Notae ad Papiniani Quaestionum libros
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,21,1Papinianus libro primo quaestionum. Quaecumque specialiter lege vel senatus consulto vel constitutione principum tribuuntur, mandata iurisdictione non transferuntur: quae vero iure magistratus competunt, mandari possunt. et ideo videntur errare magistratus, qui cum publici iudicii habeant exercitionem lege vel senatus consulto delegatam, veluti legis Iuliae de adulteriis et si quae sunt aliae similes, iurisdictionem suam mandant. huius rei fortissimum argumentum, quod lege Iulia de vi nominatim cavetur, ut is, cui optigerit exercitio, possit eam si proficiscatur mandare: non aliter itaque mandare poterit, quam si abesse coeperit, cum alias iurisdictio etiam a praesente mandetur. et si a familia dominus occisus esse dicetur, cognitionem praetor, quam ex senatus consulto habet, mandare non poterit. 1Qui mandatam iurisdictionem suscepit, proprium nihil habet, sed eius, qui mandavit, iurisdictione utitur. verius est enim more maiorum iurisdictionem quidem transferri, sed merum imperium quod lege datur non posse transire: quare nemo dicit animadversionem legatum proconsulis habere mandata iurisdictione. Paulus notat: et imperium, quod iurisdictioni cohaeret, mandata iurisdictione transire verius est.
Papinianus, Questions, Book I. Whatever authority is specially conferred either by a law, a decree of the Senate, or an Imperial Constitution, is not transferred when delegated, but any powers acquired by the right of magistracy can be delegated. Therefore, those magistrates are in error who, having authority conferred upon them by law or by a decree of the Senate, (such for instance as the Lex Julia de Adulteriis, and others of the same kind) to preside in a criminal trial, delegate their jurisdiction. A very strong argument in favor of this is, that in the Lex Julia de Vi it is expressly provided: “That he to whom the jurisdiction belongs can delegate it if he departs.” He can not delegate it unless he is absent, although any other jurisdiction can be delegated by one who is present. Where a master is said to have been killed by his slaves, the Prætor cannot delegate the right to try them, which was conferred upon him by a decree of the Senate. 1He to whom jurisdiction has been delegated possesses none peculiar to himself, but must only exercise that of the magistrate who conferred it upon him; for while it is true that by the custom of our ancestors jurisdiction can be transferred, the authority conferred by law cannot be transferred. For this reason no one says that the Deputy of a Proconsul has the right of imposing penalties when jurisdiction has been delegated to him. Paulus states that the authority attaching to jurisdiction is also delegated with it.
Ex libro II
Dig. 22,1,1Papinianus libro secundo quaestionum. Cum iudicio bonae fidei disceptatur, arbitrio iudicis usurarum modus ex more regionis ubi contractum est constituitur, ita tamen, ut legi non offendat. 1Socius si ideo condemnandus erit, quod pecuniam communem invaserit vel in suos usus converterit, omnimodo etiam mora non interveniente praestabuntur usurae. 2Nec tamen iudex iudicii bonae fidei recte iubebit interponi cautiones, ut, si tardius sententiae condemnatus paruerit, futuri temporis pendantur usurae, cum in potestate sit actoris iudicatum exigere. Paulus notat: quid enim pertinet ad officium iudicis post condemnationem futuri temporis tractatus? 3Papinianus. Circa tutelae restitutionem pro favore pupillorum latior interpretatio facta est: nemo enim ambigit hodie, sive iudex accipiatur, in diem sententiae, sive sine iudice tutela restituatur, in eum diem quo restituit usuras praestari. plane si tutelae iudicio nolentem experiri tutor ultro convenerit et pecuniam optulerit eamque obsignatam deposuerit, ex eo tempore non praestabit usuras.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. Where a judgment is rendered in good faith, the rate of interest is determined by the decision of the court, according to the custom of the place where the contract was made, provided the amount does not exceed that fixed by law. 1If a partner should have judgment rendered against him on account of his having misappropriated the funds of the partnership, and converted them to his own use, he must, by all means, pay interest on the same, even if he was not in default. 2However, a judge who is to preside in a bona fide action cannot properly order security to be given by the defendant that, if he loses the case, he will pay interest until the judgment is satisfied, since it is in the power of the plaintiff to cause execution to be issued. Paulus states in a note that it is not part of the duty of the judge to concern himself with what takes place after a decision has been rendered. 3Papinianus says a broader interpretation should be given with reference to restitution made by a guardian in favor of his ward. For no one now doubts that when a guardian renders his account he must pay interest up to the time that he makes restitution, whether the judge receives it up to the day that the decision was rendered, or whether this is done out of court. It is clear that where the ward declines to institute proceedings in an action on guardianship, and the guardian voluntarily enters into an agreement with him, tenders him the money, and deposits it in a sealed bag, he will not be liable for interest from that time.
