium, ut reciperem, dedissem, condictione me recte acturum responsum est: quamvis enim propter rem datum sit et causa secuta sit, tamen turpiter datum est. 1Si rem locatam tibi vel venditam a te vel mandatam ut redderes, pecuniam acceperis, habebo tecum ex locato vel vendito vel mandati actionem: quod si, ut id, quod ex testamento vel ex stipulatu debebas, redderes mihi, pecuniam tibi dederim, condictio dumtaxat pecuniae datae eo nomine erit. idque et Pomponius scribit.
Ad Dig. 12,5,9ROHGE, Bd. 8 (1873), S. 171: Widerrechtliche Einwirkung des einen Paciscenten auf die Willensbestimmung des Andern durch Bedrohungen.The Same, On Plautius, Book V. If I lend you clothes to be used by you, and afterwards I pay money for their return, it has been held that I can properly proceed by means of a personal action for recovery; because, although the money was paid for a certain purpose, and the purpose was accomplished, nevertheless, it was improperly paid. 1If you receive money from me as an incentive for you to return property which was rented to you, or sold to you, or placed in your custody, I will be entitled to an action against you based on lease, sale, or mandate; but if I paid you the money to induce you to deliver to me something which you owed by reason of a will or a stipulation, there will be merely a right to bring suit for recovery of the money paid you for this purpose; as was stated by Pomponius.
Dig. 13,7,37Paulus libro quinto ad Plautium. Si pignus mihi traditum locassem domino, per locationem retineo possessionem, quia antequam conduceret debitor, non fuerit eius possessio, cum et animus mihi retinendi sit et conducenti non sit animus possessionem apiscendi.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book V. If I rent to the owner a pledge which was delivered to me I will retain possession of the same by renting it, because before the debtor leased it he did not have possession, while I have the intention of retaining it, and the party who leases it has not the intention of acquiring the same.
Dig. 16,3,4Paulus libro quinto ad Plautium. Sed et si non sit heres, sed putavit se heredem et vendidit, simili modo lucrum ei extorquebitur.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book V. Even if the person is not the heir, but thinks that he is, and sells the property, the profit he has obtained must be wrested from him in the same way.
Dig. 17,1,45Paulus libro quinto ad Plautium. Si mandatu meo fundum emeris, utrum cum dederis pretium ageres mecum mandati, an et antequam des, ne necesse habeas res tuas vendere? et recte dicitur in hoc esse mandati actionem, ut suscipiam obligationem, quae adversus te venditori competit: nam et ego tecum agere possum, ut praestes mihi adversus venditorem empti actiones. 1Sed si mandatu meo iudicium suscepisti, manente iudicio sine iusta causa non debes mecum agere, ut transferatur iudicium in me: nondum enim perfecisti mandatum. 2Item si, dum negotia mea geris, alicui de creditoribus meis promiseris, et antequam solvas dicendum est te agere posse, ut obligationem suscipiam: aut si nolit creditor obligationem mutare, cavere tibi debeo defensurum te. 3Si iudicio te sisti promisero nec exhibuero, et antequam praestem, mandati agere possum, ut me liberes: vel si pro te reus promittendi factus sim. 4Sed si mandavero tibi, ut creditori meo solvas, tuque expromiseris et ex ea causa damnatus sis, humanius est et in hoc casu mandati actionem tibi competere. 5Quotiens autem ante solutam pecuniam mandati agi posse diximus, faciendi causa, non dandi tenebitur reus: et est aequum, sicut mandante aliquo actionem nacti cogimur eam praestare iudicio mandati, ita ex eadem causa obligatos habere mandati actionem, ut liberemur. 6Si fideiussor multiplicaverit summam, in quam fideiussit, sumptibus ex iusta ratione factis, totam eam praestabit is pro quo fideiussit. 7Quod mihi debebas a debitore tuo stipulatus sum periculo tuo: posse me agere tecum mandati in id, quod minus ab illo servare potero, Nerva Atilicinus aiunt, quamvis id mandatum ad tuam rem pertineat, et merito: tunc enim liberatur is qui debitorem delegat, si nomen eius creditor secutus est, non cum periculo debitoris ab eo stipulatur. 8Idem iuris est, si mandatu fideiussoris cum reo egissem, quia sequenti mandato liberaretur ex priore causa.
