Ad Plautium libri
Ex libro XV
Dig. 7,4,20Paulus libro quinto decimo ad Plautium. Is qui usum fructum habet si tantum utatur, quia existimet se usum tantum habere, an usum fructum retineat? et si quidem sciens se usum fructum habere tantum uti velit, nihilo minus et frui videtur: si vero ignoret, puto eum amittere fructum: non enim ex eo quod habet utitur, sed ex eo quod putavit se habere.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book XV. Will a person who has an usufruct retain it if he only makes use of it because he thinks that he is solely entitled to the use of the same? I am of the opinion that if he knows that he is entitled to the usufruct, and he only exercises the use, he must, nevertheless, be considered to enjoy the usufruct; but if he does not know this, he will lose the usufruct as his use is based not on what he has, but on what he thinks he has.
Dig. 8,1,8Paulus libro quinto decimo ad Plautium. Ut pomum decerpere liceat et ut spatiari et ut cenare in alieno possimus, servitus imponi non potest. 1Si praedium tuum mihi serviat, sive ego partis praedii tui dominus esse coepero sive tu mei, per partes servitus retinetur, licet ab initio per partes adquiri non poterat.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book XV. Ad Dig. 8,1,8 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 209, Note 5.A servitude cannot be imposed permitting us to pick apples, or to walk about, or to eat our dinner, on the land of another. 1If I have a servitude in your land, or if I become the owner of part of said land, and you become the owner of part of mine, the servitude will be retained in both parts of the same; although in the beginning, it could not have been acquired with reference to only a part.
Dig. 8,3,6Paulus libro quinto decimo ad Plautium. veluti si figlinas haberet, in quibus ea vasa fierent, quibus fructus eius fundi exportarentur (sicut in quibusdam fit, ut amphoris vinum evehatur aut ut dolia fiant), vel tegulae vel ad villam aedificandam. sed si, ut vasa venirent, figlinae exercerentur, usus fructus erit. 1Item longe recedit ab usu fructu ius calcis coquendae et lapidis eximendi et harenae fodiendae aedificandi eius gratia quod in fundo est, item silvae caeduae, ut pedamenta in vineas non desint. quid ergo si praediorum meliorem causam haec faciant? non est dubitandum, quin servitutis sit: et hoc et Maecianus probat in tantum, ut et talem servitutem constitui posse putet, ut tugurium mihi habere liceret in tuo, scilicet si habeam pascui servitutem aut pecoris appellendi, ut si hiemps ingruerit, habeam quo me recipiam.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book XV. For example, when a man had a pottery, where vessels were made by means of which the produce of the land was taken away; just as in certain places it is usual for wine to be transported in jars, or vats to be constructed, or tiles to be made to be used in the construction of a house. If, however, the pottery was employed for the manufacture and sale of vessels, an usufruct would exist. 1Moreover, the right of burning lime, quarrying stone, and digging sand, for the purpose of building something on the land differs very greatly from an usufruct; and so does the right to cut stakes for vines so that supports may not be lacking. But what would be the case if these things improved the condition of the property? It cannot be doubted that they are of the nature of servitudes, and this Marcianus approves to such an extent that he thinks that a servitude can be created permitting me to build a hut on your land; provided, of course, that I possess a servitude of pasturage, or of driving cattle to water; so that I may have a place in which to take refuge when the weather is bad.
Dig. 8,3,35Paulus libro quinto decimo ad Plautium. et Atilicinus ait Caesarem Statilio Tauro rescripsisse in haec verba: ‘Hi, qui ex fundo Sutrino aquam ducere soliti sunt, adierunt me proposueruntque aquam, qua per aliquot annos usi sunt ex fonte, qui est in fundo Sutrino, ducere non potuisse, quod fons exaruisset, et postea ex eo fonte aquam fluere coepisse: petieruntque a me, ut quod ius non neglegentia aut culpa sua amiserant, sed quia ducere non poterant, his restitueretur. quorum mihi postulatio cum non iniqua visa sit, succurrendum his putavi. itaque quod ius habuerunt tunc, cum primum ea aqua pervenire ad eos non potuit, id eis restitui placet.’
Paulus, On Plautius, Book XV. And Atilicinus says that the Emperor made the following statement in a Rescript to Statillus Taurus: “Those who were accustomed to obtain water from the Sutrine Estate appeared before me, and said that they were unable to conduct the water from the spring on the Sutrine Estate which they had used for several years, because the spring had dried up; and that afterwards the water began to flow from said spring, and they petitioned me that, as they had lost their right through no negligence of their own, but because they could not obtain the water, it might be restored to them. As their request did not seem to be unjust, I though that relief should be granted. It is therefore decreed that the right which they had on the first day when they could not succeed in obtaining water shall be restored to them.”
