De officio proconsulis libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 48,2,14Paulus libro secundo de officio proconsulis. Senatus censuit, ne quis ob idem crimen pluribus legibus reus fieret.
Paulus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book II. The Senate decreed that no one can be accused of the same crime under several laws.
Dig. 48,8,5Paulus libro secundo de officio proconsulis. Hi quoque, qui thlibias faciunt, ex constitutione divi Hadriani ad Ninnium Hastam in eadem causa sunt, qua hi qui castrant.
Paulus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book II. Those also who render persons impotent are, by a Constitution of the Divine Hadrian addressed to Ninius Hasta, placed in the same class with those who perform castration.
Dig. 48,18,11Paulus libro secundo de officio proconsulis. Etiamsi redhibitus fuerit servus, in caput emptoris non torquebitur.
Paulus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book II. Even if a slave should be returned under a condition of the sale, he shall not be tortured to obtain evidence against his master.