Ad Dig. 17,1,45ROHGE, Bd. 15 (1875), Nr. 73, S. 263: Verpflichtung des neg. gestor zur Herausgabe dessen, was er in Ausführung des Geschäfts erworben, an den dom. negot. Beweislast, wenn er es aus einem andern Grunde in Besitz genommen.Paulus, On Plautius, Book V. If you have purchased a tract of land by my direction, can you bring an action on mandate against me, after you have paid the purchase money, or before you do so, in order to avoid selling your own property? It is rightly held that an action on mandate will lie, in this instance, to compel me to assume the obligation by which you are bound to the vendor; for I myself could bring an action against you to force you to assign your rights of action against the vendor. 1If, by my direction, you have undertaken the defence of a case which is still in court, you cannot take legal measures to transfer the defence to me, without good reason, for you have not yet executed the mandate. 2Moreover, if, while you are transacting my business, you bind yourself to one of my creditors, it must be said that before you make payment, you will be entitled to an action against me to compel me to assume the obligation, and if the creditor refuses to change the obligation, I will be obliged to furnish security to defend you against him. 3If I give an undertaking that you will appear in court, and I do not produce you, or, if I have assumed your liability, I can bring an action on mandate to compel you to release me before I make payment. 4If I should direct you to pay my creditor, and you should bind yourself to do so, and, in consequence, have judgment rendered against you; the more humane opinion is that, in this instance, an action of mandate will lie in your favor against me. 5Wherever we have stated that an action on mandate can be brought before the money has been paid, the mandatary will not be liable for non-payment, but only for his act; and as it is just that, where we have obtained a right of action against a mandatary, we should be compelled to assign it to the mandator; so, on the same principle, we should be bound in an action of mandate to release him from liability. 6If the surety should, on account of reasonable expenses incurred, pay a larger sum than that for which he bound himself, he for whom he became surety must make good the entire amount. 7I entered into an agreement with your debtor for the payment of what you owe me, at your risk. Nerva and Atilicinus say that I can bring an action on mandate against you with reference to what I have not previously been able to collect from him, even though the mandate had reference to your affairs. This is reasonable, for then he who substituted the debtor is not released if his creditor follows the claim, and it is not stipulated by him that this is at the risk of the debtor. 8Ad Dig. 17,1,45,8ROHGE, Bd. 15 (1875), Nr. 7, S. 19: Verweisung des Gläubigers eines Solidarschuldners an den andern unter Sicherstellung des Gläubigers. Keine Einrede daraus für den andern Schuldner?The rule is the same if I should bring an action against the principal debtor by the direction of the surety, because, through executing the mandate, the surety would be released from his former liability.
