Notae ad Papiniani Quaestionum libros
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 38,2,42Idem libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Filius, qui patri heres exstitit, fratrem exheredatum adrogavit atque ita herede eo relicto defunctus est: bonorum possessionem libertum patris naturalis exheredatus non habebit: nam cui non exheredato talis adoptio noceret, nocere debet exheredato, quoniam poena, quae legibus aut edicto inrogaretur, adoptionis remedio non obliteraretur. Paulus notat: ei, qui alio iure venit quam eo, quod amisit, non nocet id quod perdidit, sed prodest quod habet: sic dictum est patrono eodemque patronae filio non obesse, quod quasi patronus deliquit, si ut patronae filius venire possit. 1Papinianus. Castrensium bonorum Titium libertus fecit heredem, ceterorum alium: adita est a Titio hereditas: magis nobis placebat nondum patronum possessionem contra tabulas petere posse. verum illa quaestio intervenit, an omittente eo qui reliqua bona accepit perinde Titio adcrescant, ac si partes eiusdem hereditatis accepissent. verius mihi videtur intestati iure deferri bona cetera. Titius igitur heres non poterit invitare manumissorem, cum Titio nihil auferatur, nec bonis ceteris, quae nondum ad causam testamenti pertinent. 2Cum filius liberti impubes, qui subiectus dicitur, ex prima parte bonorum possessionem accipiat, an patronus defuncti possessionem accipere possit, quaesitum est. et sine dubio qui sequentis gradus sunt, non admittuntur interim: cum enim praecedit alia possessio, qui sequitur accipere non potest. plane si contra eum qui subiectus dicitur fuerit iudicatum, data non intellegitur. sed et in patrono pendente controversia idem erit dicendum. plane quod ad patroni quoque personam pertinet, differri controversia debebit. 3Si falsum liberti testamentum ab aliis in provincia dictum atque ita res per appellationem extracta esset, defuncta medio tempore patroni filia, quam libertus heredem instituerat, filio mulieris servavit divus Marcus eam partem bonorum, quam filia patroni vel iure intestati, si vixisset, habere potuit.
The Same, Questions, Book XIII. A son, who was his father’s heir, arrogated his disinherited brother and died, leaving the latter his heir. In this case the disinherited son will not have the right to demand possession of the estate of the freedman of his natural father. For although an adoption of this kind does not affect the rights of a son who is not disinherited, it will prejudice those of one that is; as the penalty imposed both by the Civil Law and the Prætorian Edict is not rendered inoperative by the act of adoption. Paulus says that anyone who obtains an estate by a different title than the one which he lost is not prejudiced by the latter, but is benefited by the one which he has acquired. Hence it has been settled by the Edict, that a patron, who is at the same time the son of a patroness, will not be excluded from, obtaining prætorian possession of the estate of a freedman, where he has committed some offence as patron. 1Papinianus: A freedman appointed Titius heir to his castrensian property, and another heir to his other property. Titius entered upon the estate. The better opinion seemed to us to be that the patron could not yet demand prætorian possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will. However, the following question arose, namely, if the person to whom the remainder of the estate had been left should refuse to accept it, would it accrue to Titius, just as if they had accepted two different shares of the same estate? It seems to me more equitable that the remainder of the estate should be considered to be without legal heirs. Therefore, Titius could not require the patron to contribute, as the former had lost nothing, nor had anything been taken from the remaining assets which had not yet been disposed of by the will. 2Where the minor son of a freedman, who is under the age of puberty and is alleged to be supposititious, obtains prætorian possession of the estate of his father, under the First Section of the Edict, the question arises whether the patron also can obtain prætorian possession. There is no doubt that those who are in the second degree cannot, under the Edict, be admitted to the succession, so long as there are others entitled to it under the First Section; for, as long as another possession has precedence, those that follow cannot be permitted to take place. There is no doubt that if a decision should be rendered against the child who is alleged to be supposititious, it is understood that possession will not be granted him; and the same rule will apply with reference to the patron, while the controversy is pending. It is clear that examination of the controversy should be deferred until the age of puberty, so far as the patron also is concerned. 3Where the will of a freedman is alleged to be forged by persons living in a province, and an appeal has been taken from the judgment, and, in the meantime, the daughter of the patron, whom the freedman appointed his heir, dies, the Divine Marcus decided that the share of the estate to which the daughter of the patron would have been entitled if she had lived should be preserved for her son.