Ex libro IV
Dig. 45,1,116Idem libro quarto quaestionum. Decem stipulatus a Titio postea, quanto minus ab eo consequi posses, si a Maevio stipularis, sine dubio Maevius universi periculum potest subire. sed et si decem petieris a Titio, Maevius non erit solutus, nisi iudicatum Titius fecerit. Paulus notat: non enim sunt duo rei Maevius et Titius eiusdem obligationis, sed Maevius sub condicione debet, si a Titio exigi non poterit: igitur nec Titio convento Maevius liberatur (qui an debiturus sit, incertum est) et solvente Titio non liberatur Maevius (qui nec tenebatur), cum condicio stipulationis deficit, nec Maevius pendente stipulationis condicione recte potest conveniri: a Maevio enim ante Titium excussum non recte petetur.
Ad Dig. 45,1,116ROHGE, Bd. 13 (1874), Nr. 62, S. 174: Schadlosbürgschaft. Einwand der Vorausklage.The Same, Questions, Book IV. If, after having stipulated for ten aurei from Titius, you stipulate with Mævius for all that you cannot obtain from Titius, there is no doubt that Mævius can be compelled to assume responsibility for the payment of the entire amount. If, however, you bring an action against Titius for the ten aurei, Mævius will not be released from liability until Titius has paid the judgment. Paulus says that Mævius and Titius are not liable under the same obligation, but that Mævius is liable on condition that you cannot collect the amount from Titius. Therefore, after Titius has been sued, Mævius will not be discharged from liability, because it is uncertain whether he will owe the money or not; and if Titius should pay, Mævius will not be released, as he was not liable; for the condition upon which the stipulation was dependent has failed; and Mævius cannot properly be sued, while the condition of the stipulation is still pending, for nothing legally can be demanded of him until Titius has been exhausted.
Ex libro V
Dig. 46,5,8Papinianus libro quinto quaestionum. Paulus notat: Qui sub condicione institutus est, adgnita bonorum possessione cogitur substituto in diem cavere longiorem: praetor enim beneficium suum nemini vult esse captiosum et potest videri calumniose satis petere, quem alius antecedit. 1Cum sub contrariis condicionibus Titio et Maevio legatum sit, utrique cavetur, quia uterque ex voluntate defuncti sperat legatum.
Papinianus, Questions, Book V. Paulus says that when anyone is appointed under a condition, and is recognized as capable of holding possession of the estate, he will be compelled to give security to the substitute, but for a more remote date. For the Prætor does not wish the benefit which he confers to become a source of deceit, and a man can seem to demand security for the purpose of annoyance, when another precedes him. 1When a legacy has been bequeathed to Mævius and to Titius, under opposite conditions, security is furnished to both of them, because both expect a legacy under the will of the deceased.
Ex libro X
Dig. 6,2,16Papiniani libro decimo quaestionum Paulus notat: Exceptio iusti dominii Publicianae obicienda est.
Papinianus, Questions, Book X. Paulus states in a note that an exception on the ground of legal ownership may be pleaded in bar of the Publician Action.
Dig. 18,1,72Papinianus libro decimo quaestionum. Pacta conventa, quae postea facta detrahunt aliquid emptioni, contineri contractui videntur: quae vero adiciunt, credimus non inesse. quod locum habet in his, quae adminicula sunt emptionis, veluti ne cautio duplae praestetur aut ut cum fideiussore cautio duplae praestetur. sed quo casu agente emptore non valet pactum, idem vires habebit iure exceptionis agente venditore. an idem dici possit aucto postea vel deminuto pretio, non immerito quaesitum est, quoniam emptionis substantia constitit ex pretio. Paulus notat: si omnibus integris manentibus de augendo vel deminuendo pretio rursum convenit, recessum a priore contractu et nova emptio intercessisse videtur. 1Papinianus: Lege venditionis illa facta ‘si quid sacri aut religiosi aut publici est, eius nihil venit’, si res non in usu publico, sed in patrimonio fisci erit, venditio eius valebit, nec venditori proderit exceptio, quae non habuit locum.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XII. Where, after the contract is made, the parties deduct something from the property purchased, this is considered to be included in the original contract, but where they make additions, we do not think that these form part of the contract. This takes place where something is added which supports the purchase; for instance where a bond for double the amount is furnished, or where a bond is furnished together with a surety. But in case the purchaser brings an action where the agreement is not valid, and the vendor also brings one, he will also have the right to avail himself of an exception. The question has very reasonably been asked whether the same rule applies where the price has been subsequently increased, or diminished; since the substance of the purchase consists of the price. Paulus states in a note that where everything remains in its original condition, and an agreement is afterwards made with reference to the increase or diminution of the price, the parties are held to have withdrawn from their former contract, and a new purchase to have been made. 1Papinianus says that where a sale is made in the following terms, namely: “This sale shall be void if it has reference to anything sacred, religious, or public,” and the property is not in public use, but belongs to the Treasury, its sale will be valid, and the vendor cannot avail himself of an exception because it will not be operative.
