Ad Plautium libri
Ex libro XVI
Dig. 5,1,78Paulus libro sexto decimo ad Plautium. quippe iudicare munus publicum est.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book XVI. Since judging is a public employment.
Dig. 26,4,11Paulus libro sexto decimo ad Plautium. Minus autem audiens potest.
No translation given.
Dig. 26,5,19Paulus libro sexto decimo ad Plautium. Ubi absunt hi, qui tutores dare possunt, decuriones iubentur dare tutores, dummodo maior pars conveniat: ubi non est dubium, quin unum ex se dare possint. 1Magistratus municipalis collegam suum quin dare tutorem possit, non est dubium.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book XVI. Where those authorities who have a right to appoint guardians are absent, the Decurions are ordered to appoint them, provided the majority agree. There is no doubt that they can appoint one of their own number. 1There is no question that one of two municipal magistrates can appoint his colleague a guardian.
Dig. 35,1,45Idem libro sexto decimo ad Plautium. Iulianus ait, si heredi legatarius, cui sub condicione legatum erat ‘si heredi decem dederit’ id, quod ei deberet heres, accepto tulisset, non quidem videri condicioni paruisse, quasi dederit: sed quasi per heredem stet, quo minus pareat, posse petere legatum, quasi exstiterit condicio.
The Same, On Plautius, Book XVI. Julianus says that where a legacy has been left to a person under the condition that he pays his heir ten aurei and the heir gives him a receipt for what he owes him, he is not considered as having complied with the condition, as he would if he had actually made payment; but, as it was the heir’s fault that the condition was not complied with, the legacy can be claimed just as if this had been done.
Dig. 40,1,14Paulus libro sexto decimo ad Plautium. Apud eum, cui par imperium est, manumittere non possumus: sed praetor apud consulem manumittere potest. 1Imperator cum servum manumittit, non vindictam imponit, sed cum voluit, fit liber is qui manumittitur ex lege Augusti.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book XVI. We cannot manumit a slave in the presence of one whose authority is equal to ours. A Prætor, however, can manumit a slave in the presence of a Consul. 1When the Emperor manumits a slave he does not touch him with a wand, but the slave who is manumitted becomes free by the mere expression of the Imperial will, in accordance with the law of Augustus.
Dig. 40,2,18Idem libro sexto decimo ad Plautium. Apud filium familias magistratum manumitti potest, etiamsi ipse filius familias manumittere non potest. 1Apud collegam suum praetor manumittere non potest. 2Filius quoque voluntate patris apud patrem manumittere poterit.
The Same, On Plautius, Book XVI. A slave can be manumitted before a son under paternal control, who is acting as a magistrate, although he himself, being subject to paternal authority, has, as a private individual, no right to manumit a slave. 1A Prætor cannot manumit a slave in the presence of his colleague. 2A son can also manumit a slave in the presence of his father, with the consent of the latter.
Dig. 40,4,39Idem libro sexto decimo ad Plautium. ‘Stichus servus meus, si eum heres alienaverit, liber esto’: inutiliter libertas datur, quia in id tempus confertur, quo alienus futurus sit. nec contrarium est, quod statuliber, etiamsi venierit, ex testamento libertatem consequitur: quippe utiliter libertas data facto heredis non peremitur. aut quid in legato eo modo dato dicemus? diversum enim nulla ratione dicetur: nam inter libertatem et legatum, quantum ad hanc causam, nihil distat. igitur nec sic recte dabitur libertas ‘si heredis mei esse desierit, liber esto’, quia nullum casum utilem habet.
The Same, On Plautius, Book XVI. “Let my slave, Stichus, be free, if my heir should alienate him.” This grant of freedom is void, because it has reference to the time when the slave will belong to another. Nor can the objection that a slave, who is to be free under a certain condition, will obtain his freedom by virtue of the will, even if he should be sold, be raised; for where freedom is legally granted, it cannot be annulled by the act of the heir. But what if a legacy is bequeathed in this manner? There is no reason to hold a different opinion under such circumstances, for no difference exists between a grant of freedom and a legacy, so far as this question is concerned. Therefore, freedom is not directly granted by the following clause, “Let my slave be free, if he ceases to belong to my heir,” because there is no instance where a concession of this kind will be available.
