Ad legem Aeliam Sentiam libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 26,8,16Paulus libro primo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Etiamsi tutor caecus factus sit, auctor fieri potest.
Paulus, On the Lex Ælia Sentia. Even if a guardian should become blind, he can authorize the performance of acts by his ward.
Dig. 28,5,44Paulus libro primo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. invicem enim eos sibi obstare.
Paulus, On the Law of Ælia Sentia, Book I. For then they stand in one another’s way.
Dig. 28,5,56Paulus libro primo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Si is qui solvendo non est primo loco Stichum, secundo eum cui ex fideicommissi causa libertatem debet liberum et heredem instituerit, Neratius secundo loco scriptum heredem fore ait, quia non videtur creditorum fraudandorum causa manumissus.
Paulus, On the Lex Ælia Sentia, Book I. If a man who is not solvent should, in the first place, appoint Stichus his heir with a grant of his freedom, and in the second, another slave, upon whom he conferred freedom by the terms of a trust, Neratius says that the slave appointed in the second place will be the heir, because he is not considered to have been manumitted for the purpose of defrauding creditors.
Dig. 40,2,15Paulus libro primo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Etiam condicionis implendae causa minori viginti annis manumittere permittendum est, veluti si quis ita heres institutus sit, si servum ad libertatem perduxerit. 1Ex praeterito tempore plures causae esse possunt, veluti quod dominum in proelio adiuvaverit, contra latrones tuitus sit, quod aegrum sanaverit, quod insidias detexerit. et longum est, si exequi voluerimus, quia multa merita incidere possunt, quibus honestum sit libertatem cum decreto praestare: quas aestimare debebit is, apud quem de ea re agatur. 2Plures vindicta pariter manumitti possunt et sufficit praesentia servorum, ut vel plures manumitti possint. 3Absens quoque causam probare per procuratorem poterit. 4Si duo matrimonii causa manumittent, recipi causa non debet. 5Hi qui in Italia vel alia provincia domicilium habent, apud alterius provinciae praesidem consilio adhibito manumittere possunt.
Paulus, On the Lex Ælia Sentia, Book I. A minor of twenty years of age should also be permitted to manumit a slave for the purpose of complying with a condition; for instance, where anyone lias been appointed an heir under the condition of liberating a slave. 1Many just causes for manumission may exist with reference to time past; for example, where the slave has assisted his master in battle, has protected him against robbers, has cured him when he was ill, or has revealed treachery with which he was threatened, and in other instances which it would take too long to enumerate; as there are a great many other reasons for which it would be honorable for freedom to be granted by a decree, and which should be taken into a consideration by the magistrate before whom the matter is brought. 2Several slaves can be manumitted at the same time in the presence of a magistrate, and the presence of the slaves is sufficient to enable several to be manumitted. 3A master who is absent can state the reason for manumissions by his attorney. 4If two masters manumit the same female slave for the purpose of marrying her, the reason should not be accepted. 5Those persons who have their domicile in Italy, or in some other province, can manumit their slaves before the Governor of another province, after having made application to the proper tribunal.
Dig. 40,4,27Paulus libro primo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Qui potuerint apud consilium manumittendo ad libertatem perducere, possunt etiam necessarium heredem facere, ut haec ipsa necessitas probabilem faciat manumissionem.
Paulus, On the Lex Ælia Sentia, Book I. Those who can grant freedom by applying to a tribunal can also appoint slaves their necessary heirs; and this necessity itself renders the manumission proper.
Ex libro II
Dig. 37,14,6Paulus libro secundo ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Adigere iureiurando, ne nubat liberta vel liberos tollat, intellegitur etiam is, qui libertum iurare patitur. sed si ignorante eo suus filius adegerit stipulatus fuerit, nihil ei nocebit: certe si iussu patroni is qui in potestate est idem fecerit, dicendum est eum hac lege teneri. 1Stipulatus est centum operas aut in singulas aureos quinos dari: non videtur contra legem stipulatus, quia in potestate liberti est operas dare. 2Quamvis nulla persona lege excipiatur, tamen intellegendum est de his legem sentire, qui liberos tollere possunt. itaque si castratum libertum iureiurando quis adegerit, dicendum est non puniri patronum hac lege. 3Si patronus libertam iureiurando adegerit, ut sibi nuberet, si quidem ducturus eam adegit, nihil contra legem fecisse videbitur: si vero non ducturus propter hoc solum adegit, ne alii nuberet, fraudem legi factam Iulianus ait et perinde patronum teneri, ac si coegisset iurare libertam non nupturam. 4Lege Iulia de maritandis ordinibus remittitur iusiurandum, quod liberto in hoc impositum est, ne uxorem duceret, libertae, ne nuberet, si modo nuptias contrahere recte velint.
