Notae ad Scaevolae Responsorum libros
Ex libro IV
Dig. 40,9,26Scaevola libro quarto responsorum. Pignori obligatum servum debitoris heres manumisit: quaesitum est, an liber esset. respondit secundum ea quae proponerentur, si pecunia etiam nunc deberetur, non esse manumissione liberum factum. Paulus: soluta ergo pecunia ex illa voluntate liber fit.
Scævola, Opinions, Book IV. The heir of a debtor manumitted a slave who had been given in pledge. The question arose whether he became free. The answer was that, according to the facts stated, if the debt was still unpaid, he would become free by the manumission. Paulus: Therefore, if the money was paid, he would be free.