Ad Plautium libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 2,14,24Idem libro tertio ad Plautium. Sed si fideiussor in rem suam spopondit, hoc casu fideiussor pro reo accipiendus est et pactum cum eo factum cum reo factum esse videtur.
The Same, On Plautius, Book III. Where a surety has bound himself in a matter in which he was interested, in this instance he is to be considered as a principal debtor; and where an agreement is made with him, it is held to have been made with the principal debtor.
Dig. 2,14,32Paulus libro tertio ad Plautium. Quod dictum est, si cum reo pactum sit, ut non petatur, fideiussori quoque competere exceptionem: propter rei personam placuit, ne mandati iudicio conveniatur. igitur si mandati actio nulla sit, forte si donandi animo fideiusserit, dicendum est non prodesse exceptionem fideiussori.
Ad Dig. 2,14,32Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 477, Note 20.Paulus, On Plautius, Book V. Where it is stated that, when an agreement is made with the principal debtor that suit shall not be brought against him, the surety is also entitled to an exception; and this was established for the benefit of the debtor, to prevent an action of mandate being brought against him. Therefore, if no action of mandate will lie, for instance, because the party became a surety with the intention of donating the debt, it must be held that the surety is not entitled to an exception.
Dig. 5,1,22Paulus libro tertio ad Plautium. Qui non cogitur in aliquo loco iudicium pati, si ipse ibi agat, cogitur excipere actiones et ad eundem iudicem mitti.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book III. Where a party is not compelled to defend an action in a certain place; if he himself brings suit there, he can be compelled to defend suits also, and to appear before the same judge.
Dig. 10,3,14Paulus libro tertio ad Plautium. In hoc iudicium hoc venit, quod communi nomine actum est aut agi debuit ab eo, qui scit se socium habere. 1Impendia autem, quae dum proprium meum fundum existimo feci, quae scilicet, si vindicaretur fundi pars, per exceptionem doli retinere possem, an etiam, si communi dividundo iudicio mecum agetur, aequitate ipsius iudicii retinere possim, considerandum est. quod quidem magis puto, quia bonae fidei iudicium est communi dividundo: sed hoc ita, si mecum agatur. ceterum si alienavero partem meam, non erit unde retinere possim. sed is, qui a me emerit, an retinere possit, videndum est: nam et si vindicaretur ab eo pars, impendiorum nomine, quae ego fecissem, ita ut ego poterat retentionem facere: et verius est, ut et in hac specie expensae retineantur. quae cum ita sint, rectissime dicitur etiam impendiorum nomine utile iudicium dari debere mihi in socium etiam manente rei communione. diversum est enim, cum quasi in rem meam impendoaaDie Großausgabe liest inpendo statt impendo., quae sit aliena aut communis: hoc enim casu, ubi quasi in rem meam impendo, tantum retentionem habeo, quia neminem mihi obligare volui. at cum puto rem Titii esse, quae sit Maevii, aut esse mihi communem cum alio quam est, id ago, ut alium mihi obligem, et sicut negotiorum gestorum actio datur adversus eum cuius negotia curavi, cum putarem alterius ea esse, ita et in proposito. igitur et si abalienavero praedium, quia in ea causa fuit, ut mihi actio dari deberet, danda mihi erit, ut Iulianus quoque scribit, negotiorum gestorum actio. 2Si conveniat, ne omnino divisio fiat, huiusmodi pactum nullas vires habere manifestissimum est. sin autem intra certum tempus, quod etiam ipsius rei qualitati prodest, valet. 3Si inter socios convenisset, ne intra certum tempus societas divideretur, quin vendere liceat ei, qui tali conventione tenetur, non est dubium: quare emptor quoque communi dividundo agendo eadem exceptione summovebitur, qua auctor eius summoveretur. 4Si paciscatur socius, ne partem suam petat, effectu tollitur societas.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book III. This action includes whatever has been done, or ought to have been done for the common benefit by a party who knew that he had a fellow-owner. 1Any expenses, however, which I incurred while I believed that the land was my own, and which, if suit is brought for the recovery of a part of the land I can, of course, retain by pleading the exception on the ground of fraud; it should be considered whether I can retain them on account of the justice of the action itself, if suit in partition should be brought against me. I think the better opinion is that I can do so, because the action for the partition of common property is a bona fide one, but this is only the case where suit is brought against me; still, if I should dispose of my share, nothing will remain from which I can retain the expenses. Let us consider if a purchaser from me can retain them, for if an action is brought to recover a share from him, can he retain the amount on the ground of the expense which I incurred, just as I myself could do? The better opinion is that, in this instance, the expenses can be retained, and since this is the case, it is most justly held that I should be granted an equitable action against my co-owner on account of said expenses, even though the joint ownership still continues to exist. The rule is different, however, where I spend money upon my own property, as it were, which really belongs to another, or is held in common; for, in this instance, I have only the right of retention because I do not wish to bind anyone to myself; where I think property belongs to Titius which in fact belongs to Mævius, or that it is owned by me in common with another party who in reality is not my co-owner, I do this to bind another party to me; and as an action on the ground of business transacted is granted me against someone whose affairs I have attended to thinking that they were those of another, so also in the instance under consideration. Therefore, if I were to sell the land to another, for the reason that the case was such that I should be entitled to an action, one on the ground of business transacted should be granted me (as Julianus also says). 2If it should be agreed that no partition whatever shall be made, it is perfectly evident that an agreement of this kind would have no force; but if it was agreed that none should be made within a certain time, and this enures to the benefit of the property itself, such an agreement will be valid. 3Where it is agreed between joint-owners that the community of ownership shall not be divided within a certain time, there is no doubt that a party who is bound by an agreement of this kind is at liberty to sell; and therefore a purchaser from anyone who brings an action for the division of common property will be barred by the same exception by which the vendor himself would have been barred. 4If a joint-owner makes an agreement not to bring suit for his share, the joint ownership is, to all intents and purposes, terminated.