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 38,2,42Idem libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Filius, qui patri heres exstitit, fratrem exheredatum adrogavit atque ita herede eo relicto defunctus est: bonorum possessionem libertum patris naturalis exheredatus non habebit: nam cui non exheredato talis adoptio noceret, nocere debet exheredato, quoniam poena, quae legibus aut edicto inrogaretur, adoptionis remedio non obliteraretur. Paulus notat: ei, qui alio iure venit quam eo, quod amisit, non nocet id quod perdidit, sed prodest quod habet: sic dictum est patrono eodemque patronae filio non obesse, quod quasi patronus deliquit, si ut patronae filius venire possit. 1Papinianus. Castrensium bonorum Titium libertus fecit heredem, ceterorum alium: adita est a Titio hereditas: magis nobis placebat nondum patronum possessionem contra tabulas petere posse. verum illa quaestio intervenit, an omittente eo qui reliqua bona accepit perinde Titio adcrescant, ac si partes eiusdem hereditatis accepissent. verius mihi videtur intestati iure deferri bona cetera. Titius igitur heres non poterit invitare manumissorem, cum Titio nihil auferatur, nec bonis ceteris, quae nondum ad causam testamenti pertinent. 2Cum filius liberti impubes, qui subiectus dicitur, ex prima parte bonorum possessionem accipiat, an patronus defuncti possessionem accipere possit, quaesitum est. et sine dubio qui sequentis gradus sunt, non admittuntur interim: cum enim praecedit alia possessio, qui sequitur accipere non potest. plane si contra eum qui subiectus dicitur fuerit iudicatum, data non intellegitur. sed et in patrono pendente controversia idem erit dicendum. plane quod ad patroni quoque personam pertinet, differri controversia debebit. 3Si falsum liberti testamentum ab aliis in provincia dictum atque ita res per appellationem extracta esset, defuncta medio tempore patroni filia, quam libertus heredem instituerat, filio mulieris servavit divus Marcus eam partem bonorum, quam filia patroni vel iure intestati, si vixisset, habere potuit.
The Same, Questions, Book XIII. A son, who was his father’s heir, arrogated his disinherited brother and died, leaving the latter his heir. In this case the disinherited son will not have the right to demand possession of the estate of the freedman of his natural father. For although an adoption of this kind does not affect the rights of a son who is not disinherited, it will prejudice those of one that is; as the penalty imposed both by the Civil Law and the Prætorian Edict is not rendered inoperative by the act of adoption. Paulus says that anyone who obtains an estate by a different title than the one which he lost is not prejudiced by the latter, but is benefited by the one which he has acquired. Hence it has been settled by the Edict, that a patron, who is at the same time the son of a patroness, will not be excluded from, obtaining prætorian possession of the estate of a freedman, where he has committed some offence as patron. 1Papinianus: A freedman appointed Titius heir to his castrensian property, and another heir to his other property. Titius entered upon the estate. The better opinion seemed to us to be that the patron could not yet demand prætorian possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will. However, the following question arose, namely, if the person to whom the remainder of the estate had been left should refuse to accept it, would it accrue to Titius, just as if they had accepted two different shares of the same estate? It seems to me more equitable that the remainder of the estate should be considered to be without legal heirs. Therefore, Titius could not require the patron to contribute, as the former had lost nothing, nor had anything been taken from the remaining assets which had not yet been disposed of by the will. 2Where the minor son of a freedman, who is under the age of puberty and is alleged to be supposititious, obtains prætorian possession of the estate of his father, under the First Section of the Edict, the question arises whether the patron also can obtain prætorian possession. There is no doubt that those who are in the second degree cannot, under the Edict, be admitted to the succession, so long as there are others entitled to it under the First Section; for, as long as another possession has precedence, those that follow cannot be permitted to take place. There is no doubt that if a decision should be rendered against the child who is alleged to be supposititious, it is understood that possession will not be granted him; and the same rule will apply with reference to the patron, while the controversy is pending. It is clear that examination of the controversy should be deferred until the age of puberty, so far as the patron also is concerned. 3Where the will of a freedman is alleged to be forged by persons living in a province, and an appeal has been taken from the judgment, and, in the meantime, the daughter of the patron, whom the freedman appointed his heir, dies, the Divine Marcus decided that the share of the estate to which the daughter of the patron would have been entitled if she had lived should be preserved for her son.
Ex libro XXXI
Dig. 8,1,18Paulus libro trigensimo primo quaestionum Papiniani notat. In omnibus servitutibus, quae aditione confusae sunt, responsum est doli exceptionem nocituram legatario, si non patiatur eas iterum imponi.