Dig. 18,1,57Paulus libro quinto ad Plautium. Domum emi, cum eam et ego et venditor combustam ignoraremus. Nerva Sabinus Cassius nihil venisse, quamvis area maneat, pecuniamque solutam condici posse aiunt. sed si pars domus maneret, Neratius ait hac quaestione multum interesse, quanta pars domus incendio consumpta permaneat, ut, si quidem amplior domus pars exusta est, non compellatur emptor perficere emptionem, sed etiam quod forte solutum ab eo est repetet: sin vero vel dimidia pars vel minor quam dimidia exusta fuerit, tunc coartandus est emptor venditionem adimplere aestimatione viri boni arbitratu habita, ut, quod ex pretio propter incendium decrescere fuerit inventum, ab huius praestatione liberetur. 1Sin autem venditor quidem sciebat domum esse exustam, emptor autem ignorabat, nullam venditionem stare, si tota domus ante venditionem exusta sit: si vero quantacumque pars aedificii remaneat, et stare venditionem et venditorem emptori quod interest restituere. 2Simili quoque modo ex diverso tractari oportet, ubi emptor quidem sciebat, venditor autem ignorabat: et hic enim oportet et venditorem stare et omne pretium ab emptore venditori, si non depensum est, solvi vel si solutum sit, non repeti. 3Quod si uterque sciebat et emptor et venditor domum esse exustam totam vel ex parte, nihil actum fuisse dolo inter utramque partem compensando et iudicio, quod ex bona fide descendit, dolo ex utraque parte veniente stare non concedente.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book V. I purchased a house, both the vendor and myself being ignorant at the time when the sale was made that it had been burned. Nerva, Sabinus, and Cassius say that nothing was sold, even though the site remained, and that the money which had been paid could be recovered by suit. If, however, any part of the building was left, Neratius says that, in questions of this kind, it is important to ascertain how much of it escaped being consumed, and if the greater portion of the same was burned, the purchaser cannot be compelled to perfect the contract, and can even recover whatever he may have paid. If, however, half of the house, or even less than half, has been burned, the purchaser will be compelled to comply with the conditions of the sale, after an appraisement of the property had been made in accordance with the judgment of a good citizen; and whatever diminution of value was found to have been occasioned by the fire should be deducted from the amount to be paid by the purchaser. 1But if the vendor knew that the house had been burned, and the purchaser was ignorant of the fact, the sale will not stand, if the entire building was destroyed before the transaction took place. If, however, any part of the building remains, the sale will be valid, and the vendor must refund to the purchaser the amount of his interest in what was destroyed. 2In like manner, also, the question should be discussed from the opposite point of view, that is, where the purchaser was aware that the house had been burned, but the vendor was ignorant of it; and in this case the sale must stand, and the entire price be paid by the purchaser to the vendor, if this has not already been done, for if it has been paid it cannot be recovered. 3Where both purchaser and vendor knew that the house had been entirely, or partially destroyed by fire, the transaction is of no effect, on account of fraud being set off on both sides, and a contract which depends upon good faith cannot stand where both parties are guilty of deceit.
Dig. 19,4,2Idem libro quinto ad Plautium. Aristo ait, quoniam permutatio vicina esset emptioni, sanum quoque furtis noxisque solutum et non esse fugitivum servum praestandum, qui ex causa daretur.
Ad Dig. 19,4,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 392, Note 2.The Same, On Plautius, Book V. Aristo says that an exchange resembles a sale in a case where a guarantee must be given that a slave is sound, and free from liability to arrest for theft or damage committed, and that he is not a fugitive who must be surrendered on this account.
Dig. 20,4,13Paulus libro quinto ad Plautium. Insulam tibi vendidi et dixi prioris anni pensionem mihi, sequentium tibi accessuram pignorumque ab inquilino datorum ius utrumque secuturum. Nerva Proculus, nisi ad utramque pensionem pignora sufficerent, ius omnium pignorum primum ad me pertinere, quia nihil aperte dictum esset, an communiter ex omnibus pignoribus summa pro rata servetur: si quid superesset, ad te. Paulus: facti quaestio est, sed verisimile est id actum, ut primam quamque pensionem pignorum causa sequatur.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book V. I sold you a house, with the understanding that the rent of the first year should belong to me, and that of the ensuing years should belong to you, and that the right of each of us should be dependent upon the pledges given by the tenant. Nerva and Proculus hold that unless the pledges are sufficient to secure the rent due to both vendor and purchaser, the right to all the pledges first belongs to me, because nothing has been clearly stated as to whether or not the sums shall be divided pro rata with reference to all the pledges, and if there is any surplus remaining after the first year it will belong to you. Paulus says this is a question of fact, but it is probable that the intention of the parties was that the right in the pledges should follow the first rent that is due.
Dig. 24,3,55Idem libro quinto ad Plautium. Cum mulier de dotis repetitione post solutum matrimonium agit, cavere debet marito, qui aedium nomine damni infecti cavit, si velit eam recipere, ut periculum mariti amoveat.