Dig. 40,7,20Paulus libro sexto decimo ad Plautium. Si peculium servo legatum sit, qui iussus est alii dare decem et sic liber esse, et heres eum prohibuerit dare, deinde manumissus peculium petat ex causa legati, an per doli exceptionem eam summam, quam daturus esset, deducere heres possit, ut ipsi prosit, non manumisso, quod ea pecunia data non est? an vero indignus sit heres, qui contra voluntatem defuncti fecit, eam pecuniam lucrari? et cum servo nihil absit et libertas ei competit, invidiosum est heredem fraudari. 1De illo quaeritur, si invito herede det aut nesciente, an faciat nummos accipientis. et Iulianus vere existimat ex hac causa concessam videri statuliberis alienationem nummorum etiam invito herede et ideo facere eos accipientis pecuniam. 2Quod si heredi dare iussus est decem et eam summam heres debeat servo: si velit servus eam pecuniam compensare, erit liber. 3Is, cui servus pecuniam dare iussus est ut liber esset, decessit. Sabinus, si decem habuisset parata, liberum fore, quia non staret per eum, quo minus daret. Iulianus autem ait favore libertatis constituto iure hunc ad libertatem perventurum, etiamsi postea habere coeperit decem. adeo autem constituto potius iure quam ex testamento ad libertatem pervenit, ut, si eidem et legatum sit, mortuo eo cui dare iussus est ad libertatem quidem perveniet, non autem et legatum habiturus est: idque et Iulianus putat, ut in hoc ceteris legatariis similis sit. diversa causa est eius, quem heres prohibet condicioni parere: hic enim ex testamento ad libertatem pervenit. 4Heredi autem iussum dare etiam heredis heredi dare posse divus Hadrianus rescripsit: et si hoc sensit testator, etiam in legatario idem dicendum est. 5Quaedam condiciones natura sui nec possunt eodem tempore impleri, sed necessariam habent temporis divisionem, velut cum decem operarum iussus est dare, quia operae per singulos dies dantur. igitur et si singulos aureos det statuliber, potest dici eum implesse condicionem. alia causa est operarum, quia hae necessario singulae edendae sunt. sed et si heres accipere noluerit, non statim liber erit, sed cum tempus transierit, per quod operarum quantitas consummatur. idem dicendum est, si iussum Capuam ire et liberum esse heres prohibeat ire: tunc enim erit liber, cum pervenire Capuam potuisset: inesse enim videtur tempus tam operarum praestationi quam itineri. 6Si ita quis acceperit libertatem ‘Stichus, si heres eum non manumiserit, liber esto’, poterit ab herede manumitti: non contra voluntatem testatoris adimitur ei libertus. sed non tam continuum tempus exigendum est, ut praecipitari cogatur heres vel ex peregrinatione celerius reverti ad manumittendum vel administrationem rerum necessariarum intermittere, nec rursus tam longum, ut, quamdiu vivat, protrahatur manumissio, sed modicum, quo primum possit sine magno incommodo suo heres manumittere. quod si tempus adiectum fuerit, illud spectabitur.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book XVI. When his peculium is bequeathed to a slave who was ordered to pay ten aurei to a stranger, and become free, but the heir prevents him from paying it, and the slave, having afterwards been manumitted, demands his peculium by virtue of the legacy, can the heir, by means of an exception on the ground of bad faith, deduct from his peculium the sum which the slave should have paid in order that he, and not the manumitted slave, may be benefited, because the money was not paid; or will the heir be considered unworthy to profit by the money, having acted contrary to the will of the deceased? As the slave lost nothing, and gained his freedom, it would be invidious for the heir to be fraudulently deprived of the money. 1In this case the question arises, if the slave should pay the money without the knowledge or consent of the heir, whether it would belong to the person who received it. Julianus very properly thinks that, in this instance, the right of the slave to pay the money is admitted even against the consent of the heir; and therefore it will become the property of him who receives it. 2Ad Dig. 40,7,20,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 288, Note 12; Bd. II, § 289, Note 26.If a slave is ordered to pay ten aurei to the heir, and the latter owes that sum to the slave, if the slave wishes to set off the amount, he will become free. 3A man to whom a slave was ordered to pay a certain sum of money in order to become free, died. Sabinus holds that if he had the ten aurei ready for payment, he would become free, because it was not his fault that they were not paid. Julianus, however, says that on account of the favor with which liberty is regarded, and by the law, as established, the slave will obtain his freedom even if the money was paid after his death, hence he obtains his freedom rather under the law than by virtue of the will; so that if a legacy was bequeathed to him at the time of the death of the person to whom he was directed to pay the money, he will obtain his freedom, but he will not be entitled to the legacy. Julianus is of the same opinion, so that, in this instance, he resembles other legatees. The case of a slave whom the heir prevents from complying with the condition is, however, different; for, in this instance, he obtains his freedom under the will. 4The Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript that a slave who is ordered to pay a sum of money to the heir can pay it to the heir of the latter; and, if this was the intention of the testator, the same rule must be held to apply to a legatee. 