Labeonis pithanorum libri a Paulo epitomatorum
Ex libro I
Dig. 8,5,21Labeo libro primo pithanon a Paulo epitomatorum. Si qua aqua nondum apparet, eius iter ductus constitui non potest. Paulus: immo puto idcirco id falsum esse, quia cedi potest, ut aquam quaereres et inventam ducere liceret.
Labeo, Epitomes of Probabilities by Paulus. Where no water has yet appeared, no right of way to it, nor any canal for the conduct of the same can be established. Paulus says, I think, that this is not true, by any means; because a grant can be made permitting you to look for water, and, if it should be found to convey it.
Dig. 14,2,10Labeo libro primo pithanon a Paulo epitomatorum. Si vehenda mancipia conduxisti, pro eo mancipio, quod in nave mortuum est, vectura tibi non debetur. Paulus: immo quaeritur, quid actum est, utrum ut pro his qui impositi an pro his qui deportati essent, merces daretur: quod si hoc apparere non poterit, satis erit pro nauta, si probaverit impositum esse mancipium. 1Si ea condicione navem conduxisti, ut ea merces tuae portarentur easque merces nulla nauta necessitate coactus in navem deteriorem, cum id sciret te fieri nolle, transtulit et merces tuae cum ea nave perierunt, in qua novissime vectae sunt, habes ex conducto locato cum priore nauta actionem. Paulus: immo contra, si modo ea navigatione utraque navis periit, cum id sine dolo et culpa nautarum factum esset. idem iuris erit, si prior nauta publice retentus navigare cum tuis mercibus prohibitus fuerit. idem iuris erit, cum ea condicione a te conduxisset, ut certam poenam tibi praestaret, nisi ante constitutum diem merces tuas eo loci exposuisset, in quem devehendas eas merces locasset, nec per eum staret, quo minus remissa sibi ea poena spectaret. idem iuris in eodem genere cogitationis observabimus, si probatum fuerit nautam morbo impeditum navigare non potuisse. idem dicemus, si navis eius vitium fecerit sine dolo malo et culpa eius. 2Si conduxisti navem amphorarum duo milium et ibi amphoras portasti, pro duobus milibus amphorarum pretium debes. Paulus: immo si aversione navis conducta est, pro duobus milibus debetur merces: si pro numero impositarum amphorarum merces constituta est, contra se habet: nam pro tot amphoris pretium debes, quot portasti.
Labeo, Epitomes of the Probabilities of Paulus, Book I. If you have made a contract for the transportation of slaves, freight is not due to you for a slave who died on the ship. Paulus says that, in fact, the question is what was agreed upon, whether freight was to be paid for those who were loaded on the ship, or only for those who were carried to their destination? And if this cannot be established, it will be enough for the master of the ship to prove that the slave was placed on board. 1If you hired a ship on condition that your merchandise was to be transported by her, and the master of the ship, without being compelled by necessity, placed your property on an inferior vessel, being aware that you did not wish this to be done; and your merchandise was lost, together with the ship in which it was last transported, you will be entitled to an action on the contract of leasing and hiring against the master of the first ship. Paulus, on the other hand, says that this is not true, provided both ships were lost on the voyage, since it occurred without the malice or negligence of the sailors. The rule is the same if the first master, having been detained by public authority, was prevented from sailing with your merchandise. This rule is also applicable if he entered into a contract with you under the condition that he would pay you a certain penalty if he did not, by a day agreed upon, land your goods in a place to which he had agreed to transport them, and he was not to blame if he did not wait; even though the penalty was remitted to him. We must observe the same rule in a similar imaginary case, where it is proved that the master, having been prevented by illness, was unable to sail, if his ship became unfit for navigation without any malicious intent or negligence of his. 2If you hire a ship capable of transporting two thousand jars and place jars on board, you are liable for the freight of two thousand jars. Paulus says that the fact is, if you hire the entire capacity of the ship, the freight for two thousand jars will be due, but if the freight was agreed upon according to the number of jars placed on board, the contrary rule will apply; for you owe for the transportation of as many jars as you placed on board.
Dig. 19,1,53Labeo libro primo pithanon. Si mercedem insulae accessuram esse emptori dictum est, quanti insula locata est, tantum emptori praestetur. Paulus: immo si insulam totam uno nomine locaveris et amplioris conductor locaverit et in vendenda insula mercedem emptori cessuram esse dixeris, id accedet, quod tibi totius insulae conductor debebit. 1Si eum fundum vendidisti, in quo sepulcrum habuisti, nec nominatim tibi sepulchrum excepisti, parum habes eo nomine cautum. Paulus: minime, si modo in sepulchrum iter publicum transit. 2Si habitatoribus habitatio lege venditionis recepta est, omnibus in ea habitantibus praeter dominum recte recepta habitatio est. Paulus: immo si cui in ea insula, quam vendideris, gratis habitationem dederis et sic receperis: ‘habitatoribus aut quam quisque diem conductum habet’, parum caveris (nominatim enim de his recipi oportuit) itaque eos habitatores emptor insulae habitatione impune prohibebit.
Labeo, Probabilities, Book I. Where it is stated in a contract that the rent of a house shall belong to the purchaser; whatever the said house is rented for should be paid to the purchaser. Paulus says that this is not altogether true, for if you rent an entire house to one tenant for a certain sum, and the tenant sublets it for a larger amount, and, in selling the house, you state that the rent is to be paid to the purchaser, that only is included which the tenant owes you for the entire house. 1If you sold a tract of land in which you have a burial-place and do not expressly except it, you will have no security on this account. Paulus says that this opinion is, by no means, just, provided a public highway runs by the side of the burial-place. 2If, where a house is sold, lodgings in the same are reserved for the occupants under the terms of the sale, such a reservation is properly made with reference to all the occupants of said house, with the exception of the owner. Paulus, however, says that if you had given free lodgings to anyone in the house which you sold, and you should make the reservation in such a way that the occupants, or any one of them, will have rent to pay at a certain time, you will not properly provide for this; for it is necessary to make an express reservation with reference to them. Therefore, the purchaser can, with impunity, prevent the occupants from lodging in the house.
