Ad Neratium libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 3,5,18Idem libro secundo ad Neratium. Adquin natura debitor fuit etiam si in peculio nihil habuit, et si postea habuit, sibi postea solvere debet in eodem actu perseverans: sicut is, qui temporali actione tenebatur, etiam post tempus exactum negotiorum gestorum actione id praestare cogitur. 1Scaevola noster ait putare se, quod Sabinus scribit debere a capite rationem reddendum sic intellegi, ut appareat, quid reliquum fuerit tunc, cum primum liber esse coeperit, non ut dolum aut culpam in servitute admissam in obligationem revocet: itaque si inveniatur vel malo more pecunia in servitute erogata, liberabitur. 2Si libero homini, qui bona fide mihi serviebat, mandem, ut aliquid agat, non fore cum eo mandati actionem Labeo ait, quia non libera voluntate exsequitur rem sibi mandatam, sed quasi ex necessitate servili: erit igitur negotiorum gestorum actio, quia et gerendi negotii mei habuerit affectionem et is fuit, quem obligare possem. 3Cum me absente negotia mea gereres, imprudens rem meam emisti et ignorans usucepisti: mihi negotiorum gestorum ut restituas obligatus non es. sed si, antequam usucapias, cognoscas rem meam esse, subicere debes aliquem, qui a te petat meo nomine, ut et mihi rem et tibi stipulationem evictionis committat: nec videris dolum malum facere in hac subiectione: ideo enim hoc facere debes, ne actione negotiorum gestorum tenearis. 4Non tantum sortem, verum etiam usuras ex pecunia aliena perceptas negotiorum gestorum iudicio praestabimus, vel etiam quas percipere potuimus. contra quoque usuras, quas praestavimus vel quas ex nostra pecunia percipere potuimus quam in aliena negotia impendimus, servabimus negotiorum gestorum iudicio. 5Dum apud hostes esset Titius, negotia eius administravi, postea reversus est: negotiorum gestorum mihi actio competit, etiamsi eo tempore quo gerebantur dominum non habuerunt.
The Same, On Neratius, Book II. Even if he had no peculium, but was a debtor by nature and afterwards continued to act, he is bound to pay, himself; just as he who is liable in an action which would be barred by lapse of time, is also compelled by a suit based on business transacted to pay his principal, after the time has expired. 1Our Scævola says that he thinks the statement of Sabinus that the account ought to be rendered from the beginning should be understood to mean that it ought to show what was left at the time when the party first became free, and not that he should be held liable for any malice or negligence of which he was guilty while in slavery; and, therefore, if it is ascertained that, while he was in slavery, he expended money in an improper way, he should be released from liability. 2Ad Dig. 3,5,18,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 431, Note 2.If I direct a freeman who is held as a slave by me in good faith to perform some act; Labeo thinks that I would not be entitled to an action on mandate against him; since he is under restraint by reason of his servile condition; hence an action based on business transacted will lie, because, on the one hand, he had a desire to attend to my affairs, and on the other, he was in a position where I could compel him to attend to them. 3While you were transacting my business during my absence, you, without knowing it, purchased property which belonged to me; and, being still ignorant of this fact, you acquired its ownership by prescription. You are not obliged to restore it to me in an action for business transacted; but if, before you obtained its ownership by prescription you had learned that the property was mine, you must employ someone to bring suit against you for it in my name, so that he may recover it for me, and give you an opportunity to enforce your stipulation against eviction; and you will not be considered guilty of fraud in the employment of this person, since you should do this to avoid being liable in an action on business transacted. 4In an action based on business transacted, we must not only pay the principal, but, also the interest collected from the money of the other party, or even which we might have collected. On the other hand, also, we can by means of this action recover interest which we have paid, or interest which we might have collected on our own money, and which was expended in the business of the other party. 5I transacted the business of Titius while he was in the hands of the enemy; after his return I have a right of action against him based on business transacted, even though at the time when this was done he was not acting as principal.
Dig. 15,1,56Paulus libro secundo ad Neratium. Quod servus meus pro debitore meo mihi expromisit, ex peculio deduci debet et a debitore nihilo minus debetur. sed videamus, ne credendum sit peculiare fieri nomen eius, pro quo expromissum est. Paulus: utique si de peculio agente aliquo deducere velit, illud nomen peculiare facit.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book II. What my slave has promised to pay to me for one of my debtors should be deducted from the peculium, and is, nevertheless, due from the debtor. But let us see whether the obligation of him for whom the promise was made should not be held to become a part of the peculium. Paulus says that if, when anyone brings an action on the peculium the master wishes to deduct this, he undoubtedly makes the claim part of the peculium.
Dig. 17,1,61Paulus libro secundo ad Neratium. Quod filio familias ut peteret mandavi, emancipatus exegit: de peculio intra annum utiliter agam. Paulus: sed et cum filio agendum est.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book II. If I have directed a son under paternal control to bring an action for a debt, and, having been emancipated, he collects it; I can properly bring an action on the peculium within a year; but Paulus says the action must be brought against the son himself.
Dig. 32,26Idem libro secundo ad Neratium. Is qui fideicommissum debet post moram non tantum fructus, sed etiam omne damnum, quo adfectus est fideicommissarius, praestare cogitur.
The Same, On Neratius, Book II. He who owes a trust is compelled not only to deliver the property from the day when he is in default, but also to make good any loss Which the beneficiary of the trust may suffer on this account.
Dig. 35,1,97Idem libro secundo ad Neratium. Municipibus, si iurassent, legatum est. haec condicio non est impossibilis. Paulus. quemadmodum ergo pareri potest per eos? itaque iurabunt, per quos municipii res geruntur.
The Same, On Neratius, Book II. A legacy was bequeathed to the citizens of a municipality on condition of their taking an oath. This condition is not an impossible one. Paulus: How then can it be complied with? The officials by whom the affairs of the town are conducted can take the oath for the citizens.
Dig. 40,2,24Paulus libro secundo ad Neratium. Pupillus qui infans non est apud consilium recte manumittit. Paulus: scilicet tutore auctore, ita tamen, ut peculium eum non sequatur.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book II. A minor who is no longer an infant can legally manumit a slave before the proper tribunal. Paulus: Provided his guardian authorizes him to do so, and he liberates him in such a way that the peculium does not follow the slave.
Dig. 47,2,85Paulus libro secundo ad Neratium. Quamvis res furtiva, nisi ad dominum redierit, usucapi non possit, tamen, si eo nomine lis aestimata fuerit vel furi dominus eam vendiderit, non interpellari iam usucapionis ius dicendum est.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book II. Although stolen property cannot be acquired by usucaption unless it is returned to the owner; still, if its appraised value in court is paid to the latter, or he sells the property to the thief, it must be said that the right of usucaption is not interrupted.