Paulus, On the Lex Ælia Sentia, Book II. He who permits his freedman to swear that he will not marry, or have any children, is understood to be in the same position as one who compels his freedwoman to swear that she will not marry, or have any children. If, however, his son should do this, without his father’s knowledge, or if he should enter into a stipulation with the freedman, this will not prejudice him in any way; but if a son who is under the control of his father should do so by his order, it is clear that he will be liable under the above-mentioned law. 1A patron stipulated for a hundred days of labor to be performed, or five aurei to be paid for each day by his freedman. This agreement does not seem to be contrary to law, because the freedman has the power to perform the labor. 2Although no person is excepted by this law, still it should be understood only to refer to those who can have children. Hence, if anyone should compel a freedman who has been castrated to take such an oath, it must be said that he cannot be held liable under this law. 3If a patron should compel his freed woman to swear to marry him, and he does so with the intention of marrying her, he will not be considered to have done anything illegal. If, however, the patron should not marry her, and only required her to take the oath to prevent her from marrying another, Julianus says that he has committed a fraud against the law, and that he should be liable, just as if he had compelled his freedwoman to swear not to marry at all. 4An oath is permitted by the Lex Julia relating to marriages of different orders, which, in this instance, is imposed upon a freedman or a freedwoman, not to marry, provided they desire to contract a legal marriage.
Ex libro III
Dig. 38,5,11Paulus libro tertio ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Non videtur patronus fraudari eo quod consentit: sic et quod volente patrono libertus donaverit, non poterit Faviana revocari.
Paulus, On the Lex Ælia Sentia, Book III. A patron is not considered to be defrauded by an act to which he consents. Hence, where his freedman makes a donation with the consent of his patron, it cannot be recovered by the Favian Action.
Dig. 40,9,16Idem libro tertio ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Si, cum fideicommissa libertas debeatur, minor viginti annis servum vendat, ut manumittatur, vel quia hac lege emerat, non impedietur alienatio. 1Si partem, quam in communi servo habet minor viginti annis, manumittendi causa tradat, nihil aget: sed si, cum ipse causam probare posset, tradiderit, nulla fraus intellegetur. 2Ne quis creditorum fraudandorum causa servum manumittat, hac lege cavetur: creditores autem appellantur, quibus quacumque ex causa actio cum fraudatore competat. 3Aristo respondit a debitore fisci, qui solvendo non erat, manumissum ita revocari in servitutem debere, si non diu in libertate fuisset, id est non minus decennio: plane ea, quae in fraudem fisci in sinus eius collata sunt, revocanda. 4Si sub condicione alicui pecunia debeatur, quasi statuliber erit a debitore manumissus, ut pendeat libertas ex condicione. 5Si voluntate patris filius manumiserit, sive pater sive filius sciat solvendo patrem non esse, libertas impedietur.
The Same, On the Lex Ælia Sentia, Book III. Where freedom is granted to a slave by a trust, and a minor of twenty years of age sells the slave under condition that he shall be manumitted, or purchases him under the same condition, the alienation will not be prevented. 1If a minor of twenty years of age relinquishes the share which he has in a slave owned in common, for the purpose of manumitting him, his act will be void. If, however, he can prove that there was a good reason for doing so, no fraud will be held to have been committed. 2It is provided by this law that no one shall manumit a slave for the purpose of defrauding his creditors. Those are designated creditors who are entitled to an action on any ground whatsoever against the person who intended to defraud him. 3Aristo gave it as his opinion that, where a slave was manumitted by an insolvent debtor of the Treasury, he could be returned to servitude, if he had not been free for a long time; that is to say, for not less than ten years. It is clear that anything which has been paid out for funeral expenses, with a view to defrauding the Treasury, can be recovered. 4Where money is due from a person who is insolvent to anyone under a condition, and a slave is manumitted by the debtor, his freedom will remain in suspense until the condition is complied with. 5If a son should manumit a slave with the consent of his father, and either the father or the son is aware that the former is not solvent, the grant of freedom will be void.
Dig. 45,1,66Paulus libro tertio ad legem Aeliam Sentiam. Si minor viginti annis a debitore suo stipuletur ‘servum manumissurum’, non est exsecutio stipulationis danda. sed si ipsorum viginti annorum erit, non impedietur manumissio, quia de minore lex loquitur.
Paulus, On the Lex Ælia Sentia, Book III. If a minor of twenty years of age stipulates with his debtor for the manumission of a slave, the execution of the stipulation should not be granted. If, however, the minor is twenty-five years of age, the manumission will not be prevented, because the law mentions a minor of that age.