Dig. 19,2,62Labeo libro primo pithanorum. Si rivum, quem faciendum conduxeras et feceras, antequam eum probares, labes corrumpit, tuum periculum est. Paulus: immo si soli vitio id accidit, locatoris erit periculum, si operis vitio accidit, tuum erit detrimentum.
Labeo, Probabilities, Book I. If you make a contract for digging a canal, and complete it, and, before it is accepted, it is destroyed by accident, the risk will be yours. Paulus says that, even if the accident occurred through some fault of the ground, the party hiring the work to be done must be responsible; but if it happened because the work was defective, you must bear the loss.
Dig. 32,31Idem libro primo pithanorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Si cui aedes legatae sint, is omne habebit id aedificium, quod solum earum aedium erit. Paulus: hoc tunc demum falsum est, cum dominus aedium binarum aliquid conclave, quod supra concamarationem alterarum aedium esset, in usum alterarum convertit atque ita his usus fuerit: namque eo modo alteris aedibus id accedet, alteris decedet.
The Same, Epitomes of Probabilities, by Paulus, Book I. Where a house is bequeathed to anyone, he will be entitled to all the buildings situated on the land belonging to said house. Paulus: This rule, however, does not apply where the owner possessed two adjoining houses, and a room of one of them was destined for the use of the other, and employed for this purpose; for, under these circumstances, the said room will cease to be accessory to the building to which it is attached, and will become accessory to the other.
Dig. 33,4,13Labeo libro primo pithanorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Paulus: si filius familias, uxorem cum haberet, dotem ab ea acceperat, deinde pater familias factus dotem ei ut solet legavit: quamvis patri heres non erit, tamen id legatum debebitur.
Labeo, Abridgment of Probabilities by Paulus, Book I. Paulus: If a son under paternal control, who had a wife from whom he had received a dowry, should afterwards become the head of a household, and, as is customary, bequeath the dowry to her, the legacy will still be due, even though he did not become the heir of his father.
Dig. 33,7,5Labeo libro primo πιϑανῶν a Paulo epitomatorum. Si cui fundum et instrumentum eius legare vis, nihil interest, quomodo leges ‘fundum cum instrumento’ an ‘fundum et instrumentum’ an ‘fundum instructum’. Paulus. immo contra: nam inter ea legata hoc interest, quod, si fundo alienato mortuus fuerit qui ita legavit, ex hac scriptura ‘fundum cum instrumento’ nihil erit legatum, ex ceteris poterit instrumentum esse legatum.
Labeo, Abridgment of Probabilities by Paulus, Book I. If you wish to devise to anyone a tract of land with its equipment it makes no difference what form you use, whether you devise the land with its equipment or the land and its equipment, or the land furnished with its equipment. Paulus: I indeed am of the contrary opinion, for there is this difference between legacies, namely, if the testator who made the devise should employ the following form, “I leave the land with its equipment,” and the land should be alienated, the devise will be of no force or effect; but if he used either of the other forms it will be valid.
Dig. 33,7,29Labeo libro primo πιϑανῶν. Si navem cum instrumento emisti, praestari tibi debet scapha navis. Paulus: immo contra. etenim scapha navis non est instrumentum navis: etenim mediocritate, non genere ab ea differt, instrumentum autem cuiusque rei necesse est alterius generis esse atque ea quaequae sit: quod Pomponio libro septimo epistularum placuit.
Labeo, Probabilities, Book I. If you purchase a ship with its equipment, the boat belonging to it should be delivered to you. Paulus: By no means; for a ship’s boat is not part of its equipment, as the boat differs from it in size, but not in kind. It is necessary for the equipment of anything to be of a different description, no matter what it may be. This opinion is adopted by Pomponius, in the Seventh Book of the Epistles.
Dig. 38,2,51Labeo libro primo pithanon a Paulo epitomatorum. Si eundem libertum et tu capitis accusasti et pater tuus manumisit, non poterit tibi eius liberti bonorum possessio ex edicto praetoris dari. Paulus: immo contra accidet, si quem servum accusaveris, deinde is patris tui fuerit factus et is postea eum manumisit.
Labeo, Epitomes of Probabilities, By Paulus. If you have accused the freedman of your father of a capital crime, and your father has manumitted him, prætorian possession of the estate of the freedman cannot be granted to you under the Edict of the Prætor. Paulus: The contrary rule will apply if you should bring such an accusation against a slave who afterwards becomes the property of your father, and the latter subsequently manumits him.
Dig. 40,7,41Labeo libro primo pithanon a Paulo epitomatorum. Si quem servum tuum ad certum tempus statuliberum relinquere vis, nihil interest, utro modo caveas, ‘si servierit’ an ‘si triennio operas dederit, liber esto’. 1Paulus. Si quis liber esse iussus fuerit, si decem heredi promississet, quamquam ea promissio nullam rem habitura est, tamen promittendo liberabitur.
Labeo, Epitomes of Probabilities, by Paulus, Book I. If you desire to permit one of your slaves to be liberated from servitude within a certain time, it makes no difference whether you make this provision under the condition that he “shall serve,” or “render his services for the term of three years, in order to become free.” 1Paulus: If anyone is ordered to be free if he promises to pay ten aurei to the heir, although a promise of this kind will be of no effect, he will, nevertheless, be liberated by making it.