Dig. 12,6,43Paulus libro tertio ad Plautium. Si quis iurasset se dare non oportere, ab omni contentione discedetur atque ita solutam pecuniam repeti posse dicendum est.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book III. Where a party swears that he is not obliged to pay, all controversy is terminated, and it must be stated that, in this instance, money which has been paid can be recovered.
Dig. 44,1,7Idem libro tertio ad Plautium. Exceptiones, quae personae cuiusque cohaerent, non transeunt ad alios, veluti ea quam socius habet exceptionem ‘quod facere possit’, vel parens patronusve, non competit fideiussori: sic mariti fideiussor post solutum matrimonium datus in solidum dotis nomine condemnatur. 1Rei autem cohaerentes exceptiones etiam fideiussoribus competunt, ut rei iudicatae, doli mali, iurisiurandi, quod metus causa factum est. igitur et si reus pactus sit in rem, omnimodo competit exceptio fideiussori. intercessionis quoque exceptio, item quod libertatis onerandae causa petitur, etiam fideiussori competit. idem dicitur et si pro filio familias contra senatus consultum quis fideiusserit, aut pro minore viginti quinque annis circumscripto: quod si deceptus sit in re, tunc nec ipse ante habet auxilium, quam restitutus fuerit, nec fideiussori danda est exceptio.
The Same, On Plautius, Book III. Exceptions to which certain persons are entitled do not pass to others; as, for instance, where a partner, a father, or a patron, can plead an exception to have judgment rendered against him only for the amount which he is able to pay; this privilege is not granted to a surety. Hence the surety of a husband, who was given after the marriage has been dissolved, will have judgment rendered against him for the entire amount of the dowry. 1Ad Dig. 44,1,7,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 120, Note 2.Exceptions which have reference to property can, however, also be pleaded by sureties; for example those based on res judicata, fraud, and where an oath has been exacted, if this was done under duress. Therefore, if the principal debtor entered into an agreement concerning the property, his surety will, by all means, be entitled to an exception. An exception based upon the appearance of a surety, on the ground that the claim will prejudice the right of freedom, can also be employed by him. The same must be said where anyone has become surety for a son under paternal control in violation of the Decree of the Senate, or for a minor of twenty-five years of age, who has been defrauded. If, however, he has been deceived with reference to the property, he will not be entitled to relief before he obtains restitution, and an exception should not be granted the surety.
Dig. 46,8,14Idem libro tertio ad Plautium. Si quis uni ex reis promiserit rem ratam dominum habiturum aut amplius eam non peti, dicendum est stipulationem committi, si ab eo petatur, qui eiusdem obligationis socius est.
The Same, On Plautius, Book III. If anyone should promise one of the joint-debtors that the principal will ratify the payment, and that it will not again be demanded, it must be said that the stipulation will take effect if the money is demanded by a party to the same obligation.
Dig. 50,16,78Paulus libro tertio ad Plautium. Interdum proprietatem quoque verbum ‘possessionis’ significat: sicut in eo, qui possessiones suas legasset, responsum est.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book III. The term “possession” sometimes means property, as has been held in the case of one who bequeathed his possession.
Dig. 50,17,170Idem libro tertio ad Plautium. Factum a iudice, quod ad officium eius non pertinet, ratum non est.
The Same, On Plautius, Book III. Any act of a magistrate which has no reference to his judicial duties is void.