Ad legem Aeliam Sentiam libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 26,8,16Paulus libro primo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Etiamsi tutor caecus factus sit, auctor fieri potest.
Paulus, On the Lex Ælia Sentia. Even if a guardian should become blind, he can authorize the performance of acts by his ward.
Dig. 28,5,44Paulus libro primo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. invicem enim eos sibi obstare.
Paulus, On the Law of Ælia Sentia, Book I. For then they stand in one another’s way.
Dig. 28,5,56Paulus libro primo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Si is qui solvendo non est primo loco Stichum, secundo eum cui ex fideicommissi causa libertatem debet liberum et heredem instituerit, Neratius secundo loco scriptum heredem fore ait, quia non videtur creditorum fraudandorum causa manumissus.
Paulus, On the Lex Ælia Sentia, Book I. If a man who is not solvent should, in the first place, appoint Stichus his heir with a grant of his freedom, and in the second, another slave, upon whom he conferred freedom by the terms of a trust, Neratius says that the slave appointed in the second place will be the heir, because he is not considered to have been manumitted for the purpose of defrauding creditors.
Dig. 40,2,15Paulus libro primo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Etiam condicionis implendae causa minori viginti annis manumittere permittendum est, veluti si quis ita heres institutus sit, si servum ad libertatem perduxerit. 1Ex praeterito tempore plures causae esse possunt, veluti quod dominum in proelio adiuvaverit, contra latrones tuitus sit, quod aegrum sanaverit, quod insidias detexerit. et longum est, si exequi voluerimus, quia multa merita incidere possunt, quibus honestum sit libertatem cum decreto praestare: quas aestimare debebit is, apud quem de ea re agatur. 2Plures vindicta pariter manumitti possunt et sufficit praesentia servorum, ut vel plures manumitti possint. 3Absens quoque causam probare per procuratorem poterit. 4Si duo matrimonii causa manumittent, recipi causa non debet. 5Hi qui in Italia vel alia provincia domicilium habent, apud alterius provinciae praesidem consilio adhibito manumittere possunt.
Paulus, On the Lex Ælia Sentia, Book I. A minor of twenty years of age should also be permitted to manumit a slave for the purpose of complying with a condition; for instance, where anyone lias been appointed an heir under the condition of liberating a slave. 1Many just causes for manumission may exist with reference to time past; for example, where the slave has assisted his master in battle, has protected him against robbers, has cured him when he was ill, or has revealed treachery with which he was threatened, and in other instances which it would take too long to enumerate; as there are a great many other reasons for which it would be honorable for freedom to be granted by a decree, and which should be taken into a consideration by the magistrate before whom the matter is brought. 2Several slaves can be manumitted at the same time in the presence of a magistrate, and the presence of the slaves is sufficient to enable several to be manumitted. 3A master who is absent can state the reason for manumissions by his attorney. 4If two masters manumit the same female slave for the purpose of marrying her, the reason should not be accepted. 5Those persons who have their domicile in Italy, or in some other province, can manumit their slaves before the Governor of another province, after having made application to the proper tribunal.
Dig. 40,4,27Paulus libro primo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Qui potuerint apud consilium manumittendo ad libertatem perducere, possunt etiam necessarium heredem facere, ut haec ipsa necessitas probabilem faciat manumissionem.
Paulus, On the Lex Ælia Sentia, Book I. Those who can grant freedom by applying to a tribunal can also appoint slaves their necessary heirs; and this necessity itself renders the manumission proper.