5There are certain conditions which, by their nature, cannot be complied with simultaneously, but require a division of time; as, for example, where a slave is ordered to give the value of ten aurei in labor, because labor is reckoned by days. Therefore, if a slave who is to be free conditionally pays the aurei, one by one, he can be said to have complied with the condition. The case of labor is, however, different because it can necessarily only be performed a part of the time. But if the heir refuses to accept it, the slave will not become free immediately, but after the time required for the labor to be performed has elapsed. The same rule will apply where the slave is ordered to go to Capua and be free, and the heir forbids him to go; for then he will be free when the time necessary for him to go to Capua has expired, for time is considered essential in the performance of labor, as well as in making a journey. 6If a slave should receive his freedom as follows, “Let Stichus be free if my heir should not manumit him,” he can be manumitted by the heir, and he is not deprived of his liberty contrary to the will of the testator. But so short a time is not required that the heir will be compelled to hasten or to return from his journey immediately in order to manumit the slave, or to desist from the transaction of necessary business for that purpose. Nor, on the other hand, can the manumission be protracted for his lifetime, but the heir should emancipate the slave as soon as he can do so without great inconvenience to himself. If a time for the manumission has been prescribed, it must be taken into consideration.
Dig. 40,9,18Idem libro sexto decimo ad Plautium. Si mortis tempore solvendo sit hereditas, si tamen cum aditur desierit esse solvendo, libertas a testatore in fraudem creditorum relicta non competet: nam sicut aucta hereditas prodest libertatibus, ita nocet deminuta. 1Si is, cui libertas relicta est, iussus sit heredi dare tantum, quanti est, et liber esse, videamus, an adhuc fraus sit creditorum, quia heres mortis causa accepturus est, an vero, si alius pro eo vel ipse non de peculio det, nulla sit fraus. sed si heres locuples non proficit ad libertatem, nec qui dat pecuniam prodesse potest.
The Same, On Plautius, Book XVI. If the estate of the testator was solvent at the time of his death, but ceased to be so when it was accepted, any grant of freedom by the testator which defrauds the creditors is void. For, as the increase of an estate is of benefit to liberty, so also its diminution injures it. 1Where a slave to whom freedom is bequeathed is ordered to pay to the heir a sum of money equal to his value and become free, let us see whether any fraud is committed against the creditor, because the heir obtains the amount mortis causa; or, indeed, where a stranger pays the amount for the slave; or the slave himself pays it out of other property than his peculium; is any fraud perpetrated? But, as the fact that the heir is wealthy is of no advantage to the bequest of freedom, so neither should the person who pays the money be able to profit by it.
Dig. 44,7,48Idem libro sexto decimo ad Plautium. In quibuscumque negotiis sermone opus non est sufficiente consensu, iis etiam surdus intervenire potest, quia potest intellegere et consentire, veluti in locationibus conductionibus, emptionibus et ceteris.
The Same, On Plautius, Book XVI. In any transactions in which speech is not necessary, consent will be sufficient; and in matters of this kind a deaf person can take part, for the reason that he can understand and give his consent, as in hiring, leases, purchases, and other similar contracts.
Dig. 50,17,1Paulus libro sexto decimo ad Plautium. Regula est, quae rem quae est breviter enarrat. non ex regula ius sumatur, sed ex iure quod est regula fiat. per regulam igitur brevis rerum narratio traditur, et, ut ait Sabinus, quasi causae coniectio est, quae simul cum in aliquo vitiata est, perdit officium suum.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book XVI. A rule is a statement, in a few words, of the course to be followed in the matter under discussion. The law, however, is not derived from the rule, but the rule is established by the law. Hence, a short decision of the point in question is made by the rule; or, as Sabinus says, a concise explanation of the case is given, which, however, in other instances to which it is not applicable loses its force.
Dig. 50,17,179Idem libro sexto decimo ad Plautium. In obscura voluntate manumittentis favendum est libertati.
The Same, On Plautius, Book XVI. When the intention of a person granting manumission is obscure, a decision should be rendered in favor of freedom.