De libertatibus dandis liber singularis
Dig. 40,7,18Paulus libro singulari de libertatibus dandis. Si triennio dena dare iussus primo anno viginti optulerit, non accipiente herede non statim liber est, quia et si accepisset heres, nondum liber esset.
Paulus, On the Granting of Freedom. If a slave is ordered to pay ten aurei annually for three years, and offers ten the first year, and the heir does not accept it, he will not immediately become free, for the reason that even if the heir did accept it, he would not be free.
Dig. 40,8,7Paulus libro singulari de libertatibus dandis. Imperator noster cum patre suo constituit in eo, qui, cum possit abducere prostitutam ancillam, pecunia accepta manus iniectionem vendidit, ut libera esset: nihil enim interesse, ipse abducas et prostituas an patiaris prostitutam esse pretio accepto, cum possis eximere.
Paulus, On Grants of Freedom. Our Emperor and his Father decided that a female slave would become free if the person in possession of her could have kept her from prostitution, but sold his right over her for money; as there is no difference whether you lead her astray and prostitute her, or whether you permit this to be done, and receive money therefor, when you can prevent it.
Dig. 40,9,17Idem libro singulari de libertatibus. Si privatus coactus a populo manumiserit, quamvis voluntatem accommodaverit, tamen non erit liber: nam et divus Marcus prohibuit ex adclamatione populi manumittere. 1Item non fit liber, si mentitus dominus, ne a magistratibus castigaretur, dixit esse liberum, si non fuit voluntatis manumittendi. 2In his, quos intra certa tempora non licet manumittere, si testamento acceperint libertatem, non testamenti facti, sed competentis libertatis tempus inspiciendum est.
The Same, On Grants of Freedom. If a private individual, being compelled by the people, should manumit a slave, the latter will, nevertheless, not be free even though his owner may have given his consent; for the Divine Marcus forbade the manumission of slaves caused by the clamor of the populace. 1Likewise, a slave is not emancipated if his master states falsely that he was free, in order to avoid punishment by the magistrates, if he has no intention of manumitting him. 2With reference to those whom it is not lawful to manumit within a certain time, if they receive their freedom by a will, the time when it was executed should not be considered, but the time when the slaves were entitled to be free.