Notae ad Papiniani Quaestionum libros
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,21,1Papinianus libro primo quaestionum. Quaecumque specialiter lege vel senatus consulto vel constitutione principum tribuuntur, mandata iurisdictione non transferuntur: quae vero iure magistratus competunt, mandari possunt. et ideo videntur errare magistratus, qui cum publici iudicii habeant exercitionem lege vel senatus consulto delegatam, veluti legis Iuliae de adulteriis et si quae sunt aliae similes, iurisdictionem suam mandant. huius rei fortissimum argumentum, quod lege Iulia de vi nominatim cavetur, ut is, cui optigerit exercitio, possit eam si proficiscatur mandare: non aliter itaque mandare poterit, quam si abesse coeperit, cum alias iurisdictio etiam a praesente mandetur. et si a familia dominus occisus esse dicetur, cognitionem praetor, quam ex senatus consulto habet, mandare non poterit. 1Qui mandatam iurisdictionem suscepit, proprium nihil habet, sed eius, qui mandavit, iurisdictione utitur. verius est enim more maiorum iurisdictionem quidem transferri, sed merum imperium quod lege datur non posse transire: quare nemo dicit animadversionem legatum proconsulis habere mandata iurisdictione. Paulus notat: et imperium, quod iurisdictioni cohaeret, mandata iurisdictione transire verius est.
Papinianus, Questions, Book I. Whatever authority is specially conferred either by a law, a decree of the Senate, or an Imperial Constitution, is not transferred when delegated, but any powers acquired by the right of magistracy can be delegated. Therefore, those magistrates are in error who, having authority conferred upon them by law or by a decree of the Senate, (such for instance as the Lex Julia de Adulteriis, and others of the same kind) to preside in a criminal trial, delegate their jurisdiction. A very strong argument in favor of this is, that in the Lex Julia de Vi it is expressly provided: “That he to whom the jurisdiction belongs can delegate it if he departs.” He can not delegate it unless he is absent, although any other jurisdiction can be delegated by one who is present. Where a master is said to have been killed by his slaves, the Prætor cannot delegate the right to try them, which was conferred upon him by a decree of the Senate. 1He to whom jurisdiction has been delegated possesses none peculiar to himself, but must only exercise that of the magistrate who conferred it upon him; for while it is true that by the custom of our ancestors jurisdiction can be transferred, the authority conferred by law cannot be transferred. For this reason no one says that the Deputy of a Proconsul has the right of imposing penalties when jurisdiction has been delegated to him. Paulus states that the authority attaching to jurisdiction is also delegated with it.