Dig. 8,6,8Idem libro quinto decimo ad Plautium. Si stillicidii immittendi ius habeam in aream tuam et permisero ius tibi in ea area aedificandi, stillicidii immittendi ius amitto. et similiter si per tuum fundum via mihi debeatur et permisero tibi in eo loco, per quem via mihi debetur, aliquid facere, amitto ius viae. 1Is qui per partem itineris it totum ius usurpare videtur.
The Same, On Plautius, Book XV. Ad Dig. 8,6,8 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 215, Note 11.If I have the right to allow the water from my roof to fall on your land, and I permit you to build there, I lose my right to allow the water to fall. In like manner, if I have a right of way over your land, and I permit you to build anything on the place over which I have the right of way, I lose it. 1A person who transfers a portion of a roadway to which he has a right, is considered to be using the whole of it.
Dig. 8,6,10Paulus libro quinto decimo ad Plautium. Si communem fundum ego et pupillus haberemus, licet uterque non uteretur, tamen propter pupillum et ego viam retineo. 1Si is, qui nocturnam aquam habet, interdiu per constitutum ad amissionem tempus usus fuerit, amisit nocturnam servitutem, qua usus non est. idem est in eo, qui certis horis aquae ductum habens aliis usus fuerit nec ulla parte earum horarum.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book XV. Where I and my ward hold land in common, even though we both do not make use of a right of way attached to the same, I retain the right of way on account of the benefit to the ward. 1Where a party has a right to make use of water at night, but only uses it during the day for the period established by law for the loss of a servitude, he loses the right to make use of it at night, because he failed to exercise his privilege. The same rule applies to a party who has a right to use an aqueduct during certain hours, and makes use of it at others, and not during any part of the hours which are mentioned.
Dig. 39,3,17Paulus libro quinto decimo ad Plautium. Si prius nocturnae aquae servitus mihi cessa fuerit, deinde postea alia cessione diurnae quoque ductus aquae concessus mihi fuerit et per constitutum tempus nocturna dumtaxat aqua usus fuerim, amitto servitutem aquae diurnae, quia hoc casu plures sunt servitutes diversarum causarum. 1Recto placuit non alias per lapidem aquam duci posse, nisi hoc in servitute constituenda comprehensum sit: non enim consuetudinis est, ut qui aquam habeat per lapidem stratum ducat: illa autem, quae fere in consuetudine esse solent, ut per fistulas aqua ducatur, etiamsi nihil sit comprehensum in servitute constituenda, fieri possunt, ita tamen, ut nullum damnum domino fundi ex his detur. 2Via publica intercedente haustus servitutem constitui posse placuit et est verum: sed non solum si via publica interveniat, sed et si flumen publicum, eodem casu, quo interveniente flumine publico viae itineris actus servitus imponi potest, id est si non sit impedimento transeunti magnitudo fluminis. 3Sic et si non proximo meo praedio servitutem vicinus debeat, sed ulteriori, agere potero ius esse mihi ire agere ad illum fundum superiorem, quamvis servitutem ipse per fundum meum non habeam, sicut interveniente via publica vel flumine quod vado transiri potest. sed loco sacro vel religioso vel sancto interveniente, quo fas non sit uti, nulla eorum servitus imponi poterit. 4Sed si fundus medius alterius inter me et te intercedit, haustus servitutem fundo tuo imponere potero, si mihi medius dominus iter ad transeundum cesserit, quemadmodum, si ex flumine publico perenni haustu velim uti, cui flumini ager tuus proximus sit, iter mihi ad flumen cedi potest.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book XV. If the servitude to draw water at night should be granted me, and afterwards, by another transfer, I should also obtain the privilege of drawing water by day, and, during the time prescribed by law, I should only make use of my privilege at night, I will lose the servitude to draw water during the day, for the reason that in this instance there are two servitudes derived from different causes. 1It has been very properly decided that water cannot be conducted by means of stone aqueducts, unless this was included in the grant of the servitude, for it is not customary for a person who has water to conduct it through a channel made of stone. However, what is customary in cases of this kind can be done, as, for instance, water can be conducted through pipes, even if nothing on this point was stated in the grant of the servitude, provided always that no damage is caused to the owner of the land by doing so. 2It has been decided that the servitude of drawing water can be granted where there is a public highway between two tracts of land; and this is true. This is not only the case where there is a public highway between the two tracts, but also where they are divided by a public stream, in case the servitude of driving or of passage can be established, notwithstanding that the public stream divides the two tracts of land, that is to say, where the width of the stream does not prevent it from being crossed. 3The rule is the same where my neighbor owes a servitude to my land, which does not join his but joins another belonging to me, as I can bring an action against him, and maintain my right to pass through his premises to my land beyond, although I may not have a servitude attaching to my intermediate tract; just as where a public road, or river which can be crossed by fording, lies between two separate tracts of land. None of these servitudes, however, can be imposed where the intervening tract is sacred, religious, or holy, and cannot be used. 4If there is an intermediate tract of land which belongs to a third party between your premises and mine, I can impose the servitude for drawing water upon your land if the owner of the intermediate tract grants me the right of way through his premises; just as when I wish to obtain the perpetual right to take water from a public stream which forms the boundary of your land you can grant me a right of way to the stream.
