Ad Neratium libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 7,4,26Paulus libro primo ad Neratium. Si ager ab hostibus occupatus servusve captus liberatus fuerit, iure postliminii restituetur usus fructus.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book I. Where a field is occupied by enemies, or a slave is taken by them and afterwards liberated; the usufruct in either is restored by the right of postliminium:
Dig. 7,5,4Paulus libro primo ad Neratium. Ergo cautio etiam ab hoc exigenda erit.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book I. Therefore security can also be required of him.
Dig. 7,5,9Paulus libro primo ad Neratium. In stipulatione de reddendo usu fructu pecuniae duo soli casus interponuntur, mortis et capitis deminutionis,
Paulus, On Neratius, Book I. In a stipulation having reference to the restoration of the usufruct of money, two occurrences also are mentioned, namely, death, and the loss of civil rights.
Dig. 7,8,23Paulus libro primo ad Neratium. Neratius: usuariae rei speciem is cuius proprietas est nullo modo commutare potest. Paulus: deteriorem enim causam usuarii facere non potest: facit autem deteriorem etiam in meliorem statum commutata.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book I. Neratius says that the owner of the property which is subject to an use cannot change its nature in any way. Paulus holds that he cannot make the condition of the party entitled to the use any worse; but he may make it worse, even where he improves the property.
Dig. 16,1,31Idem libro primo ad Neratium. Paulus: si mulier quod ex intercessione solvit nolit repetere, sed mandati agere et cavere velit de indemnitate reo, audienda est.
The Same, On Neratius, Book I. Paulus says if a woman does not wish to recover what she paid on account of her becoming bound to another, but prefers to bring an action on mandate, and to reimburse herself for indemnifying the debtor, she should be heard.
Dig. 32,25Paulus libro primo ad Neratium. ‘Ille aut ille heres Seio centum dato’: potest Seius ab utro velit petere. 1Cum in verbis nulla ambiguitas est, non debet admitti voluntatis quaestio.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book I. “Let So-and-So, my heirs, pay a hundred aurei to Seius.” Seius can demand payment from whichever of said heirs he wishes. 1Where there is no ambiguity in the words made use of, no question as to the intention of the testator should be raised.
Dig. 35,1,96Paulus libro primo ad Neratium. Titio usus fructus servi legatus est et, si ad eum pertinere desisset, libertas servo data est. Titius vivo testatore decessit. libertas non valet, quia condicio nec initium accepit. Paulus. ergo et si viveret Titius et capere non potest, idem dicendum est: desisse enim non videtur, quod nec incipit. 1Servi usus fructus mulieri, quoad vidua esset, legatus, idem servus, si ea nubsisset, liber esse iussus est. si mulier nubserit, liber erit, quia potior est legato libertas.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book I. The usufruct of a slave was bequeathed to Titius, and freedom was granted to the slave when it should cease to belong to the legatee. Titius died during the lifetime of the testator. The grant of freedom was not valid, because the condition did not have a beginning. Paulus: Hence, if Titius should live, and should not be able to receive the legacy, it must be said that the same rule will apply; for anything which did not have a beginning cannot be held to have ceased to exist. 1The usufruct of a slave was bequeathed to a woman as long as she remained unmarried, and the same slave was directed to be free if she did marry. If the woman should marry the slave would become free, because a grant of freedom has more force than a legacy.
Dig. 40,7,38Paulus libro primo ad Neratium. Non omne ab heredis persona interveniens inpedimentum statulibero pro expleta condicione cedit, sed id dumtaxat, quod impediendae libertatis factum est.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book I. Not every impediment for which the heir is responsible has the same effect as compliance with the condition by the slave, but only where this is done for the purpose of preventing him from obtaining his freedom.
Dig. 46,1,66Paulus libro primo ad Neratium. Si servus alienus pro Titio fideiussit et solvit, liberatur Titius, si dominus mandati contra eum agere instituit: nam qui mandati agit, ratam habere solutionem videtur.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book I. If a slave belonging to another becomes surety for Titius, and pays the debt, Titius will be released from liability, if the master of the slave brings an action on mandate against him; for he who brings such an action is considered to have ratified the payment.
Dig. 46,2,32Paulus libro primo ad Neratium. Te hominem et Seium decem mihi dare oportet: stipulor ab altero novandi causa ita: ‘quod te aut Seium dare oportet’: utrumque novatur. Paulus: merito, quia utrumque in posteriorem deducitur stipulationem.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book I. You are obliged to deliver me a slave, and Seius must pay me ten aurei. I stipulate for the purpose of making a novation with one of you, as follows, “What you, or Seius must give.” Both obligations are subjected to novation. Paulus: This is reasonable, because both of them are included in the last stipulation.
Dig. 47,19,6Paulus libro primo ad Neratium. Si rem hereditariam, ignorans in ea causa esse, subripuisti, furtum te facere respondit. Paulus: rei hereditariae furtum non fit sicut nec eius, quae sine domino est, et nihil mutat existimatio subripientis.
Paulus, On Neratius, Book I. If, not knowing that certain property belongs to an estate, you take it, Paulus says that you commit a theft. Theft of property belonging to an estate is not committed any more than that of property which has no owner, and the opinion of the person who steals it does not change the character of the action in any respect.