Ad Plautium libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 2,11,10Paulus libro primo ad Plautium. Si eum iudicio sisti promisero, qui iam tempore liberatus esse dicebatur, quia iam actione forte non tenebatur: actio in me danda est, ut vel exhibeam eum vel defendam, ut veritas inquiratur. 1Homo sisti promissus ante diem dolo promissoris periit: certo iure utimur non ante poenam peti posse, quam dies venerit: tota enim stipulatio in diem collata videtur. 2Qui iniuriarum acturus est, stipulatus erat ante litem contestatam ut adversarius suus iudicio sistat: commissa stipulatione mortuus est. non competere heredi eius ex stipulatu actionem placuit, quia tales stipulationes propter rem ipsam darentur, iniuriarum autem actio heredi non competit. quamvis enim haec stipulatio iudicio sistendi causa facta ad heredem transeat, tamen in hac causa danda non est: nam et defunctus si vellet omissa iniuriarum actione ex stipulatu agere, non permitteretur ei. idem dicendum esse et si is, cum quo iniuriarum agere volebam, stipulatione tali commissa decesserit: nam non competit mihi adversus heredem eius ex stipulatu actio, et hoc Iulianus scribit. secundum quod et si fideiussores dati erant, minime dabitur in eos actio mortuo reo. idem Pomponius, si non post longum tempus decesserit: quia si ad iudicium venisset, litem cum eo contestari actor potuisset.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book I. If I promise that a party shall appear in court who already is alleged to have become free by lapse of time, for example, because he was no longer liable to be sued; an action will lie against me either to produce or defend him, that the truth may be ascertained. 1Ad Dig. 2,11,10,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 285, Note 2.Where a promise has been made that a man will appear, and he loses his life through the treachery of the surety before the day fixed for his appearance; we can certainly make use of the rule: “That an action can not be brought for a penalty before the time arrives, for the reason that the entire stipulation is held to refer to a certain day”. 2A man who was about to bring an action for injury stipulated before issue was joined, that if his adversary should appear in court, and when the time for the fulfillment of the promise had elapsed, he died; it is held that no right of action exists against the heir by reason of the stipulation; for the reason that stipulations of this kind are only entered into on account of the principal action; and although, as a rule, the stipulation entered into to appear in court passes to the heir, still, in this instance, it is not the case; for if the deceased had desired to bring suit on the stipulation after having abandoned that of injury, he would not have been permitted to do so. The same rule will apply if the party against whom I desire to bring an action for injury had died after the time stated in the stipulation, for I have no right to bring an action on the stipulation against the heir; and this was the opinion of Julianus. Hence, where sureties have been given, no action whatever will lie against them after the principal is dead. Pomponius holds the same opinion where the party did not die a great while afterwards, for the reason that, if he had appeared in court, his adversary would have been able to join issue with him.
Dig. 3,3,61Idem libro primo ad Plautium. Plautius ait: procuratorem damnatum non debere conveniri, nisi aut in rem suam datus esset aut optulisset se, cum sciret cautum non esse, omnibus placuit. idem erit observandum et si defensoris loco cum satisdatione se liti optulerit.
The Same, On Plautius, Book I. Plautius says that it is the opinion of everyone that an agent who has had judgment rendered against him cannot himself be sued; unless he was appointed in a matter in which he was interested, or offered himself for the place when he knew no bond had been furnished. The same rule must be observed where he himself offered to undertake the defence in the case, and give security.
Dig. 23,3,55Paulus libro primo ad Plautium. Cum dotis causa aliquid expromittitur, fideiussor eo nomine datus tenetur.
Paulus, On Plautius, Book I. Where liability is incurred by reason of a dowry, a surety given on this account will be liable.
Dig. 26,8,18Idem libro primo ad Plautium. Potest pupillus tutore auctore debitorem suum Titio delegare: sed cum tutor debet pupillo, dicendum est neque delegari eum neque procuratorem adversus tutorem dari ipso tutore auctore posse, quia futurum sit, ut auctoritate sua liberetur.
The Same, On Plautius, Book I. A ward, with the consent of his guardian, can transfer his debtor to Titius. Where, however, a guardian is indebted to his ward, it must be said that he cannot be transferred, nor can an agent be appointed to act against the guardian, with the authority of the latter; otherwise, the guardian would be released from liability by his own act.
Dig. 29,2,72Paulus libro primo ad Plautium. Si quis heres ita scriptus fuerit, ut intra certum tempus adeat hereditatem et, si non ita adierit, alius ei substituatur, prior autem heres antequam adiret decesserit: nemo dubitat, quin substitutus ultimum diem aditionis exspectare non solet.
Ad Dig. 29,2,72Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 557, Note 7; Bd. III, § 598, Note 3.Paulus, On Plautius, Book I. If an heir should be appointed as follows: “Let him enter upon the estate within a certain time, and if he should not do so, let another be substituted for him”, and the first heir dies before entering upon the estate, no one can doubt that the substitute will not be obliged to wait until the last day fixed for acceptance.
Dig. 45,3,30Idem libro primo ad Plautium. Servus alienus alii nominatim stipulando non adquirit domino.
The Same, On Plautius, Book I. The slave of another, by expressly stipulating for a third party, does not acquire for his master.
Dig. 50,17,168Idem libro primo ad Plautium. Rapienda occasio est, quae praebet benignius responsum. 1Quod factum est cum in obscuro sit, ex affectione cuiusque capit interpretationem.
The Same, On Plautius, Book I. That course should be pursued which affords the prospect of the most equitable settlement. 1Any question which is doubtful ought to be interpreted according to the intention of the parties in interest.