Notae ad Papiniani Responsorum libros
Ex libro VI
Dig. 28,4,4Papinianus libro sexto responsorum. Pluribus tabulis eodem exemplo scriptis unius testamenti voluntatem eodem tempore dominus sollemniter complevit. si quasdam tabulas in publico depositas abstulit atque delevit, quae iure gesta sunt, praesertim cum ex ceteris tabulis quas non abstulit res gesta declaretur, non constituentur irrita. Paulus notat: sed si, ut intestatus moreretur, incidit tabulas et hoc adprobaverint hi qui ab intestato venire desiderant, scriptis avocabitur hereditas.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book VII. A testator solemnly indicated his wishes in a will, several copies of which were made at the same time; and he afterwards removed and erased some of these which had been deposited in a public place. Whatever provisions were legally made by said will, and which could be established by the other copies of the same which the testator did not remove, were not held to have been annulled. Paulus states that if the testator defaced the will in order that he might die intestate, and if those who desired to inherit ab intestato were able to prove this, the heirs mentioned in the will would be deprived of the property.