Dig. 41,3,15Idem libro quinto decimo ad Plautium. Si is, qui pro emptore possidebat, ante usucapionem ab hostibus captus sit, videndum est, an heredi eius procedat usucapio: nam interrumpitur usucapio, et si ipsi reverso non prodest, quemadmodum heredi eius proderit? sed verum est eum in sua vita desisse possidere, ideoque nec postliminium ei prodest, ut videatur usucepisse. quod si servus eius, qui in hostium potestate est, emerit, in pendenti esse usucapionem Iulianus ait: nam si dominus reversus fuerit, intellegi usucaptum: si ibi decesserit, dubitari, an per legem Corneliam ad successores eius pertineat. Marcellus posse plenius fictionem legis accipi, quemadmodum enim postliminio reversus plus iuris habere potest in his, quae servi egerunt, quam his, quae per se vel per servum possidebat, cum ad hostes pervenit. nam hereditatem in quibusdam vice personae fungi receptum est. ideoque in successoribus locum non habere usucapionem. 1Si servus, quem possidebam, fugerit, si pro libero se gerat, videbitur a domino possideri: sed hoc tunc intellegendum est, cum, si adprehensus fuerit, non sit paratus pro sua libertate litigare: nam si paratus sit litigare, non videbitur a domino possideri, cui se adversarium praeparavit. 2Si quis bona fide possidens ante usucapionem amissa possessione cognoverit esse rem alienam et iterum nanciscatur possessionem, non capiet usu, quia initium secundae possessionis vitiosum est. 3Si ex testamento vel ex stipulatu res debita nobis tradatur, eius temporis existimationem nostram intuendam, quo traditur, quia concessum est stipulari rem etiam quae promissoris non sit.
The Same, On Plautius, Book XV. If a person who possessed the property as a purchaser is taken prisoner by the enemy before usucaption has taken place, let us see whether his heir will obtain any benefit from the usucaption, for it is interrupted; and if it is of no advantage to him on his return, how can it profit his heir? It is, however, true that he has ceased to possess the property, and therefore the right of postliminium will not benefit him to the extent that he may be considered to have acquired it by usucaption. If the slave of a person who was in the power of the enemy should purchase property, Julianus says that the usucaption of the same will remain in abeyance; for if the owner returns, the usucaption is understood to have taken place. If, however, the owner should die while in the hands of the enemy, it may be doubted whether the property will belong to his successors under the Cornelian Law. Marcellus thinks that the legal fiction is capable of a broader application, for one who has returned under the law of postliminium, has a better right to things which have been acquired by his slaves than to those which he himself acquired, or which he possessed by means of his slaves before he was captured by the enemy; as it has been decided, in some instances, that the estate takes the place of the person, and therefore that the right of usucaption is transmitted to the heirs of prisoners of war. 1If a slave of whom I am in possession should take to flight, and represent himself to be free, he will be considered as still in the possession of his master. This, however, must be understood to apply where, if he is caught, he is not prepared to maintain in court that he is free; for, if he is ready to do so, he will not be considered to be possessed by his master, against whom he is about to appear as an adversary. 2If a possessor of property in good faith should ascertain that it belongs to another, after having lost possession of it before the time necessary for usucaption has elapsed, and he should obtain possession of it a second time, he cannot acquire it by usucaption, because the beginning of the second possession is defective. 3If property to which we are entitled is delivered to us in accordance with the terms of a will, or under a stipulation, we must take into account the time when it was delivered, because property can be made the subject of a stipulation, even if it does not belong to the promisor.
Dig. 42,2,4Idem libro quinto decimo ad Plautium. Si is, cum quo lege Aquilia agitur, confessus est servum occidisse, licet non occiderit, si tamen occisus sit homo, ex confesso tenetur.
The Same, On Plautius, Book XV. If he against whom proceedings have been instituted under the Aquilian Law confesses that he has killed a slave, even though he may not have done so, and the slave is found to have been killed, he will be liable on account of his confession.
Dig. 50,17,178Idem libro quinto decimo ad Plautium. Cum principalis causa non consistat, plerumque ne ea quidem, quae sequuntur, locum habent.
The Same, On Plautius, Book XV. When the principal thing is no longer in existence, its accessories, generally speaking, also cease to exist.