The Same, On Plautius, Book III. When a woman brings an action for the recovery of her dowry, after her marriage has been dissolved, she must indemnify her husband where he has given security against the infliction of threatened injury, if she wishes to recover her dowry, so that she may secure her husband against any risk.
Dig. 27,4,6Paulus libro quinto ad Plautium. Si tutor pro pupillo se obligavit, habet contrariam actionem et antequam solvat.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book V. If a guardian should bind himself for his ward, he is entitled to the counter-action, even before he has paid the debt.
Dig. 40,8,1Paulus libro quinto ad Plautium. Si servus venditus est, ut intra certum tempus manumitteretur, etiamsi sine herede decessissent et venditor et emptor, servo libertas competit: et hoc divus Marcus rescripsit. sed et si mutaverit venditor voluntatem, nihilo minus libertas competit.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book V. Whenever a slave is sold on condition of being manumitted within a specified time, even if the vendor and the purchaser should both die without leaving any heirs, he will be entitled to his freedom. This the Divine Marcus stated in a Rescript. Even though the vendor should change his mind, the slave will, nevertheless, become free.
Dig. 41,3,13Idem libro quinto ad Plautium. Pignori rem acceptam usu non capimus, quia pro alieno possidemus. 1Eum, qui a furioso bona fide emit, usucapere posse responsum est. 2Si mandavero tibi, ut fundum emas, ex ea causa traditum tibi diutina possessione capis, quamvis possis videri non pro tuo possidere, cum nihil intersit, quod mandati iudicio tenearis.
The Same, On Plautius, Book V. We cannot acquire by usucaption property which has been taken in pledge, because we possess it in behalf of another. 1It has been decided that anyone who has purchased property in good faith from an insane person can acquire it by usucaption. 2Ad Dig. 41,3,13,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 176, Note 7.If I direct you to buy a tract of land, you can obtain it by usucaption, after it has been delivered to you for this reason, although you cannot be considered to possess it as yours, as the fact that you are liable to an action on mandate makes no difference.
Dig. 42,1,8Paulus libro quinto ad Plautium. Si homo ex stipulatu petitus post litem contestatam decesserit, absolutionem non faciendam et fructuum rationem habendam placet.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book V. If a slave who is claimed under the terms of a stipulation dies after issue has been joined in a case, the defendant will not be released from liability, and it has been decided that he must render an account of the profits.
Dig. 44,7,45Idem libro quinto ad Plautium. Is, qui ex stipulatu Stichum debeat, si eum ante moram manumiserit et is, priusquam super eo promissor conveniretur, decesserit, non tenetur: non enim per eum stetisse videtur, quo minus eum praestaret.
The Same, On Plautius, Book III. When a man, who owes Stichus under a stipulation, manumits him before being in default, and the slave dies before the promisor is sued for not delivering him, the latter will not be liable. For he is not considered to be to blame because he did not deliver the slave.
Dig. 46,3,61Idem libro quinto ad Plautium. In perpetuum quotiens id, quod tibi debeam, ad te pervenit et tibi nihil absit nec quod solutum est repeti possit, competit liberatio.
Ad Dig. 46,3,61ROHGE, Bd. 24 (1879), Nr. 20, S. 66: Begriff der Zahlung. Willensübereinstimmung.The Same, On Plautius, Book V. Whenever what I owe you becomes yours in perpetuity, and the title is perfect, and what has been paid cannot be recovered, the release will be complete.
Dig. 50,17,172Idem libro quinto ad Plautium. In contrahenda venditione ambiguum pactum contra venditorem interpretandum est. 1Ambigua autem intentio ita accipienda est, ut res salva actori sit.
The Same, On Plautius, Book V. In a contract of sale, any sentence of doubtful signification is interpreted against the vendor. 1A claim which is ambiguous should be construed in such a way as to be favorable to the plaintiff.